Democrats Cheer Call for an Obama DYNASTY

Obama is a Cult Leader
So, you are saying the USA is a cult, because that is what he is the leader of?

The people of the USA did not elect an Obama dynasty, dude.

The cult are the fascists in the Democratic party who like to hang ornaments of Mao on the Winter Festival tree and dream of stripping the rest of us of our freedoms, rights, religion and guns, just like the Jacobins they try to emulate did.
the Democrat Party moved to the extreme Left years ago. As such many, if not most far-left regimes are also cult-like; involving a Dear Leader type like in North Korea; who is seen almost as a god or something
the Democrat Party moved to the extreme Left years ago. As such many, if not most far-left regimes are also cult-like; involving a Dear Leader type like in North Korea; who is seen almost as a god or something

Obama is an admirer of Chavez and bows to monarchs and dictators.

Why should we expect anything else?
Democrats Cheer Call for an Obama DYNASTY

Both parties are susceptible to this type of unAmericanism. I disliked it when we cheered for RR in that manner and dislike how some are calling for a Bush dynasty.

Good on you about bring up the Dens on this.
There's a reason most people go into politics.
They are idiots who would not make it in the private sector.

But the career politicians do have one talent that they excel at above all others; lying.
I don't know about a dynasty. But I could definitely see a third and fourth term
Obama is a Cult Leader
So, you are saying the USA is a cult, because that is what he is the leader of?

obama does not equal the USA. My god you're stupid.
Where did I say Obama equals the USA? I don't even know what the fuck that is suppossed to mean.

I stated that he is the leader of the USA, which as the duly elected president, he is.

You are the fucking moron who is incapable of comprehending what you are reading.
Democrats Cheer Call for an Obama DYNASTY

Both parties are susceptible to this type of unAmericanism. I disliked it when we cheered for RR in that manner and dislike how some are calling for a Bush dynasty.

Good on you about bring up the Dens on this.

I don't remember anyone trying to make a Reagan dynasty; he was a bit old for that, though some did whine about that pesky constitutional amendment banning third consecutive terms.

The Bush family is trying to achieve a dynasty by stealth and not talking about it. Jeb's name is on a lot of lips today, and he is a sure loser. The Bush brand is dead for another generation at least.

But the way these Dems cheered is just sickening. They really want a President for life, and I don't mean all Democrats. This looks like the well organized third off the Democrat Party that can make a hundred people seem like a million.
So, you are saying the USA is a cult, because that is what he is the leader of?

obama does not equal the USA. My god you're stupid.
Where did I say Obama equals the USA? I don't even know what the fuck that is suppossed to mean.

I stated that he is the leader of the USA, which as the duly elected president, he is.

You are the fucking moron who is incapable of comprehending what you are reading.

Lol, you think being elected President equates to a dynasty, and you call him a moron?

obama does not equal the USA. My god you're stupid.
Where did I say Obama equals the USA? I don't even know what the fuck that is suppossed to mean.

I stated that he is the leader of the USA, which as the duly elected president, he is.

You are the fucking moron who is incapable of comprehending what you are reading.

Lol, you think being elected President equates to a dynasty, and you call him a moron?

Show me where I stated anything about a dynasty. It is almost unbelievable how dense you nutters are.
Where did I say Obama equals the USA? I don't even know what the fuck that is suppossed to mean.

I stated that he is the leader of the USA, which as the duly elected president, he is.

You are the fucking moron who is incapable of comprehending what you are reading.

Lol, you think being elected President equates to a dynasty, and you call him a moron?

Show me where I stated anything about a dynasty. It is almost unbelievable how dense you nutters are.

The OP was about Dems cheering an Obama dynasty, and you said he was elected President; connect the fucking dots Einstein.

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