Democrats celebrating stock market down “it hurts trump” sick

So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.

I don't see where Big Labor "makes America great". I have no problem with the business agents, the union bosses that hang out at the nation's Italian Clubs. But pretending as if these muscle heads are what makes the entire country "Great" is absurd.
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
I want open borders with Mexico the same way we have open borders with Canadians. What's the difference? I also want to be able to come and go back and forth to Mexico and Canada. It's called freedom.

Seriously, what is the difference? The difference is that American corporations aren't hiring Canadians illegally. We need to close down illegal employers. That will solve this problem. They are the lure bringing illegal workers to this country.

The wall idea was so fucking stupid. Wouldn't solve a god damn thing. They'd go up, under and through it to get to those jobs. But if illegal employers would stop hiring them....

Stop arguing and stop saying stupid shit like we want open borders. It makes you sound stupid af.

So its easier and more efficient to put ICE agents on street corner and in home depot parking lots from coast to coast to pinch the people who would hire the illegals who are hanging out there, instead of just deporting illegals who would take American jobs? Interesting theory. Sleepy Joe is committed to no longer deporting anyone , except for those who commit violent felonies in America, should he be elected.

BTW, why do you think that Illegals won't still come, even if they are unable to get employment? The Democrats are committed to giving them the full range of social services as they go on the short path to citizenship.

They would have to immediately come and claim assylum and prove they should get in and they would be deported.

You'll come up with every argument to avoid talking about the real problem we have and that's illegal employers

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That’s part of the problem,, build the wall, then deport then employers

The wall would be a huge waste of money. Unnecessary. It would have to be patrolled. So, einstein, if you got to patrol the wall then just patrol the border and skip the wall.

The wall dramatically reduces the number of people you need to have patrolling. This is why there is a wall at the White House, even though they have guards too.

No it doesn't because when they stop patrolling, they dig under or climb over or go through it. Wake up Trumpsters. It was a stupid idea Trump pushed because it was something simple minded people could wrap their brains around.

Again, I would have backed Trump's idea if he said he wanted $5 billion to hire more border patrol and buy new technologies that would help us patrol our borders. No one wants illegals coming here. So we need to take away the thing luring them here. It's not welfare our hospitals or schools. Those things are bonus. What's bringing them here are illegal employers.

You don't want to admit this and you don't want to believe that Reagan and Bush did it on purpose. They loved the cheap labor. So did you. Remember you and McCain argued they were here doing jobs American's wouldn't do? I do. And I have documentation of what our side was saying about it back then.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

You can't deny the facts. Clinton was doing his job and then Bush got in and stopped doing it. Why? I think you know why. This made the rich richer. This hurt labor and the middle class and it is one of the ways the rich have waged war on us middle class Americans. The other way is by breaking unions and sending jobs overseas. And you defended those things remember? You hated unions and said you loved buying cheap shit from China.

So don't try to bullshit me. You are only lying to yourself. Or you're the only one believing the shit coming out of your mouth.

It most likely does no political harm to him....but as he is a big investor type...I'm quite sure he's feeling the pinch personally.
Most people understand that he didn't plan and execute the Corona catastrophe and that early on in the game the info that he was given was that it was no more serious than the seasonal flu.

Now for some reality

Trump’s failures during the coronavirus pandemic run the gamut from the rhetorical to the organizational. Every time the president speaks he seems to add to the fear and chaos surrounding the situation: telling Americans it was not serious by asserting his “hunches” about data, assuring people that everyone would be tested even when there were very few tests available, telling people that we are very close to a vaccine when it is anywhere from 12 to 18 months away, mistakenly asserting that goods as well as people from Europe would be forbidden from entering the United States, and announcing that Google had a website for testing while the initiative was merely an unimplemented idea, were just a few of his televised gaffes. After every presidential statement, “clarifications” were needed. Trump has the unique distinction of giving a national address meant to calm the country that had the effect of taking the stock market down over 1,000 points.

Trump’s failed presidency

I like this one better because it's coming from a Republican

The Trump Presidency Is Over

When, in January 2016, I wrote that despite being a lifelong Republican who worked in the previous three GOP administrations, I would never vote for Donald Trump, even though his administration would align much more with my policy views than a Hillary Clinton presidency would, a lot of my Republican friends were befuddled. How could I not vote for a person who checked far more of my policy boxes than his opponent?

What I explained then, and what I have said many times since, is that Trump is fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office. For me, that is the paramount consideration in electing a president, in part because at some point it’s reasonable to expect that a president will face an unexpected crisis—and at that point, the president’s judgment and discernment, his character and leadership ability, will really matter.

It took until the second half of Trump’s first term, but the crisis has arrived in the form of the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s hard to name a president who has been as overwhelmed by a crisis as the coronavirus has overwhelmed Donald Trump.

That said, the president and his administration are responsible for grave, costly errors, most especially the epic manufacturing failures in diagnostic testing, the decision to test too few people, the delay in expanding testing to labs outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and problems in the supply chain. These mistakes have left us blind and badly behind the curve, and, for a few crucial weeks, they created a false sense of security. What we now know is that the coronavirus silently spread for several weeks, without us being aware of it and while we were doing nothing to stop it. Containment and mitigation efforts could have significantly slowed its spread at an early, critical point, but we frittered away that opportunity.

But that’s not all. The president reportedly ignored early warnings of the severity of the virus and grew angry at a CDC official who in February warned that an outbreak was inevitable. The Trump administration dismantled the National Security Council’s global-health office, whose purpose was to address global pandemics; we’re now paying the price for that. “We worked very well with that office,” Fauci told Congress. “It would be nice if the office was still there.” We may face a shortage of ventilators and medical supplies, and hospitals may soon be overwhelmed, certainly if the number of coronavirus cases increases at a rate anything like that in countries such as Italy. (This would cause not only needless coronavirus-related deaths, but deaths from those suffering from other ailments who won’t have ready access to hospital care.)
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.

I don't see where Big Labor "makes America great". I have no problem with the business agents, the union bosses that hang out at the nation's Italian Clubs. But pretending as if these muscle heads are what makes the entire country "Great" is absurd.
None of us would make what we make today if it weren't for unions pal.

And since union membership went from 35% of American workers to about 10%, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

So unions helped create a middle class the world had never seen before. Before unions the middle class and labor wasn't as big or comfortable. Fewer Americans were "middle class".

So you may not realize what unions did for you, but you are welcome anyways.
So its easier and more efficient to put ICE agents on street corner and in home depot parking lots from coast to coast to pinch the people who would hire the illegals who are hanging out there, instead of just deporting illegals who would take American jobs? Interesting theory. Sleepy Joe is committed to no longer deporting anyone , except for those who commit violent felonies in America, should he be elected.

BTW, why do you think that Illegals won't still come, even if they are unable to get employment? The Democrats are committed to giving them the full range of social services as they go on the short path to citizenship.

They would have to immediately come and claim assylum and prove they should get in and they would be deported.

You'll come up with every argument to avoid talking about the real problem we have and that's illegal employers

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That’s part of the problem,, build the wall, then deport then employers

The wall would be a huge waste of money. Unnecessary. It would have to be patrolled. So, einstein, if you got to patrol the wall then just patrol the border and skip the wall.

The wall dramatically reduces the number of people you need to have patrolling. This is why there is a wall at the White House, even though they have guards too.

No it doesn't because when they stop patrolling, they dig under or climb over or go through it. Wake up Trumpsters. It was a stupid idea Trump pushed because it was something simple minded people could wrap their brains around.

Again, I would have backed Trump's idea if he said he wanted $5 billion to hire more border patrol and buy new technologies that would help us patrol our borders. No one wants illegals coming here. So we need to take away the thing luring them here. It's not welfare our hospitals or schools. Those things are bonus. What's bringing them here are illegal employers.

You don't want to admit this and you don't want to believe that Reagan and Bush did it on purpose. They loved the cheap labor. So did you. Remember you and McCain argued they were here doing jobs American's wouldn't do? I do. And I have documentation of what our side was saying about it back then.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

You can't deny the facts. Clinton was doing his job and then Bush got in and stopped doing it. Why? I think you know why. This made the rich richer. This hurt labor and the middle class and it is one of the ways the rich have waged war on us middle class Americans. The other way is by breaking unions and sending jobs overseas. And you defended those things remember? You hated unions and said you loved buying cheap shit from China.

So don't try to bullshit me. You are only lying to yourself. Or you're the only one believing the shit coming out of your mouth.
The wall is part of protecting America.. deal with it
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.
They would have to immediately come and claim assylum and prove they should get in and they would be deported.

You'll come up with every argument to avoid talking about the real problem we have and that's illegal employers

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That’s part of the problem,, build the wall, then deport then employers

The wall would be a huge waste of money. Unnecessary. It would have to be patrolled. So, einstein, if you got to patrol the wall then just patrol the border and skip the wall.

The wall dramatically reduces the number of people you need to have patrolling. This is why there is a wall at the White House, even though they have guards too.

No it doesn't because when they stop patrolling, they dig under or climb over or go through it. Wake up Trumpsters. It was a stupid idea Trump pushed because it was something simple minded people could wrap their brains around.

Again, I would have backed Trump's idea if he said he wanted $5 billion to hire more border patrol and buy new technologies that would help us patrol our borders. No one wants illegals coming here. So we need to take away the thing luring them here. It's not welfare our hospitals or schools. Those things are bonus. What's bringing them here are illegal employers.

You don't want to admit this and you don't want to believe that Reagan and Bush did it on purpose. They loved the cheap labor. So did you. Remember you and McCain argued they were here doing jobs American's wouldn't do? I do. And I have documentation of what our side was saying about it back then.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

You can't deny the facts. Clinton was doing his job and then Bush got in and stopped doing it. Why? I think you know why. This made the rich richer. This hurt labor and the middle class and it is one of the ways the rich have waged war on us middle class Americans. The other way is by breaking unions and sending jobs overseas. And you defended those things remember? You hated unions and said you loved buying cheap shit from China.

So don't try to bullshit me. You are only lying to yourself. Or you're the only one believing the shit coming out of your mouth.
The wall is part of protecting America.. deal with it

And we already have a wall in places where it makes sense. To put the wall from east to west coast is a waste of money. You guys like wasteful pork projects?

How about you rebuild our infrastructure?
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.

I don't see where Big Labor "makes America great". I have no problem with the business agents, the union bosses that hang out at the nation's Italian Clubs. But pretending as if these muscle heads are what makes the entire country "Great" is absurd.
None of us would make what we make today if it weren't for unions pal.

And since union membership went from 35% of American workers to about 10%, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

So unions helped create a middle class the world had never seen before. Before unions the middle class and labor wasn't as big or comfortable. Fewer Americans were "middle class".

So you may not realize what unions did for you, but you are welcome anyways.
Are you saying if I owned the contracting company I couldn’t make more money than working for the union!? Lol
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.
Wow look at the hate of blacks
That’s part of the problem,, build the wall, then deport then employers

The wall would be a huge waste of money. Unnecessary. It would have to be patrolled. So, einstein, if you got to patrol the wall then just patrol the border and skip the wall.

The wall dramatically reduces the number of people you need to have patrolling. This is why there is a wall at the White House, even though they have guards too.

No it doesn't because when they stop patrolling, they dig under or climb over or go through it. Wake up Trumpsters. It was a stupid idea Trump pushed because it was something simple minded people could wrap their brains around.

Again, I would have backed Trump's idea if he said he wanted $5 billion to hire more border patrol and buy new technologies that would help us patrol our borders. No one wants illegals coming here. So we need to take away the thing luring them here. It's not welfare our hospitals or schools. Those things are bonus. What's bringing them here are illegal employers.

You don't want to admit this and you don't want to believe that Reagan and Bush did it on purpose. They loved the cheap labor. So did you. Remember you and McCain argued they were here doing jobs American's wouldn't do? I do. And I have documentation of what our side was saying about it back then.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

You can't deny the facts. Clinton was doing his job and then Bush got in and stopped doing it. Why? I think you know why. This made the rich richer. This hurt labor and the middle class and it is one of the ways the rich have waged war on us middle class Americans. The other way is by breaking unions and sending jobs overseas. And you defended those things remember? You hated unions and said you loved buying cheap shit from China.

So don't try to bullshit me. You are only lying to yourself. Or you're the only one believing the shit coming out of your mouth.
The wall is part of protecting America.. deal with it

And we already have a wall in places where it makes sense. To put the wall from east to west coast is a waste of money. You guys like wasteful pork projects?

How about you rebuild our infrastructure?
Fake news

It most likely does no political harm to him....but as he is a big investor type...I'm quite sure he's feeling the pinch personally.
Most people understand that he didn't plan and execute the Corona catastrophe and that early on in the game the info that he was given was that it was no more serious than the seasonal flu.

Liberals who liked Carter said the same thing about the Iran hostage situation. LOL

Most people understand the hostage situation wasn't Carter's fault but how he handled it is what caused them to elect an actor name Reagan. Back then we wanted a tough guy. Today we want a leader who we all trust and believe. Trump's the biggest liar. Only his loyal followers don't get that.
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
This is the third Democrat that is openly bragged about killing people, Not just people but Americans
So you are perfectly ok with a poor person or poor couple having 6 kids even though that means welfare and foodstamps?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
Republicans don’t mind the uninsured dying if they can’t afford the best treatment.

our founders knew we had a right to a lawyer but not a doctor? Or expensive chemo treatments or epi pens.
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
This is the third Democrat that is openly bragged about killing people, Not just people but Americans
You don’t care if an American dies because they can’t afford the best medicines. It happens every day. You don’t want all Americans insured because that would cost you more.

btw do busboys get healthcare or are you on your parents because Obama got you that?
No you have 20 kids! You work any job you can to proved for your family! We protect our wages by kicking our low wage workers that add no value. Dish washers like we used to! Your kids see the struggle they fight like hell
The produce the next great invention! They make money dad retires! That’s America

You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
Republicans don’t mind the uninsured dying if they can’t afford the best treatment.

our founders knew we had a right to a lawyer but not a doctor? Or expensive chemo treatments or epi pens.
Your health is your business,, why we have charities
You can invent anything you want. If you don't have unions, labor laws, regulations, social security, public schools, medicare, affordable college for everyone, then you don't have what made America great.

I find it funny that you guys think America is already great. Like what was the day/month/year that America turned great again? Was it the tax breaks?

Just seems like we have a ways to go before America is great again.
I love how Democrats claim they care about struggling poor families! Lol
According to the numbers there will be dozens of blacks shot and killed in towns run by democrats this weekend the weekend after next year they sit there and do absolutely nothing as it gets worse.

they another over 669,000 black babies.. killing them with snips of the neck!

they say we are over populated and killing Americans is ok.. lol
Do they have social security cards? Then they aren't Americans, yet.

People don't deserve to be killed just because they don't have a social security card. If someone doesn't have any income , they don't need to pay taxes and they have no need for a card. I remember signing up for mine at age 14. You would have killed me before that?
This is the third Democrat that is openly bragged about killing people, Not just people but Americans
You don’t care if an American dies because they can’t afford the best medicines. It happens every day. You don’t want all Americans insured because that would cost you more.

btw do busboys get healthcare or are you on your parents because Obama got you that?
I want more charities and more people donating,, democrats could have a national health care pool. You won’t do it, because you just want to tear down the fabric of America

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