Democrats are not very civil

Masochistic...surely you mean 'masochistic'.

that comment has nothing to do with sexual gratification maybe you should look the word up first.
um, you used the wrong word

Sadism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

see #2

Masochism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

again, see #2

Here's what I said
Making a fool of yourself is priceless? I think that's a little sadistic

I meant it as an evil thing
that comment has nothing to do with sexual gratification maybe you should look the word up first.
um, you used the wrong word

Sadism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

see #2

Masochism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

again, see #2

Here's what I said
Making a fool of yourself is priceless? I think that's a little sadistic

I meant it as an evil thing
if he was sadistic, he would take pleasure in making fools of others
what you mean is he is a masochist that enjoyed being made a fool OF

Here's what I said
Making a fool of yourself is priceless? I think that's a little sadistic

I meant it as an evil thing
if he was sadistic, he would take pleasure in making fools of others
what you mean is he is a masochist that enjoyed being made a fool OF

I think bigrednec means he is getting sexual gratification from it...or something.
Here's what I said
Making a fool of yourself is priceless? I think that's a little sadistic

I meant it as an evil thing
if he was sadistic, he would take pleasure in making fools of others
what you mean is he is a masochist that enjoyed being made a fool OF

I think bigrednec means he is getting sexual gratification from it...or something.
maybe he doesnt understand the difference between doing evil things to others vs doing evil things to yourself

Here's what I said
Making a fool of yourself is priceless? I think that's a little sadistic

I meant it as an evil thing
if he was sadistic, he would take pleasure in making fools of others
what you mean is he is a masochist that enjoyed being made a fool OF

mnaybe so :eusa_whistle:
if he was sadistic, he would take pleasure in making fools of others
what you mean is he is a masochist that enjoyed being made a fool OF

I think bigrednec means he is getting sexual gratification from it...or something.
maybe he doesnt understand the difference between doing evil things to others vs doing evil things to yourself

What I don't understand is being evil.

side note this is the 3rd time idb has tried to twist something I said into something that isn't there
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What ever you paid to get educated was too much. You are living in a fantasy world.

I live in reality, with a knowledge of recent history.
Beck: We are really, truly, stepping beyond socialism and we're starting to look at fascism. We are putting business and government together!

Ingraham: Glenn, you're throwing a lot of terms around, and I'm going to play devil's advocate, because this is fair and balanced. Now, moving from socialism to communism, that's, that's a pretty big leap -- socialism, obviously, the economic system, communism the political system. How are we right now moving toward state ownership of all, for instance, heavy industry?

Beck: Let me first of all just explain first what happened in Nazi Germany. It was National -- Socialism. We're talking now about nationalizing the banks, and socialized programs. National. Socialism.

At first in Nazi Germany, everybody was so panicked, they were so freaked. Remember -- don't take anytime to think about it, we've just got to do, do, do. At first all the big companies and the big capitalists in Germany said, 'Oh thank goodness there's a savior! OK, great! We'll do that, yes!' It didn't take too long before -- like here in America, now Goldman Sachs. They've started to see the writing on the wall and went, 'Whoa, whoa whoa! You guys are getting out of control here. What are you guys doing?' And they couldn't get out of it fast enough.

Unfortunately, for those in Germany, you could never go back. I don't know if this is the system that we're headed towards or not, where they're not going to let you out, but let me tell you something, I don't want to play this game. This is becoming extraordinarily dangerous.
What a doughy pantload.

Can you tell whether they're talking about fascism, socialism, or communism? Or are these all just basically one big mushy concept to Beck? This kind of incoherence-unto-meaninglessness is indeed the hallmark of Goldberg's work on these subjects. As with Goldberg, it renders all these terms into so much Newspeak.

Beyond just the obvious, comical incoherence of this, Beck is babbling ahistorical nonsense seemingly fabricated from whole cloth. I have no idea where in the world Beck is obtaining his information -- John Wayne WWII movies, perhaps? Sgt. Fury comics? -- but as political history, this is just a smattering of facts mangled into pure gobbledygook.

First, the National Socialists, aka Nazis, were "Socialists" in roughly the same way that the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" was run by Republicans. It was a marketing term that reflected more the fascists' real roots in the radical ferment around socialism, but there is little question (beyond Goldberg's fanboy cult) that fascism generically and Nazism specifically were right-wing phenomena.

The citations available on this subject are numerous, but probably the clearest explanation comes from [ame=""]Robert O. Paxton in The Anatomy of Fascism[/ame], who explains that fascism for all its rhetoric was in practice closely aligned with and allied with capitalists and conservatives -- some of whom, years down the road, came to regret the association, but the vast majority of whom approved enthusiastically up through the war years. (Think [ame=""]Krupp[/ame].) They were also decidedly -- violently, murderously -- anti-socialist.

Beck-Ingraham duet on Fox: Incoherent ideological babble has the ring of Newspeak | Crooks and Liars

Hitler claimed to be Socialist. Should we ignore that fact? Any abuse of power, from the Left or Right, leads to Subjugation, They are different Paths to the same end. Total Control. Different brands of Totalitarianism, resulting in the Populace being owned and Fucked. What part don't you get, on your march to silence opposition and criticism??? What brand are you trying to sell today??? You systematically strip voice and rights, if you haven't noticed. Beck argues better for himself without your help. ;)

Are the Swedes "owned and Fucked"?
Whenever you blast the left with the truth they call you names like fool for example. I'm not a fool and I once was a member of the "Denmark does it better crowd" until I went there in 1999. I've been traveling there for years on business and their governmental and socioeconomic change is undeniable by any clear thinking person.
You would have me, Intense, ignore the nonsense folks put out. I am more than willing to engage in discussion based on history, facts, definitions, and critical thinking. You fail to grasp that Hitler destroyed the socialist and communists and his own radical left wing,the SA.

You have no horse, living or dead, to beat. You have no point at all to make. You are entitled to your opinion, but not to revise definitions or historical fact.

Hey Intense how many Republicans do you know who use the term "critical thinking"

Do you mean because Republicans have a limited vocabulary?

If not, what?
You would have me, Intense, ignore the nonsense folks put out. I am more than willing to engage in discussion based on history, facts, definitions, and critical thinking. You fail to grasp that Hitler destroyed the socialist and communists and his own radical left wing,the SA.

You have no horse, living or dead, to beat. You have no point at all to make. You are entitled to your opinion, but not to revise definitions or historical fact.

Hey Intense how many Republicans do you know who use the term "critical thinking"

Do you mean because Republicans have a limited vocabulary?

If not, what?

No , but liberals use the term at a drop of a hat. it's called code words.:eusa_whistle:
Generally people with passionate opinions about things aren't civil, in fact what would the point of them being civil when at least in their minds they are fighting a political/ideological enemy?

The time to be civil is when the economy is stable, the deficit is decreasing, and the GDP is substantially increasing and people are getting their jobs and homes back. Thus expect plenty of bitter, angry people, with no idea of how to fix things.

Just hoping out of a fluke someone does something least before the debt reaches 50% or beyond of the GDP (a point of no return unless we have another devastating world war). :eusa_eh:
Hey Intense how many Republicans do you know who use the term "critical thinking"

Do you mean because Republicans have a limited vocabulary?

If not, what?

No , but liberals use the term at a drop of a hat. it's called code words.:eusa_whistle:

It is the core process of academic, business, and professional thinking, in order to make sense amongst the confusion, in order to make profit, and in order to perceive clearly.

No wonder the agenda-driven reactionary activists resists the process.
Generally people with passionate opinions about things aren't civil, in fact what would the point of them being civil when at least in their minds they are fighting a political/ideological enemy?

The time to be civil is when the economy is stable, the deficit is decreasing, and the GDP is substantially increasing and people are getting their jobs and homes back. Thus expect plenty of bitter, angry people, with no idea of how to fix things.

Just hoping out of a fluke someone does something least before the debt reaches 50% or beyond of the GDP (a point of no return unless we have another devastating world war). :eusa_eh:

Equating civilty with "hoping of out a fluke" are not synonymous. Ask oneself why one would not be civil in tough times, unless the one is trying to gain something at others legitimate expensse,
Generally people with passionate opinions about things aren't civil, in fact what would the point of them being civil when at least in their minds they are fighting a political/ideological enemy?

The time to be civil is when the economy is stable, the deficit is decreasing, and the GDP is substantially increasing and people are getting their jobs and homes back. Thus expect plenty of bitter, angry people, with no idea of how to fix things.

Just hoping out of a fluke someone does something least before the debt reaches 50% or beyond of the GDP (a point of no return unless we have another devastating world war). :eusa_eh:

Equating civilty with "hoping of out a fluke" are not synonymous. Ask oneself why one would not be civil in tough times, unless the one is trying to gain something at others legitimate expensse,
Actually they are two separate ideas, divided by paragraphs, thanks for pointing out the obvious. :eusa_eh:

Ask yourself why people wouldn't be more civil in good times, when people are less angry and more accepting, and less civil in times of economic hardship.

As for expense, tax is stealing, unless you believe that democratic consensus is more important the right of a person to their own money and where it goes, so every time the government spends money it is stealing (if not from the majority that theoretically agree with them then from minorities that don't). Why complain about that now? After all the whole point of society is to make money at each other's expense (it's called inter-dependence), should that not also extend to government? :eusa_eh:
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Do you mean because Republicans have a limited vocabulary?

If not, what?

No , but liberals use the term at a drop of a hat. it's called code words.:eusa_whistle:

It is the core process of academic, business, and professional thinking, in order to make sense amongst the confusion, in order to make profit, and in order to perceive clearly.

No wonder the agenda-driven reactionary activists resists the process.

No wonder with words like that the left will always defend on of their own.

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