Democrats are now the fiscally responsible party.

yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

You should go suck on Clinton's saggy Vagina. You'd make more sense.

Obama Bin Lying 11 Trillion Debt over 8 years

President Trump reduced the deficit spending to just 1 Trillion Dollars in 10 years and by the looks of the economy, we will end up with a surplus rather than a deficit.

Because he’s riding Obama’s economic wave . Times are good , NOW Is when you should address spending !
Obama had no Economic Wave. For 10 straight years he had a Majority, Super Majority and or control of The Executive Branch. 10 STRAIGHT YEARS!

His War on American Industry was crushing The Economy. Can you quit sucking his Dick, and Drinking his Jizz for 5 minutes and look at The Facts?

Worst President Ever!

Most Debt accumulated in history...more than all Administrations Combined.

First President in History to achieve less than 2% Growth over his entire two terms.

Highest Poverty Rate

Highest Welfare Recipients

Highest Food Stamp Recipients

Highest Non Participation Rate in the Job Market

Highest Number of Business Closures

Highest Number of Bankruptcies

Highest Number of Home and Business Foreclosures

President Trump saved American Industry Trillions of Dollars in Excessive Regulatory Overhead by reducing Punitive Regulations that The Marxist Cocksucker was strangling America with.

That Is A Fact.

Obama had no Economic Wave. For 10 straight years he had a Majority, Super Majority and or control of The Executive Branch. 10 STRAIGHT YEARS!

I read and re-read your above statement and I think you best put down the alcohol and go back to your rest home. Too early to be guzzling in the day.

Go home and beat your dog after you cash your welfare check and drink a case of beer and bitch how your life sucks when there are jobs everywhere for people who take baths, and want to get the fuck up off of the couch and work.

It is a fact that The Democraps had a Super Majority, Majority In Congress and or Had Control of The Executive Branch for 10 straight years first through the last two years of The Bush admin, and then 8 under Obama Bin Spying.
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yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

You should go suck on Clinton's saggy Vagina. You'd make more sense.

Obama Bin Lying 11 Trillion Debt over 8 years

President Trump reduced the deficit spending to just 1 Trillion Dollars in 10 years and by the looks of the economy, we will end up with a surplus rather than a deficit.

Because he’s riding Obama’s economic wave . Times are good , NOW Is when you should address spending !

So I take it that in the next elections you are going to vote for the fiscal conservative over the fiscal liberal or are you just going to vote straight Dem no matter their beliefs on spending?
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

You should go suck on Clinton's saggy Vagina. You'd make more sense.

Obama Bin Lying 11 Trillion Debt over 8 years

President Trump reduced the deficit spending to just 1 Trillion Dollars in 10 years and by the looks of the economy, we will end up with a surplus rather than a deficit.

Because he’s riding Obama’s economic wave . Times are good , NOW Is when you should address spending !
Obama had no Economic Wave. For 10 straight years he had a Majority, Super Majority and or control of The Executive Branch. 10 STRAIGHT YEARS!

His War on American Industry was crushing The Economy. Can you quit sucking his Dick, and Drinking his Jizz for 5 minutes and look at The Facts?

Worst President Ever!

Most Debt accumulated in history...more than all Administrations Combined.

First President in History to achieve less than 2% Growth over his entire two terms.

Highest Poverty Rate

Highest Welfare Recipients

Highest Food Stamp Recipients

Highest Non Participation Rate in the Job Market

Highest Number of Business Closures

Highest Number of Bankruptcies

Highest Number of Home and Business Foreclosures

President Trump saved American Industry Trillions of Dollars in Excessive Regulatory Overhead by reducing Punitive Regulations that The Marxist Cocksucker was strangling America with.

That Is A Fact.

Obama had no Economic Wave. For 10 straight years he had a Majority, Super Majority and or control of The Executive Branch. 10 STRAIGHT YEARS!

I read and re-read your above statement and I think you best put down the alcohol and go back to your rest home. Too early to be guzzling in the day.

Go home and beat your dog after you cash your welfare check and drink a case of beer and bitch how your life sucks when there are jobs everywhere for people who take baths, and want to get the fuck up off of the couch and work.

It is a fact that The Democraps had a Super Majority, Majority In Congress and or Had Control of The Executive Branch for 10 straight years.

That is not what you said you said Obama and referred to 10 years so go grease it up old man and take your djt dildo and sit on it.

BTW I'm at work right now while your beating off to pics of djt and yesterday I sat at home and made 2 grand in one hour. Seems like you don't like to be corrected little one.
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

You should go suck on Clinton's saggy Vagina. You'd make more sense.

Obama Bin Lying 11 Trillion Debt over 8 years

President Trump reduced the deficit spending to just 1 Trillion Dollars in 10 years and by the looks of the economy, we will end up with a surplus rather than a deficit.

Because he’s riding Obama’s economic wave . Times are good , NOW Is when you should address spending !
He's cruising. Unless there's a recession or there are pics of him in bed with Putin, he's good to go. Most people (not me) will see 100-200 in their paychecks, and to be honest I don't see a lot to hate about his immigration proposal. The Wall's useless, but if we pulled aid from Mexico and Palestine .....
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

there is a reason every time the GOP takes over we end up in a recession.
Sorry Dickweed, THE DEMS had Control of one branch of The Government or the other for 10 straight years, and you can argue they had control of all three branches with a Left Leaning SCOTUS, so THE OBAMA ECONOMY which he presided over 8 of those years, was actually launched two years prior when The Dems had The House and Senate under Bush, and Obama was elected two years later and he had a SUPER MAJORITY.

10 Straight Years of DEMSUCK Dominance and Control of Government, Purse Strings, Legislation and Policy. And in addition, near TOTAL CONTROL of THE MEDIA TOO as well as The Judicial Branch and Control of the DOJ, FBI and all facets of Government.

$11 Trillion Dollars added to the Debt and 1% Growth of the DemSuck Economy over that entire time.

Now go sacrifice a goat to Satan, burn an American Flag, and Tell Obama Bin Lying how much you Admire his Jihadi ways.

ISIS btw could use a deluded Zealot like you, so maybe you should go sign up for them as a Social Justice Warrior in the Elite Snowflake Division!
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LIVE In the now tree.

Cons are in control and can easily address deficit (as they ran on in the races).

Now we don’t hear a peep. Trump didn’t mention the budget at all. Even tea party punks have shut up . Phonies .
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

Wrong. O raised taxes and spent 8 trillion. He even had to prop up the stock market through qe 1234.
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .
Bwaahaahaa. Obama's first budget was a 1.2 Trillion dollar deficit.
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .
Bwaahaahaa. Obama's first budget was a 1.2 Trillion dollar deficit.
The tax cut is premise upon creating growth sufficient to reduce the debt to gnp ratio. Let's see what happens, shall we?

If growth does not pick up, or god forbid interest rates go up, then we'll see who crows.
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

The Democrats are no more fiscally responsible than the Republicans. You all blow through our money and then some on all your little pet projects. The only time you give a shit about the debt is when you're out of power. You clowns never said a word about the $10 trillion Obama signed off on just like the Republicans sat on their hands when Bush and now Trump did it.
yes it’s true . Compared to the new generation of the Gop , it’s the Dems that do better wh the debt.

And please , enough wh the “obama spent 10 trill.” That bill is mostly from gop tax cuts, wars , big biz giveaways , and a crashed economy.

Look at Trumps speech. Nothing but promises to spend spend spend! He even wants more nukes !? And at the same time, tax cuts ! Well that doesn’t add up .

One, numerous studies have shown that defense spending largely pays for itself--not completely, but substantially. Two, every major tax cut since the 1920s has been followed by a big increase in federal revenue. Three, go look at the Congressional Record for the last year and see how much the Dems have said they want to spend.

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