Democrats are all FAKE environmentalists - they don't give a damn!


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
I know this because I see them dropping garbage out of the car windows almost every day.

I live near Miami - a hell hole of people who hate America but prefer to be here.
Almost every day I see at least one (if not several) Democrats open their car window or door and drop garbage right on the streets. How do I know they're Democrats? Because Conservatives and Trump supporters DO NOT DO THIS.

I politely asked one black woman (we were stopped in traffic) why she did it. Trust me, I was as courteous and polite as can be and simply asked her why she dropped her trash out of the window. Her reply?

"You want to know why? Here's why......FUCK YOU!!!!" (she then gives me the one finger FU sign).
(Don't worry, had a gun popped up instead of a finger, I'm always prepared)

I see Democrats eating at KFC and then dropping the entire plate, bones and all right on the ground beside the car. While in my observation the vast majority have been black people, I have in fact seen white scum sdo this as well (rare, but I have seen it). (They were Hillary supporters).

Folks, we are living in an age of utter disrespect and disgrace. These people don't give a flying shit about anyone else or the environment. What they DO care about is destroying America and the civilization it represents.

We are in so much trouble as a nation I can't even begin to start.
They care about the environment to the extent that they can use the issue to raise taxes on Americans and turn America into more of a fascist, stalinist country.
I see white Trump supporters taking dumps right in the parking lot outside of Applebees almost every day. One time, very courteously and politely I asked one why it chose to do that, and it said "fuck you and get out of my country." Then, without wiping, it drove off in a pickup truck with a MAGA sticker and confederate rag on the back window.
Hell, just look at the landscape after any liberal protest...they leave the place looking like a landfill.

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