Democrats Concede 2020 General Election

The irony is once again through the roof. Half of the democrat party's voting base is from Mexico, and their plan is to stuff the voting booths with Meixcan votes. Which will work unless Trump stops them on their tracks.
Projection in so many ways. Whatever Democrats are accusing Trump of, they are doing themselves.

The Founding Fathers and the Constitution both are predicated on final responsibility of proper government on "We The People"
To put all one's faith in one man to protect all men from tyranny is not only unwise, but dangerous.

Just suppose for one second, that one man is able to be corrupted by the right offer...or an offer he simply cannot refuse....then what?

It is not up to Trump to stop them. It is the Constitutional DUTY of every citizen to stop them.
A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy
So you say you believe open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism,, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories are winning strategies?.

At least The Democrat Socialist Party no longer try to hide their always anti-American agenda 'cause it's such a winner:

A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy
So you say you believe open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism,, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories are winning strategies?.

At least The Democrat Socialist Party no longer try to hide their always anti-American agenda 'cause it's such a winner:

I support Mexico paying for the wall, sensible gun control measures, not requiring a woman subjected to rape or incest to be forced to give birth, social policies , impeaching those who abuse their office

So do most Americans
A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy
So you say you believe open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism,, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories are winning strategies?.

At least The Democrat Socialist Party no longer try to hide their always anti-American agenda 'cause it's such a winner:

I support Mexico paying for the wall, sensible gun control measures, not requiring a woman subjected to rape or incest to be forced to give birth, social policies , impeaching those who abuse their office

So do most Americans
No we don't but all our socialist/commie scumbags do.
Huh...............did Hunter do his shit in Russia too. Omfg............the Biden's got around lol
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy
So you say you believe open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism,, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories are winning strategies?.

At least The Democrat Socialist Party no longer try to hide their always anti-American agenda 'cause it's such a winner:

I support Mexico paying for the wall, sensible gun control measures, not requiring a woman subjected to rape or incest to be forced to give birth, social policies , impeaching those who abuse their office

So do most Americans
No we don't but all our socialist/commie scumbags do.
Actually...Republicans lose on all those issues
Huh...............did Hunter do his shit in Russia too. Omfg............the Biden's got around lol
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
and nitwits like you believe trump is as pure as the new driven snow ...any trump supporter is an ah and you lead the way
Huh...............did Hunter do his shit in Russia too. Omfg............the Biden's got around lol
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though
A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy

Yes, though he may win the popular vote this time around.

Yes, the polls are wrong all of the time now.

Doesn't matter.

Yes, he can.

He will win. That's why the Dems are so desperate to impeach him.

Huh...............did Hunter do his shit in Russia too. Omfg............the Biden's got around lol
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though

Legally, possibly. Morally and ethically, he most certainly did. He traded his office for money. That is corrupt through and through.
A president with this economy of Trump should be easily re-elected.

But this is Trump

Facing Impeachment
Poor poling
Generally not a like able person

Going to be a tough 2020

yeppers, and the shrilary, your hero and paymaster, is our POTUS......


Can Trump count on losing the popular vote and winning again?
Can he count on all polls being wrong again?
Can he count on his unpopularity winning an election?
Can he count on Republicans flocking to the polls for an unpopular candidate?

Not a winning strategy

Yes, though he may win the popular vote this time around.

Yes, the polls are wrong all of the time now.

Doesn't matter.

Yes, he can.

He will win. That's why the Dems are so desperate to impeach him.


Polls have been consistently right in Presidential elections. They were wrong in 2016
Can Trump count on polls being ALWAYS wrong

Not a promising way to run for a second term
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though

Legally, possibly. Morally and ethically, he most certainly did. He traded his office for money. That is corrupt through and through.
Trump traded military aid for assistance in getting dirt on an opponent
Hunter didn’t do anything
Even the Ukraine admits it..
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though

Legally, possibly. Morally and ethically, he most certainly did. He traded his office for money. That is corrupt through and through.
Not when perpetrated by a Democrat. It's right there in the constitution ... honest.
Ukrainian Prez says Trump neither threatened him nor offered quid pro quo. What's next ... Trump is a poopyhead?
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though

Legally, possibly. Morally and ethically, he most certainly did. He traded his office for money. That is corrupt through and through.
Trump traded military aid for assistance in getting dirt on an opponent
What dirt did he get? (this should be exciting)
Same Prez who is begging for military aid

I have a favor to ask though.....
Ah ... so you believe that Biden did nothing wrong but that Zelensky is LYING? How convenient. :lol:

I suppose in your situation reality isn't worthy of consideration.
Biden did absolutely nothing wrong
But our president believed in more unfounded conspiracy theories and asked Zelinsky for a favor though

Legally, possibly. Morally and ethically, he most certainly did. He traded his office for money. That is corrupt through and through.
Trump traded military aid for assistance in getting dirt on an opponent
What dirt did he get? (this should be exciting)
What does it matter

He tried
One need not even read it between the lines. By their actions and words the Dems admit impeachment - itself a very long shot at best - is the only way they can get Trump out. With over a year 'til the election they are already hoisting desperate "Hail Mary" passes from their own 2 yard line early in the 3rd qtr of the game.

Impeachment is their only option - nuclear - and they don't care about the fallout because they are DESPERATE. Their leftarded lemmings can't handle the truth but it's in their faces:

Rep Al Green (D, TX) told MSNBC in May that he is "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected."
Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"

DNC Chair Tom Perez - who just returned from MEXICO CITY where he attended 3 fundraisers - was just as open about the need to impeach not for cause but rather for politics. Yeah … Dems know they can't win elections:
DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

The Republicans plan on buying the election this time. That along with more Russian help could allow Trump to win.

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