Democrats Are Stepping In It Again.....But Will They Pay A Heavy Price For This Latest Hoax?

Maybe you should try reading the transcripts instead of listening to parodies pushed forward by lying Democrats.
The Ukrainians have been trying to give the FBI the evidence that Biden himself has admitted to....evidence of corruption that not only implicates Biden and his son, but other's.

I have read the transcripts... even though they aren't transcripts, they are summaries.

The phone call lasted 33 minutes. That is not 33 minutes of discussion.

But let's look what is there.

He asked a Foreign Leader to investigate a political rival.
He threatened to hold up aide if he didn't.
He denounced his own Ambassador and threatened to retaliate against her
He disrespected our allies, including Germany and Angela Merkel

Everything Bad About the Trump-Zelensky Call That Had Nothing to Do with Biden - The Bulwark
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

Reality check. Every impeachment, the Party who instigated it won the next presidential election.

Have you listened to Trump the last couple of days... he sounds defeated, like he doesn't get why the country doesn't love him.
Intresting factoid, but since there've been two impeachments, the chance of the party winning the next election is 50:50. You're bonkers btw.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

Reality check. Every impeachment, the Party who instigated it won the next presidential election.

Have you listened to Trump the last couple of days... he sounds defeated, like he doesn't get why the country doesn't love him.
Intresting factoid, but since there've been two impeachments, the chance of the party winning the next election is 50:50. You're bonkers btw.
Democrats think the risk is worth it....because they know not one of their candidates is worth a shit and they're going to lose anyway.
So they feel they can use the impeachment as a campaign tactic.
They're not thinking about the damage it will do....because they don't give a shit about the country.
They just want to keep making money illegally and keep themselves out of jail.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company

It would seem that the Democrats believe now that they have found an infallible means for assuring protection from criminal investigation! What they cannot outright block through stalling and delays (such as with Benghazi and Emailgate) they can shield from by employing actors into elections. Hillary a crook? Run her for office! Biden a crook? Put him on the ballet! Dems think this guarantees now any efforts to investigate Biden's family's criminal behavior can be written off as election tampering! All the while they endlessly tamper with the election! Even better now they hope to seal the deal by making it look official with an impeachment investigation-- -- -- -- what, like the fifth time they've held designs on THAT?

View attachment 281287

And once this too falls flat in both the media, the public opinion and Senate, once Biden becomes the front runner and loses to Trump next year, they'll circle back to claiming, what ~~ ~~ ~~ ELECTION TAMPERING! That Biden only lost because Trump had undue influence and help in muddying the waters from, you guessed it: those invisible Russians! And start an all new special investigation again.

View attachment 281288

You have distorted the facts. Biden's son was not nor is he under investigation. The company he worked for was being investigated,
not Biden's son. What Trump did was to withhold aid first to Ukraine in an effort to force the newly elected leader to do Trump's dirty work and then called the new president of Ukraine.
This guy has his hands full as he tries to govern and Trump, as usual, threw a wrench into those efforts with his illegal and bogus claims. He sent Giuliani, who represents only Trump and who is worthless.
Our allies are watching Trump's action of withholding aid to force a country to do what he wants. He could do that to them.
The statement released was doctored and was put into a security account to avoid disclosure. Stop believing what this con-man is foisting on the uninformed supporters.
Oh, and by the way, Biden's son was released from the army for snorting cocaine. How many of Trump's base have snorted cocaine
and have not been caught? Just another of Trump's nonsense.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company

It would seem that the Democrats believe now that they have found an infallible means for assuring protection from criminal investigation! What they cannot outright block through stalling and delays (such as with Benghazi and Emailgate) they can shield from by employing actors into elections. Hillary a crook? Run her for office! Biden a crook? Put him on the ballet! Dems think this guarantees now any efforts to investigate Biden's family's criminal behavior can be written off as election tampering! All the while they endlessly tamper with the election! Even better now they hope to seal the deal by making it look official with an impeachment investigation-- -- -- -- what, like the fifth time they've held designs on THAT?

View attachment 281287

And once this too falls flat in both the media, the public opinion and Senate, once Biden becomes the front runner and loses to Trump next year, they'll circle back to claiming, what ~~ ~~ ~~ ELECTION TAMPERING! That Biden only lost because Trump had undue influence and help in muddying the waters from, you guessed it: those invisible Russians! And start an all new special investigation again.

View attachment 281288

You have distorted the facts. Biden's son was not nor is he under investigation. The company he worked for was being investigated,
not Biden's son. What Trump did was to withhold aid first to Ukraine in an effort to force the newly elected leader to do Trump's dirty work and then called the new president of Ukraine.
This guy has his hands full as he tries to govern and Trump, as usual, threw a wrench into those efforts with his illegal and bogus claims. He sent Giuliani, who represents only Trump and who is worthless.
Our allies are watching Trump's action of withholding aid to force a country to do what he wants. He could do that to them.
The statement released was doctored and was put into a security account to avoid disclosure. Stop believing what this con-man is foisting on the uninformed supporters.
Oh, and by the way, Biden's son was released from the army for snorting cocaine. How many of Trump's base have snorted cocaine
and have not been caught? Just another of Trump's nonsense.
I'm very informed on this issue....yet you read me fairy-tales created by the media.
Come back when you have some facts.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:


"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company
I had no idea you are this delusional. Nunes? He's as big a joke as Rudy.
But riddle me this, flunkieman...who went thru all the protocol channels up front even to the point of running the whistleblower complaints before the very head of an agency named in the blurb? And OTOH, who buried the non secret phone calls in a 'life or death' secret file to keep YOU from knowing the pay for play maneuver with the added benefit of pleasing Putin by weakening his target of aggression.
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:


"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company
I had no idea you are this delusional. Nunes? He's as big a joke as Rudy.
But riddle me this, flunkieman...who went thru all the protocol channels up front even to the point of running the whistleblower complaints before the very head of an agency named in the blurb? And OTOH, who buried the non secret phone calls in a 'life or death' secret file to keep YOU from knowing the pay for play maneuver with the added benefit of pleasing Putin by weakening his target of aggression.
Adam Schiff is chairman of an important sub-committee....and proceeded to read off a parody of what he thought the president was saying to the Ukraining President and was made to apologize for it. His opening statement was a fabrication to which he admitted to.
And you claim I'm the one who's delusional.......
If the Dems don't come up with some real meat here, they really should just shut the fuck up and figure out a decent ticket for 2020.

Enough already.

Abuse of power and then covering it up isn't "meaty" enough for you? You're holding out for him actually shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, I get it...

Even Republicans have to admit it was a stupid thing for Trump to do

He stepped over the line and even his staff had to scramble to cover his ass

Thankfully, a whistle blower stepped in

Maybe Mitt thinks so. But, his judgment isnt that great. He tied his dog to the top of his car and drive cross country. He isn't all there.
It was Trumps own staff that turned him in

Even they can only tolerate so much
If the Dems don't come up with some real meat here, they really should just shut the fuck up and figure out a decent ticket for 2020.

Enough already.

Abuse of power and then covering it up isn't "meaty" enough for you? You're holding out for him actually shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, I get it...

Meh. This is about politics. Perception. Let's not pretend it's about something else.
If the Dems don't come up with some real meat here, they really should just shut the fuck up and figure out a decent ticket for 2020.

Enough already.

Abuse of power and then covering it up isn't "meaty" enough for you? You're holding out for him actually shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, I get it...

Meh. This is about politics. Perception. Let's not pretend it's about something else.

No, it really is about the rule of law and nobody being above it. Nixon didn't break into the DNC headquarters...

Nixon articles of impeachment...


In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, in that:

On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, agents of the Committee for the Re-election of the President:

Committed unlawful entry of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of securing political intelligence. Subsequent thereto, Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his subordinates and agents in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such unlawful entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities. ...

Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.

ARTICLE II, ABUSE OF POWER. (Approved 28-10)

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice in the conduct of lawful inquiries, of contravening the law of governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposes of these agencies. ...


In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, contrary to his oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has failed without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on April 11, 1974, May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June 24, 1974, and willfully disobeyed such subpoenas. ..
Maybe you should try reading the transcripts instead of listening to parodies pushed forward by lying Democrats.
The Ukrainians have been trying to give the FBI the evidence that Biden himself has admitted to....evidence of corruption that not only implicates Biden and his son, but other's.

I have read the transcripts... even though they aren't transcripts, they are summaries.

The phone call lasted 33 minutes. That is not 33 minutes of discussion.

But let's look what is there.

He asked a Foreign Leader to investigate a political rival.
He threatened to hold up aide if he didn't.
He denounced his own Ambassador and threatened to retaliate against her
He disrespected our allies, including Germany and Angela Merkel

Everything Bad About the Trump-Zelensky Call That Had Nothing to Do with Biden - The Bulwark
We still need to hear what Rudy, Barr and Pence had to discuss with Ukraine
The time has come for Trump. His days of in your face obstruction is over.

IDIOT ! Why shouldn't Joe's actions as VP shouldn't be fully Investigated? Please look up Quid Pro Quo! Joe Bidens face is now the Definition. He's done He strong armed a Foreign Govt, with the full Support Of Sheikh Obama. Or Didn't the High Yellow turd Know he was going to Ukraine. Why do you think Obama Hasn't endorsed his Former VP. He knew this was coming and couldn't risk his Legacy of Hidden Lies and Corruption being exposed. JOE's done stick a fork in him!
Will Democrats pay a political price for Impeaching Trump?

I doubt many Americans see Trump as a victim. Hard to generate sympathy
Splain this to me: how is it proper, ethical, LEGAL for Trump to use the power of the presidency to extort dirt for his own political gain? How is this not a,toss abuse of power?

One might also ask how is it proper, ethical, LEGAL for the House Judiciary Committee to spend an entire session of Congress to throw dirt on the President in an attempt to unseat him? How is that not an abuse of power?
Thenreason they're doing this is because Trump asked a foreign leader to dig up dirt on one of his political opponents.

Should a president extort another leader to do his political dirty work?. This is collusion out in the open.

Amazingly, those who once championed law and order are now championing a president to act lawlessly and never ever be held to account.

The political opponent bullshit is just that: Bullshit.
I have heard from just about every news source that Joe Biden is running for president in 2020 and doing rather well.

Where's the bullshit?


How is it an impeachable offense and treason again for Trump to want to simply look into how and why Biden and his kid were admittedly dealing billions under the table for personal gain with a foreign government and covering it up,

Yet it is the solemn constitutional duty of the democrats to try everything they can to thwart Trump, from wiretapping him, planting spies, conspiring against him, trying to block his even getting on the ballot and yes, using foreign influence to try to dig up dirt and manufacture charges against him???
I'd love for one of you Tards to 'Splain that to me!
A). The Ukrainians said the investigation went no where as there was NO EVIDENCE of Biden corruption

B). The investigations of Trump are the result of malfeasance on Trump's part.

Splain this to me: how is it proper, ethical, LEGAL for Trump to use the power of the presidency to extort dirt for his own political gain? How is this not a,toss abuse of power?
The evidence of corruption and conflict of interest is obvious, far more obvious than anything suggesting Trump was in cahoots with Russia to steal 2016! And that conflict of interest must be investigated.

There was no political gain for Trump! Where has he gained? Are you saying that Biden is now above the law too, just because the democrats ran him for office?

The entire witch-hunt against Trump was based on a false dossier put together against Trump with the help of foreign powers, EXACTLY what they are accusing Trump of now.

Still waiting for you to splain to me why it's not criminal for Obama to wiretap Trump, rig intel agencies to work against him, for Hillary manipulate an election by sabotaging Bernie's campaign and rig a false dossier and investigation, destroy all her government activities kept secret on a privater server, for Biden to use his weight as VP to coerce a foreign government to fire someone to stop a corruption probe into his son, but yet somehow, you find a major scandal in a used map Trump held up to talk about a hurricane track path that nobody watched where he gave the correct info?
If the Dems don't come up with some real meat here, they really should just shut the fuck up and figure out a decent ticket for 2020.

Enough already.

Abuse of power and then covering it up isn't "meaty" enough for you? You're holding out for him actually shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, I get it...

Actually none of that happened.
Maybe instead of repeating lies you might want to read the whistleblower report and the transcripts of the phonecall instead of sounding like an ass....
Yet again.....all of the faggots in the news are pushing a false story about Trump abusing his authority.....but the facts about the story are being dropped in response quicker than they may have anticipated. Now their only hope is that enough people buy their usual line of Bullshit and ignore the facts involved:

"It seems to me this is going to go one of two ways, and rather quickly:

One would be that the contents of the transcript and the whistleblower complaint are explosive and damning, and it will be just a matter of Democrats getting their ducks in a row before they vote to impeach.

The second would be the one that seems more likely: The transcript doesn’t come anywhere near the outrageous outrage we’re being told it is, and the whistleblower complaint is pretty quickly shown to be lacking credibility. In this scenario, Democrats have got themselves in quite a fix because they already went ahead and launched an impeachment inquiry before seeing either one.

It won’t be long before we know. The transcript will be public today, and it sounds like Congress could have the whistleblower complaint as soon as Friday, along with another little surprise:

A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

TRENDING: Herman Reacts To President Trump's Phone Call

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

. . .

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

Understand, the inspector general is not a political appointee, so when he finds that the whistleblower was influenced by political bias, that’s not just some Trump lackey hurling a smear. It’s the inspector general’s job to objectively assess complaints like this, as well as the credibility of the person making them.

Assuming the transcript offers nothing beyond those “few words” that “raise eyebrows,” we’ll be left in the days to come with Democrats howling about not having received the full complaint yet, and insisting it must be the product of a coverup.

In the meantime, the administration is doing all the i-dotting and t-crossing that’s necessary to make sure the release of the complaint is handled legally, and soon enough Congress will have what it’s demanding. So what happens if it turns out the whistleblower, who wasn’t on the call and only reported things he or she heard secondhand, can’t actually produce any information to back up the claim that Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine giving them military aid?

I don’t think the Democrats will drop impeachment right away because, having rushed into it so furiously in the past few days, it would be humiliating for them to do so – especially after the way the Mueller investigation blew up in their faces. Instead, they’ll proceed with their oh-so-serious inquiries, calling witnesses, demanding documents and complaining constantly that they aren’t getting enough cooperation.

Remember, one of the most disruptive powers a House majority has is the power to endlessly investigate pretty much whatever they want. In somber and serious tones they assert that this, that or whatever is of urgently great importance to the nation, and that they must do their duty and get to the bottom of it."


After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company

It would seem that the Democrats believe now that they have found an infallible means for assuring protection from criminal investigation! What they cannot outright block through stalling and delays (such as with Benghazi and Emailgate) they can shield from by employing actors into elections. Hillary a crook? Run her for office! Biden a crook? Put him on the ballet! Dems think this guarantees now any efforts to investigate Biden's family's criminal behavior can be written off as election tampering! All the while they endlessly tamper with the election! Even better now they hope to seal the deal by making it look official with an impeachment investigation-- -- -- -- what, like the fifth time they've held designs on THAT?

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And once this too falls flat in both the media, the public opinion and Senate, once Biden becomes the front runner and loses to Trump next year, they'll circle back to claiming, what ~~ ~~ ~~ ELECTION TAMPERING! That Biden only lost because Trump had undue influence and help in muddying the waters from, you guessed it: those invisible Russians! And start an all new special investigation again.

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You have distorted the facts. Biden's son was not nor is he under investigation. The company he worked for was being investigated,

Sorry, Boob, take your crock and shove it. No one is buying what you are selling. Mudwhistle has already stated the matter very well, so I'll simply quote him:
"Maybe you should try reading the transcripts instead of listening to parodies pushed forward by lying Democrats.
The Ukrainians have been trying to give the FBI the evidence that Biden himself has admitted to....evidence of corruption that not only implicates Biden and his son, but other's.
All Trump is trying to do is get to the bottom of it and the Democrats are trying to keep the truth from coming out.
So they manufacture another Russian Collusion scandal....only this time it involved Ukraine.....but the really strange thing is Mueller knew about this crap over 2 years ago when he started his investigation.....and arrest Paul Manafort over it. Kicked down his doors and rifled through his computers and all of his shit. Threw him in jail over this same scandal."

Biden's going down.
He will never be president of the USA. Maybe Ukraine.

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