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Democrats Cheering Citizens Losing Their Savings While Protesting For Illegals


Don't worry, it's not your fault.

I'll give you some helpful hints on how not to be one.

1) respond to what is written in the post.

Ok, I'll do that. What you wrote is wrong, and uninformed crap. Anyone can post "Oh, come off it. Clinton and Obama made an economy that lost 7 million people their homes, and saw the top 0.1% gain a massive percentage more of wealth."

What you posted, and I just repeated, have the exact same validity and support.


What's crap?

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again? — bobsullivan.net

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. "

Many Who Lost Homes to Foreclosure in Last Decade Won’t Return — NAR

Less than one-third of families who lost their homes to foreclosure or other distress events in the past decade are likely to become homeowners again, according to an analysis by the National Association of Realtors.

More than 9.3 million homeowners went through a foreclosure, surrendered their home to a lender or sold their home via a distress sale between 2006 and 2014."

Okay, might have been more than 7 million.

Crap that is not. Uniformed it is not.

Just because "anyone can post this" doesn't mean it's not true.

Bush pushed the economy, he spent massively on wars, and he didn't fix the problems that would become massive problems.

And why would he?

His friends got rich in the war. People he didn't know or care about lost their lives.

His friends got rich in the recession. People he didn't know or care about lost their homes.

See the pattern here?

Obama had nothing to do with the start of the recession. That had happened before he became President.

Clinton, yeah, he might have helped the recession with policies that he implemented, then again Bush had 7 years to change those.

Yes, I see a pattern. You blindly cite basic facts, and then using the power of partisanship, blame someone, without any evidence whatsoever that the person you blame had anything to do with the facts you cite.

That's the pattern I see.

Was it not Bush who pushed to have new regulation on Freddie and Fannie, the two biggest mortgage suppliers in the entire country, and also happen to be the two largest bail outs of the entire sub-prime crash?

Was it not the democrats who opposed controlling the GSEs because were doing an "outstanding leadership" job of pushing sub-prime mortgages?

Was it not the democrats who said there actually was no bubble at all?

And honestly, the level of intellectually brainlessness, to simply say "something bad happened.... X was president, therefore X must be to blame", is basically the intellectually thinking skill of a toddler. Maybe even lower than a toddler, given my sisters kids show more deductive reasoning than this.

View attachment 175885

Do you see a slight problem with the utterly mindless, "blame Bush" left-winger rant? It's called "facts". Facts are a problem for the mindless left-wing blame-Bush-until-the-end-of-time rant session.

This is why I stopped being a left-winger myself. When I actually looked at facts, instead of just "dur.... so-and-so is president, and something bad happened, therefore so-and-so caused all bad things on Earth during his term".

The housing price bubble started in 1997. That is a fact. That fact, blows up your idiotic 5-year-old toddler 'blame bush forever' argument.

Wait, are you telling me Presidents don't have responsibility for the economy? Trump seems to think so.

Also, if you note what I said
Oh, come off it. Bush and others

Sorry to spoil your party, but I didn't say this was just Bush. I said Bush and others. Oppsie, didn't see that one, huh?

I could put together a 10,000 word disertation on the whole thing. Then do you know what would happen. 99% of the people who might consider replying wouldn't even read past the title. Then another 0.7% wouldn't read past the first paragraph. So cut the sanctimonious crap. We're on a site full of people who don't have a concentration span long enough to get past insults.

But here's the thing. Bush knew in September 2003 there was a problem with Freddie and Fanny and yet it still went balls up 5 years later.

Lest We Forget: Why We Had A Financial Crisis

Here's a good article from Forbes.

The start... 1998. Clinton was president.

"In 1998, banks got the green light to gamble: The Glass-Steagall legislation, which separated regular banks and investment banks was repealed in 1998. This allowed banks, whose deposits were guaranteed by the FDIC, i.e. the government, to engage in highly risky business."

"Low interest rates fueled an apparent boom: Following the dot-com bust in 2000, the Federal Reserve dropped rates to 1 percent and kept them there for an extended period. This caused a spiral in anything priced in dollars (i.e., oil, gold) or credit (i.e., housing) or liquidity driven (i.e., stocks)."

Well, this is the Federal Reserve's doing. That doesn't mean the Executive doesn't make decisions in this regard.

"Derivatives were unregulated: Derivatives had become a uniquely unregulated financial instrument. They are exempt from all oversight, counter-party disclosure, exchange listing requirements, state insurance supervision and, most important, reserve requirements. This allowed AIG to write $3 trillion in derivatives while reserving precisely zero dollars against future claims."

So, whose job is it to write the laws for this regulation?

Congress. But then the President is a part of this process.

"It was primarily private lenders who relaxed standards: Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards."

Why were there lenders no subject to congressional regulations?

There are many other things that helped to cause the economic crisis. But what happens in almost every case is this?

Why wasn't something done about the problems that were happening? Congress is there to write the laws. The President is there to sign the laws or not. Good Presidents will push for the right regulations that will stop this. Bad Presidents won't.

So, does Bush get exonerated because he did not get done what needed to be done? Is being a bad president an excuse? Is lack of effort an excuse?

In answer to what could have been done differently.

"The answer is clear: nothing. Nothing would have been different. This is not a speculation. We know it because an interesting new book describes what did happen to the people who did speak out and try to blow the whistle on what was going on. They were ignored or sidelined in the rush for the money."

"The drive for short-term profit crushed all opposition in its path, until the inevitable meltdown in 2008."

"The question is very simple. Do we want to deny reality and go down the same path as we went down in 2008, pursuing short-term profits until we encounter yet another, even-worse financial disaster? "

The answer is yes. The people in power, like Trump, want another crisis. Why? Because short term gain is better for them than a long term steady economy.

Trump is pushing things again, reducing regulations.

Trump to order regulatory rollback Friday for finance industry starting with Dodd-Frank

Trump to order regulatory rollback Friday for finance industry starting with Dodd-Frank"

History repeats itself.

"In 1998, banks got the green light to gamble: The Glass-Steagall legislation, which separated regular banks and investment banks was repealed in 1998. This allowed banks, whose deposits were guaranteed by the FDIC, i.e. the government, to engage in highly risky business."

That's awful!
But the only risky business that caused the banks trouble was mortgages.
Glass-Steagall didn't restrict mortgage lending.

At the same time that Nancy Pelosi was standing up *in highheels* on the House floor for 8 hours for DACA recipients most Democrats were cheering the loss of our savings in the stock market.
I find it hard to imagine that such a thing can be a positive for liberals outside of the obvious reasons. The corrupt mainstream media only covers what Democrats in Washington want and refuse to cover news that is positive for the country we live in. If not for that the Democratic Party would be toast.

We are officially in a correction....and it's well known that USMB members who hate Trump have been hoping for a market crash. Apparently there was such a flood of great economic news coming out daily that the Fed started signalling increasing interest rates. That's all it took for the upward trends in the market to start heading downward. What the Dems are hoping for is a massive deficit to brag about in the midterm election. They hoped for a $1.2 trillion dollar deficit (coincidentally Obama's first deficit was aprox. $1.2 trillion.....all attributed to Bush of course) so they could all of the sudden act like they're worried about spending again, after 8 years of running up the debt under Obama.

So the Democrats and the Republicans are both busy running up the debt in hopes that somehow the Democrats can take back Congress and impeach Trump. That's is all they care about.

Well, I'll take that back.....they care about illegals entering this country in record numbers hoping to take advantage of comprehensive immigration reform. The only wildcard is Trump. What will he do that brings all of their plans crashing down around them.
Yep, the only person, it appears, that is standing up for American citizens, is Trump. That's a pretty sad state of affairs folks. The Establishment is desperately trying to get rid of him because he has our best interests in mind, and as we've said quite often, Trump is on his own. Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare to save over $1 trillion over 10 years and Sen John McCain said no. Trump is trying to reduce the deficit to the tune of over $160 billion/yr by ending all of the spending on illegals and congress won't cooperate with him. And let's not forget about all of the spending on refugees that we're committed to, thanks to Obama and the Democrats. They can't get enough Americans to vote for them, so they bring in millions of foreign voters who feel beholden to them. Those people have to be taken care of. So when the Democrats cry about how much Trump is spending they're full of crap. Trump wants to provide jobs and security for Americans, not people who snuck into the country, or were brought here by Obama.

So once again, Democrats and some Republicans created a problem, but with the help of their corrupt media friends, they're blaming it on Trump.
The right wing has no solutions. Who cuts taxes before funding Government? The right wing.

Good to know you don't have a clue.
have a fine capital infrastructure plan, yet? right wingers.
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian
Nobody has lost their savings unless they just added their savings to the market in the last 10 days.
I sure hope you are not a financial adviser!

Just for myself. But I do hope you pay for one since you clearly do not understand that market.
Yeah, how's the buried Mason Jar in the backyard doing?

No buried jars for me, you seem to be projecting. But from a guy that thinks people "lost their savings" in this little downturn by the market, a jar might be your best bet since you clearly lack the balls to ride out a couple bumps in the road.
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian

It has nothing to do with socialism, this goes back beyond that.

Read the book, learn something.

At the same time that Nancy Pelosi was standing up *in highheels* on the House floor for 8 hours for DACA recipients most Democrats were cheering the loss of our savings in the stock market.
I find it hard to imagine that such a thing can be a positive for liberals outside of the obvious reasons. The corrupt mainstream media only covers what Democrats in Washington want and refuse to cover news that is positive for the country we live in. If not for that the Democratic Party would be toast.

We are officially in a correction....and it's well known that USMB members who hate Trump have been hoping for a market crash. Apparently there was such a flood of great economic news coming out daily that the Fed started signalling increasing interest rates. That's all it took for the upward trends in the market to start heading downward. What the Dems are hoping for is a massive deficit to brag about in the midterm election. They hoped for a $1.2 trillion dollar deficit (coincidentally Obama's first deficit was aprox. $1.2 trillion.....all attributed to Bush of course) so they could all of the sudden act like they're worried about spending again, after 8 years of running up the debt under Obama.

So the Democrats and the Republicans are both busy running up the debt in hopes that somehow the Democrats can take back Congress and impeach Trump. That's is all they care about.

Well, I'll take that back.....they care about illegals entering this country in record numbers hoping to take advantage of comprehensive immigration reform. The only wildcard is Trump. What will he do that brings all of their plans crashing down around them.
Yep, the only person, it appears, that is standing up for American citizens, is Trump. That's a pretty sad state of affairs folks. The Establishment is desperately trying to get rid of him because he has our best interests in mind, and as we've said quite often, Trump is on his own. Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare to save over $1 trillion over 10 years and Sen John McCain said no. Trump is trying to reduce the deficit to the tune of over $160 billion/yr by ending all of the spending on illegals and congress won't cooperate with him. And let's not forget about all of the spending on refugees that we're committed to, thanks to Obama and the Democrats. They can't get enough Americans to vote for them, so they bring in millions of foreign voters who feel beholden to them. Those people have to be taken care of. So when the Democrats cry about how much Trump is spending they're full of crap. Trump wants to provide jobs and security for Americans, not people who snuck into the country, or were brought here by Obama.

So once again, Democrats and some Republicans created a problem, but with the help of their corrupt media friends, they're blaming it on Trump.

NOTHING NEW. EVERY victory ever cheered for by the Democrats, if you really think about it, has always meant pain and suffering and more hardship for mainstream Americans being worse off in general. I dare anyone to prove me wrong.
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian

It has nothing to do with socialism, this goes back beyond that.

Read the book, learn something.
Socialism has always been there, it’s like a cancer always ready to show its ugly face

At the same time that Nancy Pelosi was standing up *in highheels* on the House floor for 8 hours for DACA recipients most Democrats were cheering the loss of our savings in the stock market.
I find it hard to imagine that such a thing can be a positive for liberals outside of the obvious reasons. The corrupt mainstream media only covers what Democrats in Washington want and refuse to cover news that is positive for the country we live in. If not for that the Democratic Party would be toast.

We are officially in a correction....and it's well known that USMB members who hate Trump have been hoping for a market crash. Apparently there was such a flood of great economic news coming out daily that the Fed started signalling increasing interest rates. That's all it took for the upward trends in the market to start heading downward. What the Dems are hoping for is a massive deficit to brag about in the midterm election. They hoped for a $1.2 trillion dollar deficit (coincidentally Obama's first deficit was aprox. $1.2 trillion.....all attributed to Bush of course) so they could all of the sudden act like they're worried about spending again, after 8 years of running up the debt under Obama.

So the Democrats and the Republicans are both busy running up the debt in hopes that somehow the Democrats can take back Congress and impeach Trump. That's is all they care about.

Well, I'll take that back.....they care about illegals entering this country in record numbers hoping to take advantage of comprehensive immigration reform. The only wildcard is Trump. What will he do that brings all of their plans crashing down around them.
Yep, the only person, it appears, that is standing up for American citizens, is Trump. That's a pretty sad state of affairs folks. The Establishment is desperately trying to get rid of him because he has our best interests in mind, and as we've said quite often, Trump is on his own. Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare to save over $1 trillion over 10 years and Sen John McCain said no. Trump is trying to reduce the deficit to the tune of over $160 billion/yr by ending all of the spending on illegals and congress won't cooperate with him. And let's not forget about all of the spending on refugees that we're committed to, thanks to Obama and the Democrats. They can't get enough Americans to vote for them, so they bring in millions of foreign voters who feel beholden to them. Those people have to be taken care of. So when the Democrats cry about how much Trump is spending they're full of crap. Trump wants to provide jobs and security for Americans, not people who snuck into the country, or were brought here by Obama.

So once again, Democrats and some Republicans created a problem, but with the help of their corrupt media friends, they're blaming it on Trump.

Oh, come off it. Bush and others made an economy that lost 7 million people their homes, and saw the top 0.1% gain a massive percentage more of wealth.

Then you're complaining about this..... crocodile tears it isn't, but maybe crocodile anger.

those people "lost their homes" because they were given mortgages that they could not afford to make the payments on. It was bad policy created by dems that cried "but everyone deserves to own a home" NO, they don't. You only deserve what you can afford to pay for.

under the new tax bill, the very rich will pay more and everyone else will pay less. Isnt that what you libs wanted?
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian

It has nothing to do with socialism, this goes back beyond that.

Read the book, learn something.
Socialism has always been there, it’s like a cancer always ready to show its ugly face

Your paranoia is a bit too much this early on a Saturday.
The Dimocrat party of today could care less about immigration laws, they see ABSOLUTELY no difference between illegals that have sneaked into our country and people who have done the responsible thing by abiding by our laws.
The federal government does not want people to have a savings, they need people to depend on their nanny state

That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian

It has nothing to do with socialism, this goes back beyond that.

Read the book, learn something.
Socialism has always been there, it’s like a cancer always ready to show its ugly face

Your paranoia is a bit too much this early on a Saturday.
It has nothing to do with paranoia, it’s all about fact.
Socialism has been tried countless times through out all of civilization, it has 100% fail rate long-term… No two ways about it.

Insanity and socialism go hand-in-hand

At the same time that Nancy Pelosi was standing up *in highheels* on the House floor for 8 hours for DACA recipients most Democrats were cheering the loss of our savings in the stock market.
I find it hard to imagine that such a thing can be a positive for liberals outside of the obvious reasons. The corrupt mainstream media only covers what Democrats in Washington want and refuse to cover news that is positive for the country we live in. If not for that the Democratic Party would be toast.

We are officially in a correction....and it's well known that USMB members who hate Trump have been hoping for a market crash. Apparently there was such a flood of great economic news coming out daily that the Fed started signalling increasing interest rates. That's all it took for the upward trends in the market to start heading downward. What the Dems are hoping for is a massive deficit to brag about in the midterm election. They hoped for a $1.2 trillion dollar deficit (coincidentally Obama's first deficit was aprox. $1.2 trillion.....all attributed to Bush of course) so they could all of the sudden act like they're worried about spending again, after 8 years of running up the debt under Obama.

So the Democrats and the Republicans are both busy running up the debt in hopes that somehow the Democrats can take back Congress and impeach Trump. That's is all they care about.

Well, I'll take that back.....they care about illegals entering this country in record numbers hoping to take advantage of comprehensive immigration reform. The only wildcard is Trump. What will he do that brings all of their plans crashing down around them.
Yep, the only person, it appears, that is standing up for American citizens, is Trump. That's a pretty sad state of affairs folks. The Establishment is desperately trying to get rid of him because he has our best interests in mind, and as we've said quite often, Trump is on his own. Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare to save over $1 trillion over 10 years and Sen John McCain said no. Trump is trying to reduce the deficit to the tune of over $160 billion/yr by ending all of the spending on illegals and congress won't cooperate with him. And let's not forget about all of the spending on refugees that we're committed to, thanks to Obama and the Democrats. They can't get enough Americans to vote for them, so they bring in millions of foreign voters who feel beholden to them. Those people have to be taken care of. So when the Democrats cry about how much Trump is spending they're full of crap. Trump wants to provide jobs and security for Americans, not people who snuck into the country, or were brought here by Obama.

So once again, Democrats and some Republicans created a problem, but with the help of their corrupt media friends, they're blaming it on Trump.
The right wing has no solutions. Who cuts taxes before funding Government? The right wing.

Good to know you don't have a clue.
have a fine capital infrastructure plan, yet? right wingers.

Why do you ask? Looking for something else to obstruct?
That is part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as a means of control of the system and of the wealth in the country.

It is not an accident we have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to understand our system...https://www.amazon.com/Fragile-Design-Political-Princeton-Economic/dp/0691155240&tag=ff0d01-20
Socialism is all about control… Very Orwellian

It has nothing to do with socialism, this goes back beyond that.

Read the book, learn something.
Socialism has always been there, it’s like a cancer always ready to show its ugly face

Your paranoia is a bit too much this early on a Saturday.
It has nothing to do with paranoia, it’s all about fact.
Socialism has been tried countless times through out all of civilization, it has 100% fail rate long-term… No two ways about it.

Insanity and socialism go hand-in-hand

Socialism has become nothing more than a buzzword and the boogie man all tied up into one nice package.

If when you say socialism you mean "the means of production, distribution, and exchange owned by the community as a whole.", then there is no socialism in this country nor has there been in most countries.

If by socialism you mean the movement of wealth from one party to another, then all forms of government have some socialism to them. Military, public education, police, fire dept, roads, and 1000s things more are all socialism and according to you are bad and evil. Personally I like having roads to drive on.
Democrats Cheering Citizens Losing Their Savings



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