Democrats are not very civil

Democrats are not very civil - the worst criticism that can be levelled at the Democrats is that now they're acting just like The Tea Party and the Republicans!
Democrats are not very civil - the worst criticism that can be levelled at the Democrats is that now they're acting just like The Tea Party and the Republicans!

You mean they're showing their true colors finally. That they're racists who want to bring us back to the good ole days of slavery?

I see a great deal of confusion here. The actual racists are those that scream it the loudest.

I see blacks constantly screaming racism where none exists. I see them voting for criminals and fuckups just because of the color of their skin.

If you're critical of Obama's screwed up policies you must be a racist. Yet they have Black Entertainment Television, the NAACP, which is a racist organization, Affirmative Action, which is racist in origin.

They assume that just because you vote GOP you're a racist.
If you want to maintain our sovereignty you're a racist.
If you speak up when a Black calls you a monkey, you're a racist.
If you talk like a Chinese, you're a racist.
If you try to enforce our immigration laws, you're a racist.
If you try to stop someone from shitting on us at Ground Zero, you're a racist.
And if you're a member of a party that wants to stop the massive spending going on in Washington, YOU'RE A RACIST!!!

It's all just a pack of lies.
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Opstructionist politics?

Who could ever imagine a party doing all they can to keep the majority members from getting the peoples work done?

It amazes me how the op only gets angry when the other party does what they already did.
It's not the people's work that was getting obstructed -- it was Democrats'.

Did the people not elect Obama based on his campaign promises of HCR, financial reform, DADT, etc?
Yes, they did. And as I said, Democrats saw that as permission to do whatever they wanted to do with no accountability.

November reminded them that yes, they are indeed accountable.
To understand liberals, you must understand the nature of the left wing. They believe in powerful government to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when a left wing ideology blossoms into a far left ideology:

Communist Russia, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, and of course, the National SOCIALIST Party of Germany.

To their extreme, the left is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total equality in all walks of life, which is the goal of modern liberalism. Total equality can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.

"blood libel" from many conservatives just never ceases

as for "powerful government forcing people..."

can there be any doubt that conservatives believe in the same thing?

a powerful conservative government to force gays back into the closet
a powerful conservative government to enforce outdated draconian laws against pot
a powerful conservative government to enforce their christian religious beliefs
a powerful conservative government to impose itself on the private, personal, sex lives of individuals
It's not the people's work that was getting obstructed -- it was Democrats'.

Oh I see , its only the peoples work when the Republicans are voted into office by the American people BUT When the American people vote in a democratic majority that is not the peoples work.

Do you even understand how partisan you are?

The majority of the people did not want what the democrats were trying to shove down their throats. Sorry you like the democrats failed.

Any proof, of course there is, from the Democrats own mouths. It is funny, having to prove you point to someone blindly following their party and in this case the person has no idea they are a minority within the people who voted for the Democrats.

Feinstein to 85,000 Callers: "You're Confused" | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Feinstein to 85,000 Callers: “You’re Confused”
Wed, 10/01/2008 - 9:13am | posted by Andrew Clouse
During this evening’s Senate vote, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) took the podium to explain her position on the proposed bailout package. In her statement, she explains that she received 91,000 calls and emails, with 85,000 of them opposed to the measure. Even armed with the knowledge that 93% of her constituents passionate enough to contact her office pleaded for her to vote “nay”, she votes in favor of the bill, claiming that “there is a great deal of confusion out there” and these people “don’t understand” the situation
Oh I see , its only the peoples work when the Republicans are voted into office by the American people BUT When the American people vote in a democratic majority that is not the peoples work.

Do you even understand how partisan you are?

The majority of the people did not want what the democrats were trying to shove down their throats. Sorry you like the democrats failed.

Any proof, of course there is, from the Democrats own mouths. It is funny, having to prove you point to someone blindly following their party and in this case the person has no idea they are a minority within the people who voted for the Democrats.

Feinstein to 85,000 Callers: "You're Confused" | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Feinstein to 85,000 Callers: “You’re Confused”
Wed, 10/01/2008 - 9:13am | posted by Andrew Clouse
During this evening’s Senate vote, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) took the podium to explain her position on the proposed bailout package. In her statement, she explains that she received 91,000 calls and emails, with 85,000 of them opposed to the measure. Even armed with the knowledge that 93% of her constituents passionate enough to contact her office pleaded for her to vote “nay”, she votes in favor of the bill, claiming that “there is a great deal of confusion out there” and these people “don’t understand” the situation

The Tea Party and the far right simply do not believe in majority rule; just read their rhetoric.
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The Tea Party and the far right simply do not believe in majority rule; just read their rhetoric.

What the hell?

Don't bother. Just Jake's usual tactic:


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