Democrats Are Stepping In It Again.....But Will They Pay A Heavy Price For This Latest Hoax?

Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:


"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company
Trump has dug himself a hole

Hard to get out
Clearly you have your head up your ass.
Trump did nothing...........this in nothing but another setup like Russia Collusion was.......and it's gonna end up biting them in the asses yet again.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:


"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company
Trump has dug himself a hole

Hard to get out
Clearly you have your head up your ass.
Trump did nothing...........this in nothing but another setup like Russia Collusion was.......and it's gonna end up biting them in the asses yet again.

Adam Schiff does have a talent for bull shit though. I could see him selling a used car and closing the extended warranty 90% of the time. Maybe even sucker you into the wax coating and wheel protection as well. No credit, no problem. He missed his calling.
Even Republicans have to admit it was a stupid thing for Trump to do

He stepped over the line and even his staff had to scramble to cover his ass

Thankfully, a whistle blower stepped in
Even Republicans have to admit it was a stupid thing for Trump to do

He stepped over the line and even his staff had to scramble to cover his ass

Thankfully, a whistle blower stepped in

Maybe Mitt thinks so. But, his judgment isnt that great. He tied his dog to the top of his car and drive cross country. He isn't all there.
Sadly, I heard Dennis Miller on the Ben Shapiro Show say that he doesn't think the Democrats will pay any price. He has a point. There are absolutely no repercussions for this kind of horse crap. The media can make anything up, and the dems can whip up new garbage every week. What's to stop them?
Sadly, I heard Dennis Miller on the Ben Shapiro Show say that he doesn't think the Democrats will pay any price. He has a point. There are absolutely no repercussions for this kind of horse crap. The media can make anything up, and the dems can whip up new garbage every week. What's to stop them?

Only the voters can stop it. There is no other check.
Over and over and over....You cross this line...You die! They succeeded so many times in the past. Usually on the first try with their fabricated accusations or making something massive out of the trivial. Then cam Trump! He just tells them to "Blow it out their azzes"!
Bush was a whimp. He let them walk all over him. Trump has that cocky NYC attitude that makes him want to fight back. Any other person could not survive the Democrat hate machine. If they can't find a scandal on him, they are making one up.
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Even Republicans have to admit it was a stupid thing for Trump to do

He stepped over the line and even his staff had to scramble to cover his ass

Thankfully, a whistle blower stepped in
This is what presidents do.....and by law that have the right to.
We have a signed treaty with the Ukraine to exchange information of this sort.

But you know.......the big misinformation campaign from Democrats is this is about 2020.
The fact is....if you read the transcripts....TRUMP WAS TALKING ABOUT THE 2016 ELECTION.....NOT THE 2020 ELECTION.
The political opponent bullshit is just that: Bullshit.
I have heard from just about every news source that Joe Biden is running for president in 2020 and doing rather well.

Where's the bullshit?
Is it okay to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on political opponents? It's a 'yes' or 'no' question.

I don't recall Trump using the phrase 'dig up dirt'.
Does anyone else?
He never did....most of what they said at the hearing was a fabrication.....and everything they say on the news is more of the same kind of rubbish.
Read the release FROM THE WHOTE HOUSE!

Or is that source fake news too?
I have heard from just about every news source that Joe Biden is running for president in 2020 and doing rather well.

Where's the bullshit?
Is it okay to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on political opponents? It's a 'yes' or 'no' question.

I don't recall Trump using the phrase 'dig up dirt'.
Does anyone else?
He never did....most of what they said at the hearing was a fabrication.....and everything they say on the news is more of the same kind of rubbish.
Read the release FROM THE WHOTE HOUSE!

Or is that source fake news too?
Clearly you're a dimwit.
The only reason Democrats are doing this is because they think the media still has credibility with the public.
Only 15% trusts the media now.
So this hoax will blow up in their faces like all of the other hoaxes.
This is a typical Clinton tactic.....accuse your opponent of the crimes you're about to be charged with or exposed on.
Thenreason they're doing this is because Trump asked a foreign leader to dig up dirt on one of his political opponents.

Should a president extort another leader to do his political dirty work?. This is collusion out in the open.

Amazingly, those who once championed law and order are now championing a president to act lawlessly and never ever be held to account.

The political opponent bullshit is just that: Bullshit.
I have heard from just about every news source that Joe Biden is running for president in 2020 and doing rather well.

Where's the bullshit?


How is it an impeachable offense and treason again for Trump to want to simply look into how and why Biden and his kid were admittedly dealing billions under the table for personal gain with a foreign government and covering it up,

Yet it is the solemn constitutional duty of the democrats to try everything they can to thwart Trump, from wiretapping him, planting spies, conspiring against him, trying to block his even getting on the ballot and yes, using foreign influence to try to dig up dirt and manufacture charges against him???
I'd love for one of you Tards to 'Splain that to me!
A). The Ukrainians said the investigation went no where as there was NO EVIDENCE of Biden corruption

B). The investigations of Trump are the result of malfeasance on Trump's part.

Splain this to me: how is it proper, ethical, LEGAL for Trump to use the power of the presidency to extort dirt for his own political gain? How is this not a,toss abuse of power?
Is it okay to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on political opponents? It's a 'yes' or 'no' question.

I don't recall Trump using the phrase 'dig up dirt'.
Does anyone else?
He never did....most of what they said at the hearing was a fabrication.....and everything they say on the news is more of the same kind of rubbish.
Read the release FROM THE WHOTE HOUSE!

Or is that source fake news too?
Whackamole. Is that all ya got, idiot?
Is it okay to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on political opponents? It's a 'yes' or 'no' question.

I don't recall Trump using the phrase 'dig up dirt'.
Does anyone else?
He never did....most of what they said at the hearing was a fabrication.....and everything they say on the news is more of the same kind of rubbish.
Read the release FROM THE WHOTE HOUSE!

Or is that source fake news too?
Whackamole. Is that all ya got, idiot?

Fuck you.
Thenreason they're doing this is because Trump asked a foreign leader to dig up dirt on one of his political opponents.

Should a president extort another leader to do his political dirty work?. This is collusion out in the open.

Amazingly, those who once championed law and order are now championing a president to act lawlessly and never ever be held to account.

The political opponent bullshit is just that: Bullshit.
I have heard from just about every news source that Joe Biden is running for president in 2020 and doing rather well.

Where's the bullshit?


How is it an impeachable offense and treason again for Trump to want to simply look into how and why Biden and his kid were admittedly dealing billions under the table for personal gain with a foreign government and covering it up,

Yet it is the solemn constitutional duty of the democrats to try everything they can to thwart Trump, from wiretapping him, planting spies, conspiring against him, trying to block his even getting on the ballot and yes, using foreign influence to try to dig up dirt and manufacture charges against him???
I'd love for one of you Tards to 'Splain that to me!
A). The Ukrainians said the investigation went no where as there was NO EVIDENCE of Biden corruption

B). The investigations of Trump are the result of malfeasance on Trump's part.

Splain this to me: how is it proper, ethical, LEGAL for Trump to use the power of the presidency to extort dirt for his own political gain? How is this not a,toss abuse of power?
Well....that assumes that this is what happened. We now know it didn't.....that the Democrats are, once again, making shit up.

Maybe you should try reading the transcripts instead of listening to parodies pushed forward by lying Democrats.
The Ukrainians have been trying to give the FBI the evidence that Biden himself has admitted to....evidence of corruption that not only implicates Biden and his son, but other's.
All Trump is trying to do is get to the bottom of it and the Democrats are trying to keep the truth from coming out.
So they manufacture another Russian Collusion scandal....only this time it involved Ukraine.....but the really strange thing is Mueller knew about this crap over 2 years ago when he started his investigation.....and arrest Paul Manafort over it. Kicked down his doors and rifled through his computers and all of his shit. Threw him in jail over this same scandal.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

Reality check. Every impeachment, the Party who instigated it won the next presidential election.

Have you listened to Trump the last couple of days... he sounds defeated, like he doesn't get why the country doesn't love him.

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