Democrats Are Extraordinarily United Behind Biden

Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives!
That's a lie.

It's obvious, Crep! None of you LIKE Biden! He's a dinosaur. He's senile. He's totally part of the Washington establishment! Why else would you all rally behind this joke of a candidate?
He's neither a dinosaur nor senile, he's just not my first choice. Not progressive enough, and certainly not the "front man for progressives" the OP is claiming. He has his own brain and opinions. Unlike tRump his positions will not be those of the last person he spoke to, they will be his own.
His positions will be whatever his handlers tell him they should be, Crep! Joe Biden IS senile! Every time he loses his place with the teleprompter and starts to "wing it" gibberish comes out of his mouth! You know I'm right!

He's no more senile than Clinton had Parkinson's. You're falling for their lies again.

Wake up for a change.

With all due respect, Crep...all you need to do is listen to a Joe Biden speech when he isn't reading off the teleprompter or loses his place on the teleprompter and it becomes very obvious that Joe isn't all THERE anymore!
All you're seeing is the edited junk the tRump campaign's paid liars want to you see. Joe Biden is fine. More "there" than most tRump supporters.
Come of Crep...Biden is running for President yet he's seldom seen or heard from and when he's usually a speech or tweet that you know he didn't write! You think all of the Biden gaffes are junk that's been selectively edited? I think that's rather naive on your part.
Gaffes? Part of public speaking. You want me to list tRumps? Seriously, remember the revolutionary air ports?

Unlike tRump, Joe isn't throwing mass gatherings to spread disease, and you assume he doesn't write his speeches because that supports your bias.

Joe Biden is fine. More alert than dOnald tRump for certain.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives!
That's a lie.

It's obvious, Crep! None of you LIKE Biden! He's a dinosaur. He's senile. He's totally part of the Washington establishment! Why else would you all rally behind this joke of a candidate?
He's neither a dinosaur nor senile, he's just not my first choice. Not progressive enough, and certainly not the "front man for progressives" the OP is claiming. He has his own brain and opinions. Unlike tRump his positions will not be those of the last person he spoke to, they will be his own.
His positions will be whatever his handlers tell him they should be, Crep! Joe Biden IS senile! Every time he loses his place with the teleprompter and starts to "wing it" gibberish comes out of his mouth! You know I'm right!

He's no more senile than Clinton had Parkinson's. You're falling for their lies again.

Wake up for a change.

With all due respect, Crep...all you need to do is listen to a Joe Biden speech when he isn't reading off the teleprompter or loses his place on the teleprompter and it becomes very obvious that Joe isn't all THERE anymore!
All you're seeing is the edited junk the tRump campaign's paid liars want to you see. Joe Biden is fine. More "there" than most tRump supporters.
Come of Crep...Biden is running for President yet he's seldom seen or heard from and when he's usually a speech or tweet that you know he didn't write! You think all of the Biden gaffes are junk that's been selectively edited? I think that's rather naive on your part.
Gaffes? Part of public speaking. You want me to list tRumps? Seriously, remember the revolutionary air ports?

Unlike tRump, Joe isn't throwing mass gatherings to spread disease, and you assume he doesn't write his speeches because that supports your bias.

Joe Biden is fine. More alert than dOnald tRump for certain.

Garbage YouTube videos from rabid RWNJs aren't proof of anything. His lips aren't even in sync with what they claim he's saying,
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
Check the numbers. The recession started weeks before the first lockdowns and such.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
From the much beloved (by tRumplings) faux business:
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
All Creepy Joe had to do is hid in his basement for 3 months.
I have heard that the way Biden prepares for debates is by going to public pool and having little black children rub his sweaty legs and sit on his bulging lap.

Post the evidence, or STFU.

Postscript: I wonder why Bush92 is allowed to post off topic defamation of Democrats in general, and VP Biden so often? Is Bush92 exempt from the rule as Donald Trump does too?
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
All the Lemmings are behind the head lemming.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
It turned around before Obama's inauguration, moron.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
It turned around before Obama's inauguration, moron.
That's a lie.
I'm an independent. I haven't met too many that support Biden or Trump. Further, they find the behavior of the Democrats revolting. I wonder why that is. More importantly, it is past time that the Democrats wonder why that is.
when you have a so called independent who is suddenly loving trump or biden....chances are they aint no independent.....

Wrong. That would describe many Libertarians, Independents have open minds and evaluate how they vote by listening, reading and discussing the pros and cons of candidates and policies.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
It turned around before Obama's inauguration, moron.

Do you lie pathologically, or have you really believed in some alternative reality?


I'm an independent. I haven't met too many that support Biden or Trump. Further, they find the behavior of the Democrats revolting. I wonder why that is. More importantly, it is past time that the Democrats wonder why that is.
when you have a so called independent who is suddenly loving trump or biden....chances are they aint no independent.....

Wrong. That would describe many Libertarians, Independents have open minds and evaluate how they vote by listening, reading and discussing the pros and cons of candidates and policies.

Sounds like you are still hoping that the independents will vote for Biden.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives! They know they can't get a Bernie Sanders socialist elected in this country so they're doing the next best thing! They're trying to get someone elected President who appears benign (like a senile Joe Biden!) but won't resist what it is that they want to do! He's nothing more than a modern day Trojan Horse!

You just can't stand it that Biden is an old time Statesman who will work with all sides except for you party of the Rumpsters whom no one can work with.
so he doesnt work with all sides?...

We won't know if he doesn't work with the idiot fringe too. Vote for him and he might work to convince them that his way is way better than the road Trump has put us on, i.e. the end of a democratic America.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
It turned around before Obama's inauguration, moron.
That's a lie.
Nope. I've posted the evidence many times.

Obama's only skill was being in the right place at the right time.
Democrats likely are. To win though you need the Independents.

Independents don't seem very enamored with Trumpism
Think they prefer Marxism?
Typical inane RWNJ reply.

Typical LWNJ IDIOCY. The Democrat Party now supports full blown Marxism and Soviet style Cancel Culture. They virtually OWN the Media. That is how they get away with it.
Another idiot who can't even spell the name of the party correctly, yet expects to be taken seriously. LOL.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives! They know they can't get a Bernie Sanders socialist elected in this country so they're doing the next best thing! They're trying to get someone elected President who appears benign (like a senile Joe Biden!) but won't resist what it is that they want to do! He's nothing more than a modern day Trojan Horse!

You just can't stand it that Biden is an old time Statesman who will work with all sides except for you party of the Rumpsters whom no one can work with.
so he doesnt work with all sides?...

We won't know if he doesn't work with the idiot fringe too. Vote for him and he might work to convince them that his way is way better than the road Trump has put us on, i.e. the end of a democratic America.
Trump will put us on the road to the end of a democratic America? How will he do that, by staging a coup against the incoming president? Sicking the IRS on leftwing groups? Putting leftwing reporters under surveillance?
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
so it doesnt matter to you if the choice was worse than trump?...
That is literally impossible. There could be no worse person for the office than tRump. He seems to have been specifically created to be the worst possible person for the job.

You mean other than the booming economy, backing down our enemies, getting our allies to do their part in defending themselves, getting Blacks, women and Hispanics employed at historic levels.....and which he will do again once he deals with the Chinese Flu...

Biden, with his tax increase plans, and his support for destroying the U.S. energy sector and allowing illegals to flood the U.S. labor market will put us into a great depression.....
The economy was booming when he got here and now it's not.

He cozies up to our enemies and attacks our allies.

It's the Obama administration that started the 2% of GDP mandate in the UN.

Nobody is employed at historic levels.

Racist name calling is something's my the tRumplings have attempted to normalize to the detriment of our nation.

Your lies about Biden aren't even worth individually addressing.

The reason the economy is in the dumper has got nothing to do with Trump and I think you know that, Crep! The economy WAS cruising along at historic levels before Covid 19 devastated the world! The question you need to ask yourself now is who do you want guiding us out of this economic disaster...the man who gave us those historic economic numbers before...or the man who was second in command of the Administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression?

Biden and the Democrats in power mean a return to 2009. Why would ANYONE wish that on us?
2009 was Bush's disaster. Obama turned it around within 6 months.
It turned around before Obama's inauguration, moron.
That's a lie.
Nope. I've posted the evidence many times.

Obama's only skill was being in the right place at the right time.
Bullshit. Somebody else already posted proof you are lying.
Democrats likely are. To win though you need the Independents.

Independents don't seem very enamored with Trumpism
Think they prefer Marxism?
Typical inane RWNJ reply.

Typical LWNJ IDIOCY. The Democrat Party now supports full blown Marxism and Soviet style Cancel Culture. They virtually OWN the Media. That is how they get away with it.
Another idiot who can't even spell the name of the party correctly, yet expects to be taken seriously. LOL.
His spelling looks correct to me.

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