Democrats Are Sore Losers.....And Even Worse....They're Sore Winners


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.
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After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.
If you believe anything the Dumbocrats say, you need a reality check.
Please, stop being shocked and surprised by the enemy's behavior. That is precisely why we find ourselves in this situation. Joe Biden has not yet won the 2020 presidential election. Have faith. It's like holding up a cross to ward off a vampire. If you don't have faith in the symbol of our Lord, the undead will not be repelled. Have faith and pray for dawn . . .
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

He only called them anarchists and terrorists, for the last six monts straight. Spare us your tears.

After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?

Oh Hell yes!!!!
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

He only called them anarchists and terrorists, for the last six monts straight. Spare us your tears.

View attachment 413236
Dude.....Trump knows the difference between a voter, BLM, and ANITFA.

Trump never called Biden voters any such thing.

But thanks for admitting that BLM & ANTIFA work for Democrats.
I think media is purposely NOT updating Trumps state wins in places like N.C and Alaska, while calling Bidens very early, in an effort to dissuade Trumps team from fighting for voter transparency. They want him to feel "hey, we can't win, so might as well throw it in".

Not unlike the polls, the people behind these actions and the loss of Americas Sole Super Power status are all SOBs
As we speak...even Fox won't call Alaska or North Carolina for Trump.
After election night they have refused to call any state for Trump....even though he was leading in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Alaska, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania by huge margins. That's when all of these states just quit counting votes for some strange reason.
The reason is obvious.....they didn't want to give Trump supporters the psychological edge.
The problem is....Trump got over 71 million votes.....2 million more than Obama got....6 million more than Hillary.
In any other election this would guarantee a win....but not this election.
Democrats instead fabricated over 10 million fake votes somehow.....and then refused to allow anyone to see them.

James Murdoch was up until last year the Director of Fox.
THIS is why Fox News has gone off the rails.
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After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

Time for the Right to "Resist. Overturn. Boycott. Surveil. Leak. Impeach". We won't riot, but we COULD just refuse to participate in the economy. They want to behave if they don't need us, so let them do without our money.
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?

Sure. Tell me WHEN the media, for example, refuse to admit that either of them denounced Nazis like they did with Trump?
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?

Yes...we can...obama had 95% positive press coverage, Trump had 95% negative coverage....fake scandals against Trump were covered 24/7 real scandals of obama and hilary were ignored or protected by the press...

You are a stupid human being who needs to sell that crap to the idiots who actually voted for joe biden....they are the ones too stupid to not believe you...
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

Damn, I just about ruined a good keyboard spitting my beer out on it.
You people have been doing nothing BUT demonizing your opposition for the last four years under the guise of your savior.
Again, I don't know what reality you Trump supporters live in, but it isn't the real world.
Please, stop being shocked and surprised by the enemy's behavior. That is precisely why we find ourselves in this situation. Joe Biden has not yet won the 2020 presidential election. Have faith. It's like holding up a cross to ward off a vampire. If you don't have faith in the symbol of our Lord, the undead will not be repelled. Have faith and pray for dawn . . .

God works to his own timetable, and what he is doing is not known to us.....what we see as horror and tragedy is sometimes a necessary transition to save us from worse horror and tragedy...we just can't see it......

Obama being elected gave us Trump.....a real miracle........we beat the democrats in the Civil War, and black human beings were freed........we beat the left wing socialists in Europe and the Russians.....when it looked like they would win.....

Time will tell.....

Maybe we are being punished, maybe this is necessary for a victory we can't see.....

I believe in and trust God....this earth is temporary and no matter how much we suffer here from our own stupidity...(see joe biden voters) the other side may be far better..... we just have to do as he justice, treat other people with kindness, take care of the widows and orphans..........

I tell my younger relatives that you have to look at Navy don't find who is a Navy SEAL by pampering the candidates.....Navy SEALs are only found by putting them through horror and struggle.....

The same for good do not find really good people in good times.......really, truly good people are only found when the world is filled with monsters and horror.....the men and women who put their lives on the line to save Jews from left wing socialists.........the Catholic priest, Father Kolbe, who was in the socialist death camp of Aushwitz, who volunteered to take the place of a Jewish man in a group the socialists were going to starve to death as punishment......

On 17 February 1941, the monastery was shut down by the German authorities.[1] That day Kolbe and four others were arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned in the Pawiak prison.[1] On 28 May, he was transferred to Auschwitz as prisoner 16670.[22]

Continuing to act as a priest, Kolbe was subjected to violent harassment, including beating and lashings. Once he was smuggled to a prison hospital by friendly inmates.[1][20] At the end of July 1941, one prisoner escaped from the camp, prompting SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl Fritzsch, the deputy camp commander, to pick ten men to be starved to death in an underground bunker to deter further escape attempts. When one of the selected men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out, "My wife! My children!", Kolbe volunteered to take his place.[7]

ccording to an eyewitness, who was an assistant janitor at that time, in his prison cell, Kolbe led the prisoners in prayer. Each time the guards checked on him, he was standing or kneeling in the middle of the cell and looking calmly at those who entered. After they had been starved and deprived of water for two weeks, only Kolbe remained alive. The guards wanted the bunker emptied, so they gave Kolbe a lethal injection of carbolic acid. Kolbe is said to have raised his left arm and calmly waited for the deadly injection.[13] He died on 14 August. His remains were cremated on 15 August, the feast day of the Assumption of Mary.[20]

God has his plans, and we just have to have trust and faith........
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

He only called them anarchists and terrorists, for the last six monts straight. Spare us your tears.

View attachment 413236
Dude.....Trump knows the difference between a voter, BLM, and ANITFA.

Trump never called Biden voters any such thing.

But thanks for admitting that BLM & ANTIFA work for Democrats.

can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?
Oh Hell yes!!!!
Dude....are you really this stupid????
You need to stop playing dumb....because you suck at it.

I'm not playing but it seems to me that you thought of what the Dems did to Trump and realized it paled in comparison to what the GOP did to Obama and Clinton.
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?

Sure. Tell me WHEN the media, for example, refuse to admit that either of them denounced Nazis like they did with Trump?

That was unique to Trump but so is this unique to Obama. He was talking about roads and infrastructure that support American businesses and he said to the businesses, "You didn't build that". How often was that taken out of context and distorted by the RW media, claiming he was referring to the businesses themselves? The GOP even used it as their anthem at their 2012 Convention. Shameless.

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