Democrats are not very civil

Oh, the irony......a "conservative"-lemming, criticizing masters.

Dave aint no where near the Lemming that you are.....he at least has disagreed with the Right on a few disagreeing with something from the left would be in the same category as Dean agreeing with the right......​
And, Harry, yes, the problem of selection is problematic, of course. I think I would want the deciders to be ones concerned with service and not profit.

Jake whether people want to admit it or not.....the Govt is going to be just as concerned about what something costs them as is the other guys....

Harry, I am not saying that cost is not a concern in government, but government is supposed to serve, while business is concerned with profit. I see a difference. And we can get at government in a way we can't get at business. 65 fresh faces in the House attest to that.
So you claim they would not have used the very tools they put in the constitution for admendment?????

Do you realize just how silly that is to say?
do you understand what was being said here?....

Do you?

He said they would not use the amendment process they thought the government needed to react to future problems.

He said they would NOT use their own system as they designed it to be used.

Its utter silliness

no thats not what he said nor what i said.....these guys would see the kinda asses running this Country and would think another Revolution is in order......they were also smart enough to realise the ones running the this case BOTH parties....will do what they have to do to keep running this show.....HENCE they would think its time to get the Muskets out and clean out the Varmits.....
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Their "Civil Discourse" routine is Bullshot. Anyone with common sense knows this. "Civil Discourse" is just Democratic code for: "We can criticize Republicans in any way we sit fit but don't you ever criticize us Democrats." They just used an awful tragedy to try and shut down Talk Radio and all other Media Outlets who criticize Democrats. They've tried this before. It really isn't surprising. And guess what? They'll try it again.

same thing goes with the Anti-Gun crowd.....everytime there is a shooting.....they dust off the signs and put the T-Shirts on....
Far right conservatives run the republican party now

i have no argument there.....but at the same time ...the Far Left have the Democratic party by the Balls also....

you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.
And, Harry, yes, the problem of selection is problematic, of course. I think I would want the deciders to be ones concerned with service and not profit.

Jake whether people want to admit it or not.....the Govt is going to be just as concerned about what something costs them as is the other guys....

Harry, I am not saying that cost is not a concern in government, but government is supposed to serve, while business is concerned with profit. I see a difference. And we can get at government in a way we can't get at business. 65 fresh faces in the House attest to that.

right....but you still have people there running the show.....and upper management in Govt get their bonuses by how much money they save....
Far right conservatives run the republican party now

i have no argument there.....but at the same time ...the Far Left have the Democratic party by the Balls also....

you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.

Jill in the eighties i was a hard core Democrat.....people like Dean chased me out of there.....if they were like they were then.....i would be one again......they are still waaay to left for from my point of view.....the Deans and Sanghas still control the party....
i have no argument there.....but at the same time ...the Far Left have the Democratic party by the Balls also....

you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.

Jill in the eighties i was a hard core Democrat.....people like Dean chased me out of there.....if they were like they were then.....i would be one again......they are still waaay to left for from my point of view.....the Deans and Sanghas still control the party....

i wouldn't have voted for dean either. i'm a clinton 'new democrat'. and i understand your feelings, but again, i'll point out what i did before. that wing of the party gets lip service, but doesn't get a lot in terms of actual response.
you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.

Jill in the eighties i was a hard core Democrat.....people like Dean chased me out of there.....if they were like they were then.....i would be one again......they are still waaay to left for from my point of view.....the Deans and Sanghas still control the party....

i wouldn't have voted for dean either. i'm a clinton 'new democrat'. and i understand your feelings, but again, i'll point out what i did before. that wing of the party gets lip service, but doesn't get a lot in terms of actual response.

:lol:....i dont mean Howard Dean....i mean the Dean who posts here.....sorry...
Jill in the eighties i was a hard core Democrat.....people like Dean chased me out of there.....if they were like they were then.....i would be one again......they are still waaay to left for from my point of view.....the Deans and Sanghas still control the party....

i wouldn't have voted for dean either. i'm a clinton 'new democrat'. and i understand your feelings, but again, i'll point out what i did before. that wing of the party gets lip service, but doesn't get a lot in terms of actual response.

:lol:....i dont mean Howard Dean....i mean the Dean who posts here.....sorry...

heh.. i hear ya. if truthdoesn'tmatter types were all there was, i wouldn't vote for dems either.

on the other hand, you get willow and skooks types. :eusa_whistle:
Far right conservatives run the republican party now

i have no argument there.....but at the same time ...the Far Left have the Democratic party by the Balls also....

you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.

Feel free, you first.
i wouldn't have voted for dean either. i'm a clinton 'new democrat'. and i understand your feelings, but again, i'll point out what i did before. that wing of the party gets lip service, but doesn't get a lot in terms of actual response.

:lol:....i dont mean Howard Dean....i mean the Dean who posts here.....sorry...

heh.. i hear ya. if truthdoesn'tmatter types were all there was, i wouldn't vote for dems either.

on the other hand, you get willow and skooks types. :eusa_whistle:
cant we just reject the extremes on both sides and deal with the rest on an equal footing ;)
To understand liberals, you must understand the nature of the left wing. They believe in powerful government to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when a left wing ideology blossoms into a far left ideology:

Communist Russia, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, and of course, the National SOCIALIST Party of Germany.

To their extreme, the left is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total equality in all walks of life, which is the goal of modern liberalism. Total equality can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.

My bedroom/bathroom needs could do it in about 5 minutes...interested?
Far right conservatives run the republican party now

i have no argument there.....but at the same time ...the Far Left have the Democratic party by the Balls also....

you know... if that were true, we'd have closed gitmo, gotten out of iraq and afghanistan and would have a single payor system instituted over the past two years.

the first thing the rightwingnuts did was a symbolic vote to 'repeal' health care and then try to pass something which (again) says the feds won't fund abortions (as if the hyde amendment didn't already do that).

so i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, my friend.

although the world would be a better place if all the wingnuts just shut up.

They do. They're called the silent majority.
Opstructionist politics?

Who could ever imagine a party doing all they can to keep the majority members from getting the peoples work done?

It amazes me how the op only gets angry when the other party does what they already did.
It's not the people's work that was getting obstructed -- it was Democrats'.

Oh I see , its only the peoples work when the Republicans are voted into office by the American people BUT When the American people vote in a democratic majority that is not the peoples work.

Do you even understand how partisan you are?

The Dems tricked the voters. Their lies and their deceptions have been exposed, and guess what; The voters quickly rectified their mistake.

So now the people know what the Dems are up to and are soundly rejecting the waste and corruption of the left with their votes.

Sorry if that blows air up your skirt.:eusa_angel:
It's not the people's work that was getting obstructed -- it was Democrats'.

Oh I see , its only the peoples work when the Republicans are voted into office by the American people BUT When the American people vote in a democratic majority that is not the peoples work.

Do you even understand how partisan you are?

The Dems tricked the voters. Their lies and their deceptions have been exposed, and guess what; The voters quickly rectified their mistake.

So now the people know what the Dems are up to and are soundly rejecting the waste and corruption of the left with their votes.

Sorry if that blows air up your skirt.:eusa_angel:

Tricks and lies? WHAT don't understand about what Bush's former speechwriter said:

Waterloo | FrumForum

"At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."

Only, the hardliners overlooked a few key facts: Obama was elected with 53% of the vote, not Clinton’s 42%. The liberal block within the Democratic congressional caucus is bigger and stronger than it was in 1993-94. And of course the Democrats also remember their history, and also remember the consequences of their 1994 failure.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.
Opstructionist politics?

Who could ever imagine a party doing all they can to keep the majority members from getting the peoples work done?

It amazes me how the op only gets angry when the other party does what they already did.
It's not the people's work that was getting obstructed -- it was Democrats'.

Did the people not elect Obama based on his campaign promises of HCR, financial reform, DADT, etc?

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