Democrats blame white women for loss in Virginia

Votto This is starting to unfold perfectly. One thing Liberal Democrats cannot do is admit they are wrong, so they will double down on their stupid, Race baiting, Cop hating, Trump hating, White blaming bullshit.
Votto This is starting to unfold perfectly. One thing Liberal Democrats cannot do is admit they are wrong, so they will double down on their stupid, Race baiting, Cop hating, Trump hating, White blaming bullshit.
sad but true .
The trump Nazis want desperately to believe the corporate controlled "moderate" congressional Democrats are shocked by the outcomes in Virginia and New Jersey.

But, yesterday was just a preview of what the "moderate" congressional Democrats have been working towards since the current session of Congress began. Led by Joe Manchin, the "moderate" Democrats will turn any legislation that does get passed into a windfall for Big Business and the billionaires (which recently became apparent with the infrastructure bill).

Most Democratic voters have become disgusted with the Senate Democrats' antics. Their intentional failures have guaranteed the Senate will fall to the trumpublicans in 2022. And, the slow-motion investigation by the "Select Committee" into the January 6th insurrection, and the involvement in this treasonous act by many congressional trumpublicans, is as farcical as the House Democrats' softball impeachment charges against the cheeto-in-chief the first time around.

In the latter decades of the twentieth century, the "moderate" Democrats saw the corporate gravy train the GOP had been riding since the 1950s. Why, they decided, should they represent the folks back home, when selling their loyalty to Big Business and the billionaire class, instead, could provide them fabulous personal wealth?

As the minority party, the folks back home naturally understand they are helpless to fight against the Republicans' "socialism". Socialism that hands trillions-of-borrowed-dollars in federal subsidies, forgivable loans, and more to the 0.1% and major corporate political contributors.

So, despite what the pundits are claiming the current political climate is working out just fine for the corporate controlled "moderate" Democrats. Their successful campaign to return to minority party status has guaranteed the trumpublicans' fascism will take over in little more than a year. You trump Nazis will owe a debt of gratitude to Joe Manchin and his team of "moderate" Democrats.

However, if your trump Nazi fascism doesn't look like it will be sufficiently beneficial to Big Business and the billionaire class, it's doubtful they will permit your cheeto-in-chief to become der führer. While his incompetence as POTUS did permit them massive profit taking, as a dictator... the cheeto-in-chief has proven himself to be much too unreliable to wield such power. So, another, more cooperative individual will, inevitably, be selected to fill the position.

How will you trump Nazis react to that development?

The trump Nazis want desperately to believe the corporate controlled "moderate" congressional Democrats are shocked by the outcomes in Virginia and New Jersey.

But, yesterday was just a preview of what the "moderate" congressional Democrats have been working towards since the current session of Congress began. Led by Joe Manchin, the "moderate" Democrats will turn any legislation that does get passed into a windfall for Big Business and the billionaires (which recently became apparent with the infrastructure bill).

Most Democratic voters have become disgusted with the Senate Democrats' antics. Their intentional failures have guaranteed the Senate will fall to the trumpublicans in 2022. And, the slow-motion investigation by the "Select Committee" into the January 6th insurrection, and the involvement in this treasonous act by many congressional trumpublicans, is as farcical as the House Democrats' softball impeachment charges against the cheeto-in-chief the first time around.

In the latter decades of the twentieth century, the "moderate" Democrats saw the corporate gravy train the GOP had been riding since the 1950s. Why, they decided, should they represent the folks back home, when selling their loyalty to Big Business and the billionaire class, instead, could provide them fabulous personal wealth?

As the minority party, the folks back home naturally understand they are helpless to fight against the Republicans' "socialism". Socialism that hands trillions-of-borrowed-dollars in federal subsidies, forgivable loans, and more to the 0.1% and major corporate political contributors.

So, despite what the pundits are claiming the current political climate is working out just fine for the corporate controlled "moderate" Democrats. Their successful campaign to return to minority party status has guaranteed the trumpublicans' fascism will take over in little more than a year. You trump Nazis will owe a debt of gratitude to Joe Manchin and his team of "moderate" Democrats.

However, if your trump Nazi fascism doesn't look like it will be sufficiently beneficial to Big Business and the billionaire class, it's doubtful they will permit your cheeto-in-chief to become der führer. While his incompetence as POTUS did permit them massive profit taking, as a dictator... the cheeto-in-chief has proven himself to be much too unreliable to wield such power. So, another, more cooperative individual will, inevitably, be selected to fill the position.

How will you trump Nazis react to that development?

React? I call Godwin's Law. You lose because you called us "Nazis".
"Its the economy stupid" was the last time democrats understood voters.
Votto This is starting to unfold perfectly. One thing Liberal Democrats cannot do is admit they are wrong, so they will double down on their stupid, Race baiting, Cop hating, Trump hating, White blaming bullshit.

After the vote in Minneapolis they are going to have to rethink the police matter. From coast to coast cities are looking for police officers they can't find. Thanks to them and their co-criminals in the MSM, nobody wants to be a police officer any longer when it was just a few years ago a highly desired job.

I live in a Cleveland suburb and we've been looking to hire five additional officers for the last six months. Can't find them. Furthermore they better be careful because the movement in Minneapolis was led by the black communities.
White women rejected the race based division by the dems, like terry, harris, obama, and xiden and embraced a brighter, more united Virginia that the first african american woman offered to the Lt Govenorship

It's a stupid idea to attack the children of mothers of any race. Mothers will protect their young be they human or in the animal kingdom. When this clown told women to mind their own business because they shouldn't be chiming in on what their kids are learning in a public school they are paying for, you started a war you'll wish you never got involved in. Your kids are not your business--they are governments business.

When you say shit like that you better run for the hills, especially when he doubled down on that when interviewed.
It seems like now every time a Republican wins any position in the country, it's racism that propelled the candidate to the win.

The Dimocrat party needs to burn in hell.

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