Democrats BOOED By Democrats


I only commented on the lack of diversity in the primaries for the D's BECAUSE the D's are always claiming to be the party of diversity.


But let's take a look at how your bigotry oozes from your post. You insinuate that Carson couldn't represent any black interests.

Gee. I guess Carson can't touch Hillary for living the black experience.

Bernie Sanders has Rubio and Cruz hands down for Latinos too. I hear he likes burritos.

Yuppers. A black man that's a Republican couldn't possibly know what it's like to be black. And only a Democrat could understand what it's like to be Latino.

Good grief!


A token black who is extremely poorly qualified to be president is more of an insult to blacks than anything else. I know you think skin color was the main reason Obama was elected, and I will admit it didn't hurt him with blacks, but if he wasn't qualified, it wouldn't matter what his skin color might have been. The same thing applies for Latinos, or any other group you might mention.

He's obviously not qualified, so your theory is wrong. Being black is the only "qualification" that matters to Democrats. They admit that all the time.

I'm sure rush would be proud of you.

How much does Soros pay you to post here?

Don't you go worrying about that. You're not smart enough to be paid.

That must be your conception of wit.

I only commented on the lack of diversity in the primaries for the D's BECAUSE the D's are always claiming to be the party of diversity.


But let's take a look at how your bigotry oozes from your post. You insinuate that Carson couldn't represent any black interests.

Gee. I guess Carson can't touch Hillary for living the black experience.

Bernie Sanders has Rubio and Cruz hands down for Latinos too. I hear he likes burritos.

Yuppers. A black man that's a Republican couldn't possibly know what it's like to be black. And only a Democrat could understand what it's like to be Latino.

Good grief!


A token black who is extremely poorly qualified to be president is more of an insult to blacks than anything else. I know you think skin color was the main reason Obama was elected, and I will admit it didn't hurt him with blacks, but if he wasn't qualified, it wouldn't matter what his skin color might have been. The same thing applies for Latinos, or any other group you might mention.

He's obviously not qualified, so your theory is wrong. Being black is the only "qualification" that matters to Democrats. They admit that all the time.

I'm sure rush would be proud of you.

How much does Soros pay you to post here?

I bet he would do for free so long as they can: all heil the Democrat party

He sucks Obama's cock all day long.

I only commented on the lack of diversity in the primaries for the D's BECAUSE the D's are always claiming to be the party of diversity.


But let's take a look at how your bigotry oozes from your post. You insinuate that Carson couldn't represent any black interests.

Gee. I guess Carson can't touch Hillary for living the black experience.

Bernie Sanders has Rubio and Cruz hands down for Latinos too. I hear he likes burritos.

Yuppers. A black man that's a Republican couldn't possibly know what it's like to be black. And only a Democrat could understand what it's like to be Latino.

Good grief!


A token black who is extremely poorly qualified to be president is more of an insult to blacks than anything else. I know you think skin color was the main reason Obama was elected, and I will admit it didn't hurt him with blacks, but if he wasn't qualified, it wouldn't matter what his skin color might have been. The same thing applies for Latinos, or any other group you might mention.

He's obviously not qualified, so your theory is wrong. Being black is the only "qualification" that matters to Democrats. They admit that all the time.

I'm sure rush would be proud of you.

How much does Soros pay you to post here?

I bet he would do for free so long as they can: all heil the Democrat party

What can I say? It keeps me out of the trailer park.
A token black who is extremely poorly qualified to be president is more of an insult to blacks than anything else. I know you think skin color was the main reason Obama was elected, and I will admit it didn't hurt him with blacks, but if he wasn't qualified, it wouldn't matter what his skin color might have been. The same thing applies for Latinos, or any other group you might mention.

He's obviously not qualified, so your theory is wrong. Being black is the only "qualification" that matters to Democrats. They admit that all the time.

I'm sure rush would be proud of you.

How much does Soros pay you to post here?

I bet he would do for free so long as they can: all heil the Democrat party

He sucks Obama's cock all day long.

Well, no, but if sucking cock is your hobby, by all means, enjoy.
Oh my....does that mean that blacks will suddenly decide to fall in line with the right wing who wants to kill all the programs that help them and belittles blacks every chance they get? I don't think so.
What programs are those?

Take a look around any black neighborhood and tell Me how well those programs have helped..

I'll bet you don't even know or understand what the conservative ideas are about helping blacks...

Now reply with snarkiness and derision for conservatives helping people.....Go ahead Pavlov #8...

Ok. Educate me. Cutting programs that help mostly children and the disabled or elderly while demanding that the poor pull themselves up by their own boot straps, all the while knowing there aren't enough jobs sounds a little harsh to me. What do you think I'm missing?
Well, no one is proposing to cut programs that help children. Lets try and be honest, shall we?

Programs that provide enrichment to the person who is using the benefit will go much further than a vote purchase in alleviating the real poverty and problems surrounding those who live below the poverty line. Now, you'll ignore it, but if you comprehend English, then you will have made note that I have just moved the entire conversation beyond just blacks and into an entire demographic of people, and did so by eliminating the need to talk about race. Why? Because race is not a factor when helping people, and all people are capable of learning.

Programs that just give money and food without requiring a return in effort to lift themselves out of poverty need to be phased out and replaced with programs that require that those receiving the benefit provide some sort of service to the community AND to themselves.

Remedial education should be mandatory to receive the benefit. The education should be in a discipline that is most needed by the community AT THAT that those who are accepting government benefits and be put to work (in jobs that are skilled and therefore above minimum wage) that will help them lift themselves out of poverty.

Understanding people is a requirement to these kinds of programs and it goes without saying that they will require external motivation at first. Once they are working and supporting themselves, they will see the benefit of self sufficiency and that should motivate them. Still, a push is requires. So any program will have to be limited in duration. A debate can be had on the length of that duration, but I would put it at no more than 3 or 4 years. A person can go through an entire apprenticeship program in 4 years.

These kinds of programs begin to pay back the taxpayer by steadily lowering the numbers of people requiring taxpayer assistance. There will always be people who need help, but once the baseline is achieved (A baseline is the number of people leaving the program balances out with the number of people who fall on hard times and need the program to get by) then we'll know the exact amount of funding that will sustain these programs.

I doubt it would be implemented because this kind of program does not allow for politicians to purchase the vote of the desperate.

Of course they are proposing programs that help children, and your little remark about programs to purchase votes is just more limbaugh crap. There are training programs available, but that is useless without corresponding jobs available. I have no more desire to support a lazy bum than you do, but needing help doesn't make you a lazy bum.
Where did I say anything about lazy? That is just more of the lefts assigning intent to people to justify their animosity.

I don't listen to Limbaugh, so again....just more attempts at justifying your viewpoint.

Anyone with any common sense at all knows that government programs are designed to keep politicians, political parties, and people in power. It is vote purchasing, plain and simple. Otherwise, they (and others) would be open to alternative means of helping people without resorting to resource consuming government programs.

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