Democrats Can't Be Serious.Now They Are Concerned Over The Debt And Deficit? Laughable?

How then did the DEBT rise $10 TRILLION over EIGHT YEARS?
It didn't. That is why it is a lie. If the GOP National Debt rose by $10 trillion it would be $22 trillion by now. It isn't!!!

Agreed. It won't hit $22T by end of BO final fiscal yr. Congratulations!
In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets.[18] In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[19] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.[17][19][20]

According to PolitiFact and others, in 2011 the 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined."[21][22] Inherited wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a "substantial head start".[23][24] In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, "over 60 percent" of the Forbes richest 400 Americans "grew up in substantial privilege".[25]--

can you explain why the one percent, need any form of tax break?

I'm no expert but since "47%" pay zero FED income Tax........if you are going to charge the "payees" less the 1% are paying, thereby affected.

The theory is the 1% do most of the investments, loans, risks, start companies.......they will juice things up rather than slow bloated GOVT taking it.

Two big booms might be 15% corporate tax and one-time lower fee to bring back overseas earnings. The rest of cuts will put more money into avg Joe's hands each spend.

Too difficult to post on tablet keyboard and add links. I leave it to experts.
Why not simply deny and disparage the one percent, steak and lobster privileges until the employment situation improves?
TARP to "fix" the mortgage meltdown caused by GOVT policies.
Whenever the Republicans fuck up, the Regressive Right says GOVERNMENT fucked up!

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
- P. J. O'Rourke
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline. Thus, every year after the massive stimulus (that didn't stimulate) assumed the previous baseline PLUS the stimulus as the new baseline. It was a masterful subterfuge and way to drastically increase the budget while keeping the sycophant dupes completely in the dark.

It's like having a household budget in which you spend $75,000/year. Then you send a child to college, and need to spend an additional $25,000/year for 4 years, Most people would breath a sigh of relief after the 4 years are over and return to their normal spending patterns. Not government. Government simply assumes the additional spending is permanent. It may get spent elsewhere, but it will NOT go back down to the previous level.

That's why Trump has to deal with Obama's big early deficits.

Bullshit and horse kock:

And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline. Thus, every year after the massive stimulus (that didn't stimulate) assumed the previous baseline PLUS the stimulus as the new baseline. It was a masterful subterfuge and way to drastically increase the budget while keeping the sycophant dupes completely in the dark.

It's like having a household budget in which you spend $75,000/year. Then you send a child to college, and need to spend an additional $25,000/year for 4 years, Most people would breath a sigh of relief after the 4 years are over and return to their normal spending patterns. Not government. Government simply assumes the additional spending is permanent. It may get spent elsewhere, but it will NOT go back down to the previous level.

That's why Trump has to deal with Obama's big early deficits.

Bullshit and horse kock:

Your chart credits the stimulus to Bush instead of Obama, which is why it's horseshit and why you're a douche bag.
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Only about 200 billion of the stimulus was spent in 2009, Bush owns 1.2 trillion of the 1.4 trillion 2009 fiscal year spending deficit HE approved.
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Only about 200 billion of the stimulus was spent in 2009, Bush owns 1.2 trillion of the 1.4 trillion 2009 fiscal year spending deficit HE approved.

That doesn't matter. When Obama signed the stimulus, the 2009 budget became his budget. He's the one who determine how much was spent, not Bush.
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Only about 200 billion of the stimulus was spent in 2009, Bush owns 1.2 trillion of the 1.4 trillion 2009 fiscal year spending deficit HE approved.

That doesn't matter. When Obama signed the stimulus, the 2009 budget became his budget. He's the one who determine how much was spent, not Bush.
Bullshit, Bush established the fiscal 2009 spending before he left office and he will forever own $1.2 trillion of the $1.4 trillion fiscal 2009 deficit.

Obama's Spending: 'Inferno' or Not? -

  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billion to avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.
How Much Did Obama Add?

But it’s also true that Obama signed a number of appropriations bills, plus other legislation and executive orders, that raised spending for the remainder of fiscal 2009 even above the path set by Bush. By our calculations, Obama can be fairly assigned responsibility for a maximum of $203 billion in additional spending for that year.

It can be argued that the total should be lower. Economist Daniel J. Mitchell of the libertarian CATO Institute — who once served on the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee — has put the figure at $140 billion.
In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Only about 200 billion of the stimulus was spent in 2009, Bush owns 1.2 trillion of the 1.4 trillion 2009 fiscal year spending deficit HE approved.

That doesn't matter. When Obama signed the stimulus, the 2009 budget became his budget. He's the one who determine how much was spent, not Bush.
Bullshit, Bush established the fiscal 2009 spending before he left office and he will forever own $1.2 trillion of the $1.4 trillion fiscal 2009 deficit.

Obama's Spending: 'Inferno' or Not? -

  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billion to avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.
How Much Did Obama Add?

But it’s also true that Obama signed a number of appropriations bills, plus other legislation and executive orders, that raised spending for the remainder of fiscal 2009 even above the path set by Bush. By our calculations, Obama can be fairly assigned responsibility for a maximum of $203 billion in additional spending for that year.

It can be argued that the total should be lower. Economist Daniel J. Mitchell of the libertarian CATO Institute — who once served on the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee — has put the figure at $140 billion.

It doesn't matter how much he added. Leftwingers give Bush the blame for all the debt incurred during his administration. If you're comparing apples to apples, then Obama gets credit for all the debt incurred during his administration, but you don't want to do that. You want to use one standard for Bush and another standard for Obama. We get it that you're all a bunch of incredible hypocrites.
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
Only about 200 billion of the stimulus was spent in 2009, Bush owns 1.2 trillion of the 1.4 trillion 2009 fiscal year spending deficit HE approved.

That doesn't matter. When Obama signed the stimulus, the 2009 budget became his budget. He's the one who determine how much was spent, not Bush.
Bullshit, Bush established the fiscal 2009 spending before he left office and he will forever own $1.2 trillion of the $1.4 trillion fiscal 2009 deficit.

Obama's Spending: 'Inferno' or Not? -

  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billion to avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.
How Much Did Obama Add?

But it’s also true that Obama signed a number of appropriations bills, plus other legislation and executive orders, that raised spending for the remainder of fiscal 2009 even above the path set by Bush. By our calculations, Obama can be fairly assigned responsibility for a maximum of $203 billion in additional spending for that year.

It can be argued that the total should be lower. Economist Daniel J. Mitchell of the libertarian CATO Institute — who once served on the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee — has put the figure at $140 billion.

It doesn't matter how much he added. Leftwingers give Bush the blame for all the debt incurred during his administration. If you're comparing apples to apples, then Obama gets credit for all the debt incurred during his administration, but you don't want to do that. You want to use one standard for Bush and another standard for Obama. We get it that you're all a bunch of incredible hypocrites.
I aint concern at all.

I am just concern you liberterians are going to turn America into a third world country when it comes to infrastructure, science and education because of it.
It ain't okay with me no matter who does it. We have GOT to rein in spending, starting with entitlement reform cuz that's where the big bucks are. Kicking that can down the road constitutes a failure of government leadership IMHO. On all of 'em, both parties. Don't know why everyone is quick to blame the other side but not their own; for the most part they're a bunch of gutless, corrupt cowards who are afraid of bucking the extremists in their own party.

Can't argue with that. There's a commonly held fallacy that the big bucks are in defense spending .

Escalating debt should concern us all. 4+ Trillion added under Bush was bad - 9.3 Trillion added under Obama is twice as bad. That's not counting unfunded liabilities. Mention entitlement reform and the electorate bipartisanly go ballistic - the resulting fallout turns even the most honest, especially the most honest, politician's career to ashes.
Let me get this straight, the GOP thought the sequester would be good for the economy so they wanted everyone to know it was an idea of the Democratic Party. :cuckoo:

They wanted to give credit where credit was due, of course, being Obama's idea and's the reasonable way. Obama, on the other hand wanted to's the liberal way.

Speaking of the liberal way - let's talk funny math. Spending 2009 - spending bills signed by Obama are credited to his column, you acknowledge that, correct?

So, omnibus spending bill - Approved by the House before Obama took office but held over by Pelosi because Bush threatened to veto it. Signed by Obama. 410 Billion

TARP - Congress granted Bush access to half - the other half was granted to Obama by a Democratic Congress. 350 Billion
(Paybacks on the Bush era TARP loans belong in the Bush column, but you can keep 'em)
btw- did Senator Obama vote for TARP? - can't quite recall.

American Re-investment and Recovery Act (Stimulus) - 787 Billion and change.

Can you do the math?

Squirm all you like - 9+ Trillion was added to the national debt on Obama's watch. There was great angst and handwringing over Bush's spending among the Democrats running for office in 2008...including Obama. Obama pronounced that Bush was unpatriotic and irresponsible for adding 4+Trillion in 8 years - then went on to nearly double that in his own 8 years.

But the real issue on this thread - if you were concerned about the debt added under Bush, you should be twice as concerned about the debt added under Obama. By your responses, displaying an almost admirable lack of intellectual honesty, it's a safe bet that you are not.:wink_2:
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline. Thus, every year after the massive stimulus (that didn't stimulate) assumed the previous baseline PLUS the stimulus as the new baseline. It was a masterful subterfuge and way to drastically increase the budget while keeping the sycophant dupes completely in the dark.

It's like having a household budget in which you spend $75,000/year. Then you send a child to college, and need to spend an additional $25,000/year for 4 years, Most people would breath a sigh of relief after the 4 years are over and return to their normal spending patterns. Not government. Government simply assumes the additional spending is permanent. It may get spent elsewhere, but it will NOT go back down to the previous level.

That's why Trump has to deal with Obama's big early deficits.

Bullshit and horse kock:

Your chart credits the stimulus to Bush instead of Obama, which is why it's horseshit and why you're a douche bag.

You're such a fruit-loop dingus. Bush owns ALL that debt accumulated in FY2009 since it was all the result of his Great Recession. Had he not cratered the economy, Obama wouldn't have had to spend a dime in stimulus.
Interesting that no one on the Right will answer that question because it will show the Right's hypocritical double standard when "calculating" the national debt for each president!!!
Notice the Right will not say the national debt went down one year under Clinton!

Why would anyone say the national debt has gone down? It hasn't. It's gone up every year no matter who the President was!

The sad thing is that now the interest each year is about the same thing as the defense budget. These foreign banks have a thing about lending money for nothing.

The U.S. debt to China is $1.059 trillion, as of February 2017. That's 27.8 percent of the $3.8 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $19.9 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.

I didn't notice you whining and blubbering when Obama signed his $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill that was not paid for.

What the hell else could he do coming out of a George W. Bush fiasco which left jobs bleeding off at a 200,000 per month rate?

Last month of GWB was close to 800000 jobs lost and went down for a few months after before Obama righted the ship
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
The rich needed their bailout; the "trickle down" didn't make it in time for our previous president to "take the credit".
Squirm all you like - 9+ Trillion was added to the national debt on Obama's watch. There was great angst and handwringing over Bush's spending among the Democrats running for office in 2008...including Obama. Obama pronounced that Bush was unpatriotic and irresponsible for adding 4+Trillion in 8 years - then went on to nearly double that in his own 8 years.
Except Bush added 6 trillion not to the 6 trillion he inherited from Reagan and his father, and so even 9 trillion added does not double 12 trillion.
And here it is again, the dishonest Right know that fiscal years are the correct way to compare budgets, and they use them for Clinton without exception, but the hypocrites also dishonestly use calendar years exclusively to compare Obama's budgets to Bush's.

In case you did not notice. My figures, with the source and link, ARE FISCAL YEARS.

As you know, there is a perfectly good reason. The DEBT NEVER DECREASED UNDER former President Bill Clinton. The DEFICIT decreased due to the fact that Social Security and Medicare payments are included in those figures.

Please note:

End of Fiscal Year Debt (9/30, in billions)
1993 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,411
1994 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,693
1995 . . . . . . . . . . .$4,974
1996 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,225
1997 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,413
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,526
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,656
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,674

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11
That is right, you are using fiscal years for Clinton, but you used calendar years for your LIE that Obama doubled the GOP National Debt!!!
At the end of Bush's last FISCAL year the GOP National Debt was just under $12 trillion, so is the debt going to be $24 billion at the end of Obama's last fiscal year???

Obama's stimulus passed in February. It was his budget from that point on, dumbass. Bush didn't sing the $1 trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, Obama did.
The rich needed their bailout; the "trickle down" didn't make it in time for our previous president to "take the credit".
Wonder what cancelling Death Tax or Estate Tax will do to benefit the AH in our WH? The pos is making millions as our president and republican traitors remain silent
The BIG bucks are in defense spending but no conservative will cut defense spending - the military industrial complex will see to that. Entitlements are things voters PAID for, hence they are "entitled" to the benefit. SS is an entitlement. Food stamps, welfare, and corporate bailouts are NOT.

Wow, you are one confused character.

Apparently, you are unaware of the rapidly deteriorating situation in North Korea along with the entire Middle East. North Korea a situation passed along by several administrations and the Middle East on the shoulders of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Then you have the fact that our current bombers are technically described as antiques and our nuclear weapons are from the 60's and 70's. Drastically outdated and in critical need of being modernized.

No entitlements are being cut. Your livelihood is safe.

Nuclear weapons are constantly being refurbished.. I live about 15 miles from the Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge and that's what they do there......24/7/365. Atomic activity is constantly present in such weapons and if not upgraded periodically they become useless.

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