Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

But you wish for a miracle. Maybe you even prayed while in the grip of your lunacy. Did you pray?
Where was Russia's miracle after Stalin and Lenin? Have the Chinese gotten a miracle after Mao? Cuba after Castro? Wresting freedom from communism is never a miracle and always very bloody. It would be better for a foreign power to step in and crush this evil. Your evil.
Where was Russia's miracle after Stalin and Lenin? Have the Chinese gotten a miracle after Mao? Cuba after Castro? Wresting freedom from communism is never a miracle and always very bloody. It would be better for a foreign power to step in and crush this evil. Your evil.
That communism stuff is some funny shit. It always cracks me up. And you prayed. I pegged you

Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

The judge in Trump’s Jan. 6 case didn’t just pick a March 4 trial date at random.
The aim is to get Trump off the ballot.
29 Aug 2023 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

News broke Monday that U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge overseeing the Jan. 6-related case against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., set a March 4, 2024, trial date for the former president.
It just so happens that March 4 is the day before Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states, from California to Texas to Virginia, will hold Republican primary elections. What a coincidence!
What this means is that Trump, the Republican front-runner by a wide margin, will not be able to campaign ahead of the most important date on the GOP primary calendar. It also means he’ll likely be tied up in court a week later on March 12, when four more states hold primary elections.
But this isn’t merely election “interference,” it’s a naked attempt to rig the 2024 election. The timing here is important, because not only will Trump be pulled off the campaign trail at a crucial time, he will almost certainly be convicted over the summer. After all, the jury in this case will be drawn from a pool that voted 92 percent for Joe Biden. No matter how outlandish and unconstitutional the charges are, no matter how utterly politicized the process is, a D.C. jury is going to convict Trump.
The whole thing is a naked abuse of power — a violation of Trump’s Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel, to say nothing of his free speech rights, which DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith is trying to criminalize.
The Obama-appointed Judge Chutkan, who has a penchant for handing down harsher sentences for Jan. 6 cases than what federal prosecutors recommended, has already betrayed her politically motivated bias in this case. Her claim that Trump would get “no more or less deference than any other defendant” is contradicted by her observation that because Trump has “considerable resources” he is “not entitled to unlimited preparation time.”

What we’re seeing here is the machinery of the Biden regime’s show trials at work. Remember, the point of a show trial is not to deliver justice, it’s to display power.
Everything about this process — the farcical indictments, the release of the mugshot, the timing of the trial — is designed to convey to ordinary Americans that one side, the left, has consolidated control over the most powerful institutions in our country, and resistance to their rule will be met with overwhelming force.
Democrats are not trying to hide any of this from you. They want you to see this display of power and understand what it means, which is this: You will not under any circumstances be allowed to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. So don’t even think about it — and don’t complain about it either, or you might end up just like him.

Allowing these politically farcical trials to persecute Trump his attorneys and anyone considered conservative only .
Choosing our candidate by estimates of electability or conviction in a show-trial simply gives Maoist Democrats veto power over our vote. You want that?
DSA Democrats declared war on America decades ago when they accepted Marxist Socialist Ideology. Until we recognize and fight against it we will continue a downward spiral that will take generations to dig out from under.
Indeed, in 1982. Since then the Communist Party USA, had a seat at the table in the Democratic_Party table as Democrat Socialists of America.
They want you to see this display of power and understand what it means. What we’re seeing here is the machinery of the Biden regime’s show trials at work. Remember, the point of a show trial is not to deliver justice, it’s to display power.

Everything about this process

Wiki CPUSA Presidential Tickets (Democrat Party Endorsement)

Communist Party USA - Wikipedia

Perhaps in his next lifetime your Orange Con-Man won't summon, ,incite and aim an Insurrectionist mob against Congress.
The charges are real and they will stick. Trump deserves all of it and then some. His lies and criminal actions did great damage to America.
And what of Joe Pedophile Biteme? Oh I forgot, you are so delusional to think Democrats are pure and holy, that they could never do wrong. So once Trump pulls a Grover Cleveland, then all bets are off and Democrats will finally get the punishment they richly deserve.
You actually think these trumpanzees are going to pay any attention to what actual evidence is presented at these trials? These peoples minds are GONE. They've already stated the all 4 trials are rigged. You can't reason with a trumpanzee.
Yes we will look on it like the russian collusion lie. You loons have no credibility.
Here are all 91, pal.
OK I guess I'll have to school you. The first indictment includes false electors. Actually, the indictment says Republicans signed documents that Trump may have been the recipient of their State's electoral votes. It says the efforts SEEM to have been coordinated. It goes on to say the actions MAY have been illegal.

Seems to me there is no real evidence just a bunch of 'may' and 'seem' wiggle words. What we have here is a bunch of bullshit indictments with little evidence except what 'seems' to be illegal. Fannie is counting on RICO to knit together these false indictments into one big conspiracy with no proof and no deleterious outcome.
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Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It​

I’d modify that with one word:

Democrats Aren’t ONLY ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It.​

Take one and let's discuss it. 'pal'
Lookie what we have hear. Another wanna be lawyer that wants to try this on a message board. Not gonna fall for that, dipshit. I'm not going to get into some discussion with somebody that doesnt even dwell in reality who can say whatever they like on a message board. Cant do that in a court of law, buddy. But you'll find that out as these trials progress.
What a really stupid thing to say.

Trump has more lawyers than he can afford to pay. Trump's legal team is the fastest growing sector of the American economy.
That mug shot you're showing off really helped him out! Lol
And what of Joe Pedophile Biteme? Oh I forgot, you are so delusional to think Democrats are pure and holy, that they could never do wrong. So once Trump pulls a Grover Cleveland, then all bets are off and Democrats will finally get the punishment they richly deserve.
Look at this guy thinks the President of the United States is a pedophile. You need to be under a 72 hour psych hold.
Trump undermined trust in our institutions. Trump is a hate monger that made America ugly. The ugly maker Trump put religious yahoos on the SC that revoked the right to reproductive health care.
It's Biden's fbi and doj which has proven they cannot be trusted and Obama's irs under lenner proved they are corrupt also.

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