Democrats Caught on Tape Paying to Start Violence at Trump Rallies and Rigging Elections

Whatever you say loser boy. Did you ever figure out how to quote someone?

Not my fault your computer is riddled with virus's from all the gay porn sites you visit.

I thought I recognized you down on all fours. What was the guy's name behind you....@thegreatgatsby ?

Sorry thats not my thing.But you're free to fuck whatever you want,just leave me out of it.

The more I think about it, the more I recognize you and Gatsby getting it on. Did he split you in half short-stack????

That you even know what that means,I sure as hell dont,tells me all I need to know thanks.

C'mon, it's locker room talk. Oh yeah, that's right....fags like you have never been in a locker room. Back to your "safe space" shirley.
Not my fault your computer is riddled with virus's from all the gay porn sites you visit.

I thought I recognized you down on all fours. What was the guy's name behind you....@thegreatgatsby ?

Sorry thats not my thing.But you're free to fuck whatever you want,just leave me out of it.

The more I think about it, the more I recognize you and Gatsby getting it on. Did he split you in half short-stack????

That you even know what that means,I sure as hell dont,tells me all I need to know thanks.

C'mon, it's locker room talk. Oh yeah, that's right....fags like you have never been in a locker room. Back to your "safe space" shirley.

Funny,my family was nothing but sports growing up.
Hell,I was in the Rockets locker room more times than I can count and the players never mentioned anything like that.
Maybe you're confusing it with your time in the bath houses.
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I thought I recognized you down on all fours. What was the guy's name behind you....@thegreatgatsby ?

Sorry thats not my thing.But you're free to fuck whatever you want,just leave me out of it.

The more I think about it, the more I recognize you and Gatsby getting it on. Did he split you in half short-stack????

That you even know what that means,I sure as hell dont,tells me all I need to know thanks.

C'mon, it's locker room talk. Oh yeah, that's right....fags like you have never been in a locker room. Back to your "safe space" shirley.

Funny,my family was nothing but sports growing up.
Hell,I was in the Rockets locker room more times than I can count and the players never mentioned anything like that.
Maybe your confusing it with your time in the bath houses.

I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.
Sorry thats not my thing.But you're free to fuck whatever you want,just leave me out of it.

The more I think about it, the more I recognize you and Gatsby getting it on. Did he split you in half short-stack????

That you even know what that means,I sure as hell dont,tells me all I need to know thanks.

C'mon, it's locker room talk. Oh yeah, that's right....fags like you have never been in a locker room. Back to your "safe space" shirley.

Funny,my family was nothing but sports growing up.
Hell,I was in the Rockets locker room more times than I can count and the players never mentioned anything like that.
Maybe your confusing it with your time in the bath houses.

I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.

They had guards at the door to keep people like you out....
I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.

look at candy cornhole using the "you are gay" tactics...its called "Jamming" accusing hetro people who they disagree with them as being closet gays.
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I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.

look at candy cornhole using the "you are gay" tactics...its called "Jamming" accusing hetro people who they disagree with as being closet gays.

Thats something that always made me go..:uhh:
One minute they're praising homos the next they're using em as insult material.
I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.

look at candy cornhole using the "you are gay" tactics...its called "Jamming" accusing hetro people who they disagree with as being closet gays.

Thats something that always made me go..:uhh:
One minute they're praising homos the next they're using em as insult material.
Because they dont really support homos at all.

Homos are just another voting block to them and they are making a shift as we speak from homos to Muslims for their ideological patronage system.
I bet you spent a lot of time in several guys dressing rooms... both with and without their knowledge.

look at candy cornhole using the "you are gay" tactics...its called "Jamming" accusing hetro people who they disagree with them as being closet gays.

I guess when he first accused me of watching "gay porn" that was appropriate?

I debate in the manner which I'm debated. He wanted to go there, I exposed him the way he exposes himself on the films--you know the ones I supposedly watch.
Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times

Hmmm, we already know that money suddenly appeared from somewhere to pay them. So, could Obama possibly have something to do with it? That really surprises me. Everything we've heard indicates there's no love lost between Hillary and the prez. So why all this to get her elected?

Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United for Change, explained how the scheme works.

“The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the shit,” Foval told an undercover journalist.

One example of the “shit” Foval executes was an instance in which a 69-year-old woman garnered headlines after claiming to be assaulted at a Trump rally.

“She was one of our activists,” Foval said.

Read more: Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times
Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times

Hmmm, we already know that money suddenly appeared from somewhere to pay them. So, could Obama possibly have something to do with it? That really surprises me. Everything we've heard indicates there's no love lost between Hillary and the prez. So why all this to get her elected?

Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United for Change, explained how the scheme works.

“The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the shit,” Foval told an undercover journalist.

One example of the “shit” Foval executes was an instance in which a 69-year-old woman garnered headlines after claiming to be assaulted at a Trump rally.

“She was one of our activists,” Foval said.

Read more: Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times

Apparently Americans want these thugs to run the country, according to the polls.

I say we veto that vote if it happens.
Saw this on FB today.

Hillary Clinton may become the first F President ever elected. I was going to say "Female President" but the "emale" got deleted.
Are they talking about the same thing?



After this, Donna Brazile is on natural causes watch.

These people planned this from the start.

Tim Kaine steps down as DNC chair after Obama wins in exchange for VP slot.
DWS takes over, and helps Hillary win at all costs.
DWS is found out.
DWS steps down and become one of the chairs in Hillary's campaign
Brazile steps up as DNC chair and also has known ties to Clinton and helped her during the primary, basically a backup for DWS if she failed.

Brazile also an ex-CNN correspondent should tell you all you need to k now about the state of DNC mingling with media.
Unfucking believable!!!
Well liberals, what do you have to say now?
They just deny it like they always do. That is the only intelligence level they have. This is such a hypocritical bunch of idiots . These sob will stoop to the lowest level..

There is suppose to be another DAMNING vidoe coming out by Monday from James Okeefe. that is if they don't try and kill him first.

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