Democrats are actively trying to collapse the U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There is no excuse for the failed and regressive policies of the Democrats. None.
New York is at it again, 195 years later, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo abusing the federal Clean Water Act to prevent the construction of natural gas pipelines across the state, not only denying New Yorkers a reliable, less expensive, and cleaner source of energy, but also denying those same benefits to people living to the east in New England.
Natural gas is ultra clean, ultra affordable, and abundant. And therein lies the problem for the Democrats. They don’t have the market cornered on it (like they do with the failed “Green Energy”) and the people won’t be dependent on government with affordable energy.

New York's Natural Gas Pipeline Ban: Unconstitutional, Bad For The Environment, Economy & Consumers
As long as NY voters keep the dems in power they can pay 50% more for energy, and taxes, and food, and real estate and... etc. Pipelines are good work for unions, no wonder the union workers love Trump no matter what their leadership says.

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