Democrats are hypocrites.They support women who claim that they were “harassed” at the workplace but don’t Care about men going in a ladies bathroom.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.
Left Wingers are on the cutting edge of degenerate culture.
The Democrat Party's agenda has been taken over by gay men, transsexuals and pedophiles.

Ah...women are big dem voters. Yet women don't speak up...unless it is against the reps. Give it to them.

Arestovych - Zelenskyy meme.jpg
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.

How do you equate sexual-harassment in the workplace, with transsexuals using women’s bathrooms?

In the first instance, women are being threatened with losing their jobs if they don’t perform sexual favours for their bosses.

In the second instance two women go into the bathroom, enter eparate stalls and use the facilities. When they finish, they both come out of their respective stalls, wash their hands and leave.
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.

Flaws in your OP:
  1. False equivalence: The argument assumes that supporting women who claim to have been harassed at the workplace is the same as supporting men going into women's bathrooms. These are two different issues that require different considerations and solutions.
  2. False generalization: The argument makes a sweeping generalization about Democrats, assuming that all of them hold the same views and beliefs about these issues. This is not true, as political parties are made up of individuals with diverse opinions and perspectives.
  3. Misinformation: The argument contains false or exaggerated claims, such as the suggestion that men are allowed to go into women's locker rooms and assault women, or that Democrats have a "criminal" or "terroristic" mindset. These claims are not supported by evidence and are likely based on biased or sensationalized media coverage.
  4. Ad hominem attacks: The argument uses personal attacks and insults to discredit Democrats, rather than engaging with their ideas or arguments. This type of argument is fallacious and does not contribute to a constructive debate.

In summary, your OP is a rant filled assortment of weasel words and hyperpartisan drivel.

The only transgendered female I met up close entering any restroom facility was in a men's bathroom. "She" was worried that I might have thought I'm looking at woman in a man's bathroom, but she looked at my apparent look of curiosity, and exclaimed, 'don't worry, I have a penis'. I smiled affirmatively and we went about our separate ways.

I'm 72 and this happened once in my entire life. I've never seen any transfemale enter a women's bathroom, that I could detect was a transgendered female.

If I couldn't detect it, who cares? The point is, these are rare occurrences and you're hung up on a very small issue.

I'm not crazy about the idea of pre-op transgendered females (who are, as you say, effeminate males, and I will agree on that point) entering into women's facilities, women's prisons or women's sports, but it isn't a major problem.

How about focusing on some real issues that affect us all? Hmmm?
How do you equate sexual-harassment in the workplace, with transsexuals using women’s bathrooms?

In the first instance, women are being threatened with losing their jobs if they don’t perform sexual favours for their bosses.

In the second instance two women go into the bathroom, enter eparate stalls and use the facilities. When they finish, they both come out of their respective stalls, wash their hands and leave.
A little girl goes into the women's bathroom and sees a guy standing over a toilet with his dick out pissing into the toilet. You're deranged.

Is this Stall occupied?

You don't mind if I take a whizz do ya? Punk?
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.

Former Miss Arizona: Trump "came strolling right in" to Miss USA dressing room​

the GOP nominee had entered dressing rooms while her fellow contestants were “half naked.”

You knew this in Oct 2016 and didn't care. You also heard he grabs women's pussies without even asking. Now you know he pays porn stars hush money. Are you a hypocrite or what?
They are the party of pure evil today. Those who support them, share in that guilt.
Leftards are extreme hypocrites.

EVERY policy of theirs is hypocritical. Every single one.

Leftards are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Worse than the Neo-Cons. Much worse.
You can’t make this up the types of lawsuits that major corporations are paying out to women for claiming that they felt uncomfortable at the workplace or that they apparently overheard somebody talking in a sexual manner about other women is so insane and mind-boggling. There are Americans starving to death.

There are literally Americans starving to death and all of this money is being paid out for nothing.

Democrats some of them think it’s funny would they think it’s funny if one of their relatives had to pay out some women some insane lawsuit based on nothing for no good reason.?

And the same Democrats that support the Me too movement and that support BLM and cancel culture …well they all support men being able to go into women’s locker rooms where women get assaulted by men. They support a convicted man Who identifies as a woman being able to go to a female prison. They support a man being able to compete in a woman’s sport and get changed in the locker room making women feel sick and uncomfortable. That’s Democrats for you today they have a criminal mindset a terroristic mindset and many of them need help…. with exception to the Kennedy Democrats who are the last hope for the Democrat party.
Given Biden's attempted rewrite of Title IX, it seems clear they've given up on any pretense of supporting women.

Former Miss Arizona: Trump "came strolling right in" to Miss USA dressing room​

the GOP nominee had entered dressing rooms while her fellow contestants were “half naked.”

You knew this in Oct 2016 and didn't care. You also heard he grabs women's pussies without even asking. Now you know he pays porn stars hush money. Are you a hypocrite or what?
I voted for Clinton in 16 and Trump in 2020 because of how far left the Democratic Party went. Often the criticism of Trump is based on private conversations or hearsay. Whereas Democrats are wide open about their insane viewpoints like the idea that Whites are privileged including homeless white people, or their radical LGBT and BLM policies.

This is a big problem with a portion of Democrats, the personal attacks , trolling, one sentence or no substance replies, and assuming or lying about other peoples positions.

I was just at a local grocery market, and one of the bank workers was telling me how the grocery prices have gone up in the past four months when I was out of the country.

Prices keep going up under Biden. The economy is a wreck and we are also a wacko, socially with record numbers of young people who are engaging in anti-American beliefs, individualism, no church or community values.something Like 20% of young Americans are proud to be American. It’s related to the in year faced BLM radical feminist attitude of Democrats, which allows for men to go into women’s bathrooms, which is a completely different topic than what you’re talking about. What’s you’re engaging in his trolling. The idea of gay people getting naked in front of children at gay parades, which some Democrats approve of, men playing on women’s sports teams. This is a radical thing, and it is entirely different from what you’re talking about. There are many reasons not to vote for Democrats.

.Trump is simply the better option with all of his controversies included.
I voted for Clinton in 16 and Trump in 2020 because of how far left the Democratic Party went. Often the criticism of Trump is based on private conversations or hearsay. Whereas Democrats are wide open about their insane viewpoints like the idea that Whites are privileged including homeless white people, or their radical LGBT and BLM policies.

This is a big problem with a portion of Democrats, the personal attacks , trolling, one sentence or no substance replies, and assuming or lying about other peoples positions.

I was just at a local grocery market, and one of the bank workers was telling me how the grocery prices have gone up in the past four months when I was out of the country.

Prices keep going up under Biden. The economy is a wreck and we are also a wacko, socially with record numbers of young people who are engaging in anti-American beliefs, individualism, no church or community values.something Like 20% of young Americans are proud to be American. It’s related to the in year faced BLM radical feminist attitude of Democrats, which allows for men to go into women’s bathrooms, which is a completely different topic than what you’re talking about. What’s you’re engaging in his trolling. The idea of gay people getting naked in front of children at gay parades, which some Democrats approve of, men playing on women’s sports teams. This is a radical thing, and it is entirely different from what you’re talking about. There are many reasons not to vote for Democrats.

.Trump is simply the better option with all of his controversies included.

Still shilling for Putin's puppet I see.

Trump is NO option at all.
Still shilling for Putin's puppet I see.

Trump is NO option at all.
Canada is Putin's footstool. Putin takes a dumb on Canada anytime he feels like it and Canada sits there and takes it like the 3rd rate country that they are.

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