Democrats are on a jihad


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrat leader Chuck Schumer is calling for regime change in Israel by demanding elections be held to do it as soon as possible.

For the first time in US history, the US government is calling for regime change for a supposed ally that is a democracy.

Can we demand an election tomorrow to replace Biden and Schumer or does this just apply to democratically elected officials democrats don't like?

But as we all know, democrats detest democracy when it does not go their way, just like they are throwing a fit that Bibi was elected by democracy years ago. They only respect power and any way to achieve it means as the ends always justifies the means.

No doubt, if Trump is elected they will continue to demand the election was not fair and seek to overthrow him as they did last time.

There is no getting along with fascism.
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Hamas still has American citizens held captive by Hamas, yet they target Israel instead.

Very telling, but then, we already know democrats detest the notion of America first.

The DNC is fast becoming a wing of Hamas, whom Biden already declared was a terrorist organization. The DNC has a long history of chastising it's own Congressmen for antisemitic remarks, but nothing is every done about it. Instead, antisemitism is allowed to foster and grow within the DNC as the democrats were not even able to sign a resolution condemning Hamas raping and torturing women and children on 10/7 as they proudly filmed it.

Antisemites are now the core base of the DNC.
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What does Chuck Schumer know about the "needs of Israel"? That psycho can go jump in a lake.
He leads the DNC.

This is the same man that threatened SCOTUS if they overturned Roe. Then they sent an assassin to murder Kavanaugh who helped overturn Roe.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.

Democrat leader Chuck Schumer is calling for regime change in Israel by demanding elections be held to do it as soon as possible.

For the first time in US history, the US government is calling for regime change for a supposed ally that is a democracy.

Can we demand an election tomorrow to replace Biden and Schumer or does this just apply to democratically elected officials democrats don't like?

But as we all know, democrats detest democracy when it does not go their way, just like they are throwing a fit that Bibi was elected by democracy years ago. They only respect power and any way to achieve it means as the ends always justifies the means.

No doubt, if Trump is elected they will continue to demand the election was not fair and seek to overthrow him as they did last time.

There is no getting along with fascism.
Regime Change is like Communism, it's never really worked.

I don't understand why they can't figure that out.
You asked for a definition, I gave you mine, what is yours?

So your assertion is that words mean whatever the user says it means is that correct?
It depends on the word.

For example, academia, run by leftists will tell you fascism is far right, but the democrat party fits ever other definition of it. And how can a political ideology of LESS government, be fascist?

You need a giant government machine to have fascism, so I counter fascism is left wing, it's a cousin to communism under the socialist umbrella.
It depends on the word.

For example, academia, run by leftists will tell you fascism is far right, but the democrat party fits ever other definition of it. And how can a political ideology of LESS government, be fascist?

You need a giant government machine to have fascism, so I counter fascism is left wing, it's a cousin to communism under the socialist umbrella.
Are dictionaries considered "academia?"

Also how do we determine what words are open to anyone's interpretation?
Very simple, having the corporate world run by the government through laws that the govt couldn't enforce....say a vaccine mandate or censoring people...
and a justice 'system' that protects the powerful in control maintaining that status quo. WE, the people are expendable or useful for whatever their purposes...WHATEVER their purposes.

no freedom of speech.
harassing and imprisoning their opposition or worse.
no protection of property or freedom from search, reasonable or not.
According to it's "an adult female person."

Now, fascism, define it.
Not according to the DNC.

Your own Supreme Court Justice stooge Brown would not even dare define it that way.

As for fascism

The word fascism comes from the Latin fasces, which denotes a bundle of wooden rods that typically included a protruding axe blade. In ancient Rome, lictors (attendants to magistrates) would hold the fasces as a symbol of the penal power of their magistrate. The first European fascist, Benito Mussolini, adopted this symbol both to recall the greatness of the Roman Empire and to reinforce his authority as the eventual dictator of Italy. Fascist regimes like his required their citizens to be as unified as the tightly bound fasces.
Fasces as symbols of power and authority were also present throughout the United States and republican France in the 18th and 19th centuries. Similar to Mussolini’s government, the U.S. and France aimed to align themselves with the legacy of Rome. However, the fasces came to be almost exclusively associate.

Essentially the word means ultimate power that requires their citizens to be unified under that power. That is why democrats today say that unless democrats are elected, democracy is over.
It was changed now? Interesting.

Who were the first fascists in Earth's history?
I would argue kings would be, feudalism, fascism, communism, all the same thing. One guy does what he wants and kills who he wants.....The practical implementation of any of those look very much the same. Which is why I don't like a big goverment "helping" the people.
I would argue kings would be, feudalism, fascism, communism, all the same thing. One guy does what he wants and kills who he wants.....The practical implementation of any of those look very much the same.
But they're not the same thing.

I see your goal is to obfuscate, so I'll land my plane here...

Fascism's central tenet is being anti-left AND pro-business.

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