Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing

Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing
November 15, 2019 ~ By David Marcus
CNN reports that in a private meeting this week, top Democrats conceded that the polls on impeachment were unlikely to shift, and that their basic message is failing to break through for huge swaths of Americans. This is very close to admitting that their ultimate goal, of removing president Trump from office will not be achieved. The upshot is that Democrats know this isn’t going well, or at least as well as they had hoped. And yet, they appear to feel that if they have gone this far they have to see it through. They will have a day or two to celebrate with the base the symbolic victory of impeaching Trump, the top policy position of the party for three years now. Then they can pivot to calling every GOP senator who doesn’t vote to convict, a corrupt hack.
Meanwhile the show goes on, at least for a little while longer. And while it might not be must watch TV, the result of this effort will help to define the 2020 race for president. Right now, the White House has every reason to be just fine with that.

The complete detachment from reality by half the members of the House all Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats- not having a clue what people even in their own districts think about this - is why the founders and framers set up a system of government that was based primarily on States governing themselves and a small federal government.
The issue is not that people cannot grasp concepts evil power hungry and vindictive PMS/DSA Democrats are pushing...the issue is we understand these corrupt ideologists all to well and we reject their lies.
As infuriating as this impeachment show trial scam is, it serves a very useful and necessary purpose. It is showing the WORLD how power hungry, hateful, corrupt and untrustworthy the PMS/DSA Democrats have become. Pelosi lost control, and now they don't know how to claw their way out of this. They earned their misery!
Even when this impeachment hoax is overturned and PMS/DSA Democrats defeated, Trump re-elected in 2020, the task will not be complete until every single elected Democrat is removed from office in America. They've presently destroyed their party.
They are irredeemably ideologically corrupt, compromised, and hopelessly debauched. Either the Democrats are utterly destroyed, or their efforts to destroy America will continue.
This Star Chamber faux impeachment led by Adam Schitf is their Pickett’s Charge, except the Confederacy had far more honor and virtue than any living Democrat today.
Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing

Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing
November 15, 2019 ~ By David Marcus
CNN reports that in a private meeting this week, top Democrats conceded that the polls on impeachment were unlikely to shift, and that their basic message is failing to break through for huge swaths of Americans. This is very close to admitting that their ultimate goal, of removing president Trump from office will not be achieved. The upshot is that Democrats know this isn’t going well, or at least as well as they had hoped. And yet, they appear to feel that if they have gone this far they have to see it through. They will have a day or two to celebrate with the base the symbolic victory of impeaching Trump, the top policy position of the party for three years now. Then they can pivot to calling every GOP senator who doesn’t vote to convict, a corrupt hack.
Meanwhile the show goes on, at least for a little while longer. And while it might not be must watch TV, the result of this effort will help to define the 2020 race for president. Right now, the White House has every reason to be just fine with that.

The complete detachment from reality by half the members of the House all Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats- not having a clue what people even in their own districts think about this - is why the founders and framers set up a system of government that was based primarily on States governing themselves and a small federal government.
The issue is not that people cannot grasp concepts evil power hungry and vindictive PMS/DSA Democrats are pushing...the issue is we understand these corrupt ideologists all to well and we reject their lies.
As infuriating as this impeachment show trial scam is, it serves a very useful and necessary purpose. It is showing the WORLD how power hungry, hateful, corrupt and untrustworthy the PMS/DSA Democrats have become. Pelosi lost control, and now they don't know how to claw their way out of this. They earned their misery!
Even when this impeachment hoax is overturned and PMS/DSA Democrats defeated, Trump re-elected in 2020, the task will not be complete until every single elected Democrat is removed from office in America. They've presently destroyed their party.
They are irredeemably ideologically corrupt, compromised, and hopelessly debauched. Either the Democrats are utterly destroyed, or their efforts to destroy America will continue.
This Star Chamber faux impeachment led by Adam Schitf is their Pickett’s Charge, except the Confederacy had far more honor and virtue than any living Democrat today.

Wow and this from CNN no less! A good piece if I do say so.
Your entire nation and society is in the shitter, that's why all partisanshitheads are left with is whining about the "other" side. The system isn't broken, it is working as designed.
As most Americans are not quite informed enough to know what is going on in their daily lives do not expect them to understand the clown king's criminal actions. He needs to be found guilty of treason and hung.
Cant' wait to see the spin on MTP and FTN tomorrow morning.
As most Americans are not quite informed enough to know what is going on in their daily lives do not expect them to understand the clown king's criminal actions. He needs to be found guilty of treason and hung.

Go get some rope and try to do it yourself, faux-tough guy.
If democommiecrats accept that impeachment isn't working, it's time to be very afraid. They have only the last thing they can do to prevent Trump from continuing in office and being reelected.
If democommiecrats accept that impeachment isn't working, it's time to be very afraid. They have only the last thing they can do to prevent Trump from continuing in office and being reelected.

I've thought the same thing. I wonder if they have another Oswald in the wings to use?
Proof positive this isn't about "Patriotism, not partisanship", as Nazi Pelousy said the other day. If this was about doing the right thing, and not partisan hackery, they wouldn't be taking polls. They would just do the right thing.
Your entire nation and society is in the shitter, that's why all partisanshitheads are left with is whining about the "other" side. The system isn't broken, it is working as designed.

Do you even live in the US. Your opinion is noted and useless lies as usual so STFU.

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Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing

Democrats Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing
November 15, 2019 ~ By David Marcus
CNN reports that in a private meeting this week, top Democrats conceded that the polls on impeachment were unlikely to shift, and that their basic message is failing to break through for huge swaths of Americans. This is very close to admitting that their ultimate goal, of removing president Trump from office will not be achieved. The upshot is that Democrats know this isn’t going well, or at least as well as they had hoped. And yet, they appear to feel that if they have gone this far they have to see it through. They will have a day or two to celebrate with the base the symbolic victory of impeaching Trump, the top policy position of the party for three years now. Then they can pivot to calling every GOP senator who doesn’t vote to convict, a corrupt hack.
Meanwhile the show goes on, at least for a little while longer. And while it might not be must watch TV, the result of this effort will help to define the 2020 race for president. Right now, the White House has every reason to be just fine with that.

The complete detachment from reality by half the members of the House all Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats- not having a clue what people even in their own districts think about this - is why the founders and framers set up a system of government that was based primarily on States governing themselves and a small federal government.
The issue is not that people cannot grasp concepts evil power hungry and vindictive PMS/DSA Democrats are pushing...the issue is we understand these corrupt ideologists all to well and we reject their lies.
As infuriating as this impeachment show trial scam is, it serves a very useful and necessary purpose. It is showing the WORLD how power hungry, hateful, corrupt and untrustworthy the PMS/DSA Democrats have become. Pelosi lost control, and now they don't know how to claw their way out of this. They earned their misery!
Even when this impeachment hoax is overturned and PMS/DSA Democrats defeated, Trump re-elected in 2020, the task will not be complete until every single elected Democrat is removed from office in America. They've presently destroyed their party.
They are irredeemably ideologically corrupt, compromised, and hopelessly debauched. Either the Democrats are utterly destroyed, or their efforts to destroy America will continue.
This Star Chamber faux impeachment led by Adam Schitf is their Pickett’s Charge, except the Confederacy had far more honor and virtue than any living Democrat today.

Wow and this from CNN no less! A good piece if I do say so.
It's not from cnn. It's from the federalist.

So most likely just bullshit
Proof positive this isn't about "Patriotism, not partisanship", as Nazi Pelousy said the other day. If this was about doing the right thing, and not partisan hackery, they wouldn't be taking polls. They would just do the right thing.

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