Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

Is he gay as well? The perfect DNC chair would be a transgender, black, Muslim, who hates the police and the military.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Look how upset they were when Democrats elected a (gasp!) BLACK President.
It wasn't the "black" they were upset at. It was his total inexperience and his history as a radical, socialist, anti American, anti capitalist nutjob. But you should be happy how he single handedly demolished the Democrat party.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Look how upset they were when Democrats elected a (gasp!) BLACK President.
It wasn't the "black" they were upset at. It was his total inexperience and his history as a radical, socialist, anti American, anti capitalist nutjob. But you should be happy how he single handedly demolished the Democrat party.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.
Look how upset they were when Democrats elected a (gasp!) BLACK President.
It wasn't the "black" they were upset at. It was his total inexperience and his history as a radical, socialist, anti American, anti capitalist nutjob. But you should be happy how he single handedly demolished the Democrat party.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?
It wasn't the "black" they were upset at. It was his total inexperience and his history as a radical, socialist, anti American, anti capitalist nutjob. But you should be happy how he single handedly demolished the Democrat party.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?
Are you trying to claim that under Obama's stewardship the Democrat party faired well? Ha ha ha. Take your meds.

Dem Rep. Tim Ryan: "I'm Pulling The Fire Alarm Because The House Is Burning Down"

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader, speaks to Dagen McDowell on Monday's edition of Mornings with Maria on the FOX Business Network:

REP. TIM RYAN: I think you’re right, the average American - the average working class American flipped their middle finger to the establishment, the Democratic establishment, they think that everybody is more concerned with the donor class than they are with the working class. They sent a very strong signal which is why I got into this race because I’m trying to convince my colleagues, 200 members of our Democratic caucus that the American people have asked for us to change things and we can’t keep going down the same road. Like I said the smallest number in our caucus since 1929.

I’m pulling the fire alarm right now is what I’m doing in the Democratic party. I believe we’re in denial of what’s happened, I’m pulling the fire alarm because the house is burning down, and we better get our act together or we’re going to cease being a national party, we’re going to be a regional party that fails to get into the majority and fails to do things on behalf of those working class people that were the backbone of the Democratic party for so long – white, black, brown, gay, straight, everybody wants economic opportunity and they don’t see the Democrats as the party providing that and we better get our stuff together.
Are you trying to claim that under Obama's stewardship the Democrat party faired well?

No, I'm claiming that (a) O'bama wasn't running for anything which is true; (b) that you are enslaved to your own chronic association fallacies, which is obvious, and (c) that there is no such thing as a "Democrat party", which is factual.

However to be fair you've also got the move-the-goalposts fallacy going on, where you see that the present point isn't working out so you try to shift the topic somewhere else. So there's that.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Look how upset they were when Democrats elected a (gasp!) BLACK President.
Look how upset you libtards are when America elected a (gasp!) REPUBLICAN president.
Yup. It's great that Russian thugs can pick our president.

you had no problem with them hacking Hillary's emails though.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.

I want them to do whatever it takes to reduce their White vote to zero.
Are you trying to claim that under Obama's stewardship the Democrat party faired well?

No, I'm claiming that (a) O'bama wasn't running for anything which is true; (b) that you are enslaved to your own chronic association fallacies, which is obvious, and (c) that there is no such thing as a "Democrat party", which is factual.

However to be fair you've also got the move-the-goalposts fallacy going on, where you see that the present point isn't working out so you try to shift the topic somewhere else. So there's that.
So, under Obama's stewardship the Democratic Party has been decimated, and now in order to fix things they want to elect a radical Muslim to lead the party. It doesn't get any better.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.

I want them to do whatever it takes to reduce their White vote to zero.
It's going to get much worse next midterms, Democrats have many more vulnerable seats up for grabs. Republicans might even attain a super majority. Democrats had their chance last November and they blew it by electing crooked Hillary who ran on Obama's disastrous record, and was fully rebuked and rejected.
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Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me. I'm just making an observation. Ellison is a radical with ties to the Muslim brotherhood. He has also praised the racist, anti American, antisemtic Louis Farakhann and his group Nation of Islam. We are talking about an environment where distrust and dislike of Islam is at record highs.

Islam is not compatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gay rights, free speech, etc. and American public's views towards the ideology was also a driving factor as to how votes were cast last November 8.

One party, starting with the president, seemed to have a lot of difficulty facing Islamism, and calling out Islamic terrorism by its name.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.
Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
Hard to figure out what the Goon says. Are you for having radical, anti American, antisemetic radical Muslim who praises racist Farakhann and has ties to Muslim brotherhood? Sounds like a winner to me. Ha ha ha.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.
Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me. I'm just making an observation. Ellison is a radical with ties to the Muslim brotherhood. He has also praised the racist, anti American, antisemtic Louis Farakhann and his group Nation of Islam. We are talking about an environment where distrust and dislike of Islam is at record highs.

Islam is not compatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gay rights, free speech, etc. and American public's views towards the ideology was also a driving factor as to how votes were cast last November 8.

One party, starting with the president, seemed to have a lot of difficulty facing Islamism, and calling out Islamic terrorism by its name.
You mean the Nation of Islam that supported Drumpf for President, right?

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