Democrats Biggest Fears...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Loosing Power & Free speech..

If it gets out that instead of lowering costs and quality health care, the American people ended up with far higher costs and inevitable government rationed health care.. mmm.. not good for Dems..

If it gets out that instead of actually reducing unemployment Democrats are forcing Americans to give up on even looking for a job because of shear frustration.. not so good for Democrats.

If it Gets out that Democrats can far exceed any drunken sailors wildest dream on rate of spending with the same result.. not so good for the Democratic Party..

I'm guessing this is why Democrats want to curtail and ridicule the free speech of conservatives such as Palin and Limbaugh..(long list) etc. and inhibit fair and balanced news outlets. Conservatives... hated and feared for stating the obvious...
When it comes to free speech there really isn't much difference between a democrap or a right winger. They both pick and choose.
When it comes to free speech there really isn't much difference between a democrap or a right winger. They both pick and choose.

Funny.. I don't recall a conservative trying to inhibit free speech in America...enlighten me...
Our healthcare is fine, It must be we pay two times per capita than any other industrialized nation.
Our healthcare is fine, It must be we pay two times per capita than any other industrialized nation.

I think the Democrats could double that...:lol:

The republicans already have.
A couple of times.
I recall Regan saying it was not broken and did not need fixing.
It has gone up a few hundred percent in cost since then.
Bush exmepted the govt from barganing on presc prices in the pill bill.

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