Democrats are playing with fire.

Their tried and proven methodology of crying racism is running the real risk of blowing up in their faces.

In the midst of the Blexit movement they are doubling down on the standard that has kept them in power. The very standard that sparked the Blexit movement.

Seems to me that it would be wise to get off this race train and focus on the issues their voters care about. Or is it that Trump has stolen/blocked all the exit ramps (jobs, economy, etc) and left them speeding uncontrollably down the race highway?
But.....but.....but Trump gave them this platform.
(Nevermind the simple fact that they call everything he says racist)
Citing a poll AFTER 2016 lol

Why not?

The final poll average was off by 1.1%, well within the margin of error.

Their tried and proven methodology of crying racism is running the real risk of blowing up in their faces.

In the midst of the Blexit movement they are doubling down on the standard that has kept them in power. The very standard that sparked the Blexit movement.

Seems to me that it would be wise to get off this race train and focus on the issues their voters care about. Or is it that Trump has stolen/blocked all the exit ramps (jobs, economy, etc) and left them speeding uncontrollably down the race highway?

Britons dead man walking... it doesn't really matter if they stay or go

The EUSSR politburo or islam ...or both not really much of a choice

The sun is setting INDEED


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