Democrats Besides Hillary?


May 23, 2014
Democrats accuse the GOP of having a weak field of potential candidates for 2016. But what about Dems outside of Hillary? She has name recognition but other than that not much. Who is the big Democrat juggernauts? Their field is no stronger than GOP field in 2016. Also, will the Democrats ever nominate a White male for President ever again? I don't see it. The Democrats have been pushing white people out of their party for a generation now. They like to harp on GOP as a small tent, looks to me like Democrats are a small tent. Only room for left wing extremist.
Other than Hillary, whom the Republicans can't beat


All more than capable of beating whatever Republicans offer up
Other than Hillary, whom the Republicans can't beat


All more than capable of beating whatever Republicans offer up
Biden is a phony and has a big mouth. Warren, she might get nomination from Hillary, but not win general election after public gets a dose of her socialist agenda. Kerry...didn't he already report for duty? He has already said he won't run anyway.

Perhaps Dems can nominate this guy. He espouses their economic agenda.
Other than Hillary, whom the Republicans can't beat


All more than capable of beating whatever Republicans offer up
Still more of the same old tired names. It's a pretty sad state of America when we just get the same leftovers served us every 4 years by both parties. It only shows that elections are more about popularity and who has the bigger wallet. It also shows that about the only people paying attention are right here on the boards. The rest are more concerned with the Kardashians, Honey Boo-Boo, and Dancing with the Stars.
We are screwed.
I don't really think we'll know on either side until after 2014 elections.
Other than Hillary, whom the Republicans can't beat


All more than capable of beating whatever Republicans offer up
Biden is a phony and has a big mouth. Warren, she might get nomination from Hillary, but not win general election after public gets a dose of her socialist agenda. Kerry...didn't he already report for duty? He has already said he won't run anyway.
Their greatest advantage is that ant Dem has a major advantage in electoral votes before the election begins
Throw in they get to run against a substandard republican group and you have a shoe in
Other than Hillary, whom the Republicans can't beat


All more than capable of beating whatever Republicans offer up
Still more of the same old tired names. It's a pretty sad state of America when we just get the same leftovers served us every 4 years by both parties. It only shows that elections are more about popularity and who has the bigger wallet. It also shows that about the only people paying attention are right here on the boards. The rest are more concerned with the Kardashians, Honey Boo-Boo, and Dancing with the Stars.
We are screwed.
Name your poison skippy

Give us your pick
Democrats accuse the GOP of having a weak field of potential candidates for 2016. But what about Dems outside of Hillary? She has name recognition but other than that not much. Who is the big Democrat juggernauts? Their field is no stronger than GOP field in 2016. Also, will the Democrats ever nominate a White male for President ever again? I don't see it. The Democrats have been pushing white people out of their party for a generation now. They like to harp on GOP as a small tent, looks to me like Democrats are a small tent. Only room for left wing extremist.

Oh, there is a bevy of good, solid DEM possibilities, all of whom can clean the GOP's clock.

Mark Warner
Mark Udall
John Kerry
Brian Schweitzer

just to name the first four...

Democrats accuse the GOP of having a weak field of potential candidates for 2016. But what about Dems outside of Hillary? She has name recognition but other than that not much. Who is the big Democrat juggernauts? Their field is no stronger than GOP field in 2016. Also, will the Democrats ever nominate a White male for President ever again? I don't see it. The Democrats have been pushing white people out of their party for a generation now. They like to harp on GOP as a small tent, looks to me like Democrats are a small tent. Only room for left wing extremist.

Oh, there is a bevy of good, solid DEM possibilities, all of whom can clean the GOP's clock.

Mark Warner
Mark Udall
John Kerry
Brian Schweitzer

just to name the first four...

They are White males. No chance in Democratic Party.
Democrats accuse the GOP of having a weak field of potential candidates for 2016. But what about Dems outside of Hillary? She has name recognition but other than that not much. Who is the big Democrat juggernauts? Their field is no stronger than GOP field in 2016. Also, will the Democrats ever nominate a White male for President ever again? I don't see it. The Democrats have been pushing white people out of their party for a generation now. They like to harp on GOP as a small tent, looks to me like Democrats are a small tent. Only room for left wing extremist.

Oh, there is a bevy of good, solid DEM possibilities, all of whom can clean the GOP's clock.

Mark Warner
Mark Udall
John Kerry
Brian Schweitzer

just to name the first four...

They are White males. No chance in Democratic Party.

Right, you just keep on thinking that, Bubba.
If anybody stands "besides" Hillary they'll be elbowed off the stage or, failing that, fail to awake the next morning. Democrats will nominate Hillary even though they have to temporarily pause their war against women to do dat.
If anybody stands "besides" Hillary they'll be elbowed off the stage or, failing that, fail to awake the next morning. Democrats will nominate Hillary even though they have to temporarily pause their war against women to do dat.

Of course Democrats will run Hillary and Hillary will run and win

The other Dems in this thread may make a half hearted run to make it look like competition but will drop out shortly after the first primaries

Meanwhile, the Republican clown car will be filled to capacity with none of them having the sense to drop out and let the obvious winner run unopposed. The clown car will harp that the eventual candidate is not conservative enough and force him to say things he will regret later
If anybody stands "besides" Hillary they'll be elbowed off the stage or, failing that, fail to awake the next morning. Democrats will nominate Hillary even though they have to temporarily pause their war against women to do dat.

Of course Democrats will run Hillary and Hillary will run and win

The other Dems in this thread may make a half hearted run to make it look like competition but will drop out shortly after the first primaries

Meanwhile, the Republican clown car will be filled to capacity with none of them having the sense to drop out and let the obvious winner run unopposed. The clown car will harp that the eventual candidate is not conservative enough and force him to say things he will regret later


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