Democrats: Condor eggs aren’t Condors. Kavanaugh: Bullshit if they aren’t!

I can’t wait for this showdown.
Kavanaugh to shred Roe v. Wade and DACA....ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!
“Make America Decent Again”

Cavanaugh has been telling Senators that Roe vs Wade is settled law.

Given the left's fanatical adherence to their primary religious sacrament of infant sacrifice, are you surprised judicial candidates are leery of saying otherwise?

.He just might mean it. Several Republican Senators could vote against him if they think he is lying.
I can’t wait for this showdown.
Kavanaugh to shred Roe v. Wade and DACA....ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!
“Make America Decent Again”

Cavanaugh has been telling Senators that Roe vs Wade is settled law.

Given the left's fanatical adherence to their primary religious sacrament of infant sacrifice, are you surprised judicial candidates are leery of saying otherwise?

.He just might mean it. Several Republican Senators could vote against him if they think he is lying.

I really doubt that anyone in Congress is stupid enough not to recognize lip service to fanatical baby-killers when they see it, particularly since they're often forced to pretend the same way.

The truth is that "settled law" means exactly the same thing to Republican politicians as it does to Democrat: we're stuck with it until we find a way around it.

I actually really doubt that Kavanaugh has much interest in diving in and hunting up a way to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's going to depend a lot more on finding the right case, presented the right way, with the right arguments . . . as with so many things.
Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.

How about a pregnant cockroach that invades your clean country and drops her spawn in your lap forcing you to care for it for the rest of its days?

Would you have rather she terminated?

If you actually have to ask whether or not I want a baby killed simply because his mother is an illegal immigrant, then you're even more of an evil, wretched excuse for humanity than I previously thought.
I don't know about you, but people who believe it's OK to strip parents of their children but fight against a woman's right to chose are sick and indecent people. That's a moral's judgement that I'm glad to make.
I can’t wait for this showdown.
Kavanaugh to shred Roe v. Wade and DACA....ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!
“Make America Decent Again”
you wouldn't support trump as president if you really wanted to Make America decent again... :rolleyes: Trump is indecent... yet you love him???
Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.

How about a pregnant cockroach that invades your clean country and drops her spawn in your lap forcing you to care for it for the rest of its days?

Would you have rather she terminated?

If you actually have to ask whether or not I want a baby killed simply because his mother is an illegal immigrant, then you're even more of an evil, wretched excuse for humanity than I previously thought.
I don't know about you, but people who believe it's OK to strip parents of their children but fight against a woman's right to chose are sick and indecent people. That's a moral's judgement that I'm glad to make.

I don't know about you, but I value the contents of a septic tank SLIGHTLY more than I value your judgement on what's sick and indecent. I dispute your qualifications to make any moral judgement at all.
Why do the men here think they have the right to tell a woman what medical decision she decides to make? What does a woman you don't know and never will, who decides to have an abortion have on your life? You don't know her, know her circumstances that led to that decision, know her financial situation, or her personal life, and yet all of you are here thinking you have the right to tell her what you think she should do if she is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy.
Oh, and here comes the usual....birth control, abstinence, blah, blah, blah..... I can just see it now, a woman is being raped and says , "uh, excuse me Mr. Rapist, but could you please use a condom so that I don't get pregnant?" Or, do you all think like the backwoods men that if a woman gets pregnant as a result of rape that she should consider it a gift from God?
And, what about that doctor who is running on the republican ticket who had an affair with his patient and wanted her to get an abortion, but now is running on being anti-abortion? He's more than likely not the only one and hopefully, they all will be exposed.
I can see how you men would like it of the government and the women in this country wanted a say in you medical decisions.
Bottom line for the men.... you have absolutely NO say what a woman does with her body..........NONE!!! So STFU!!!
Why do the men here think they have the right to tell a woman what medical decision she decides to make? What does a woman you don't know and never will, who decides to have an abortion have on your life? You don't know her, know her circumstances that led to that decision, know her financial situation, or her personal life, and yet all of you are here thinking you have the right to tell her what you think she should do if she is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy.
Oh, and here comes the usual....birth control, abstinence, blah, blah, blah..... I can just see it now, a woman is being raped and says , "uh, excuse me Mr. Rapist, but could you please use a condom so that I don't get pregnant?" Or, do you all think like the backwoods men that if a woman gets pregnant as a result of rape that she should consider it a gift from God?
And, what about that doctor who is running on the republican ticket who had an affair with his patient and wanted her to get an abortion, but now is running on being anti-abortion? He's more than likely not the only one and hopefully, they all will be exposed.
I can see how you men would like it of the government and the women in this country wanted a say in you medical decisions.
Bottom line for the men.... you have absolutely NO say what a woman does with her body..........NONE!!! So STFU!!!

Ehrmagerd, the emotion! It's all over me! I'm being oppressed by the evil penises, and I'm so passionate about it, that my opinion is automatically right and virtuous without ever having to make any sense or have any morality to it whatsoever!!!!

Here, sweetie. You look like you might need these:



We wouldn't want you having vapors.
Why do the men here think they have the right to tell a woman what medical decision she decides to make? What does a woman you don't know and never will, who decides to have an abortion have on your life? You don't know her, know her circumstances that led to that decision, know her financial situation, or her personal life, and yet all of you are here thinking you have the right to tell her what you think she should do if she is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy.
Oh, and here comes the usual....birth control, abstinence, blah, blah, blah..... I can just see it now, a woman is being raped and says , "uh, excuse me Mr. Rapist, but could you please use a condom so that I don't get pregnant?" Or, do you all think like the backwoods men that if a woman gets pregnant as a result of rape that she should consider it a gift from God?
And, what about that doctor who is running on the republican ticket who had an affair with his patient and wanted her to get an abortion, but now is running on being anti-abortion? He's more than likely not the only one and hopefully, they all will be exposed.
I can see how you men would like it of the government and the women in this country wanted a say in you medical decisions.
Bottom line for the men.... you have absolutely NO say what a woman does with her body..........NONE!!! So STFU!!!

Ehrmagerd, the emotion! It's all over me! I'm being oppressed by the evil penises, and I'm so passionate about it, that my opinion is automatically right and virtuous without ever having to make any sense or have any morality to it whatsoever!!!!

Here, sweetie. You look like you might need these:


View attachment 214037

We wouldn't want you having vapors.
Oh, fuck off! I'm passionate about a woman's right to choose, and if that offends you, tough shit! I don't want a man, or woman, telling me, or any other woman what medical procedures we can have done. It's no one's business and if that offends you or pisses you off, so be it.
Take your condescending shit elsewhere because all this shows me is that you're an asshole of the first kind. Oh wait....of the third kind.
Why do the men here think they have the right to tell a woman what medical decision she decides to make? What does a woman you don't know and never will, who decides to have an abortion have on your life? You don't know her, know her circumstances that led to that decision, know her financial situation, or her personal life, and yet all of you are here thinking you have the right to tell her what you think she should do if she is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy.
Oh, and here comes the usual....birth control, abstinence, blah, blah, blah..... I can just see it now, a woman is being raped and says , "uh, excuse me Mr. Rapist, but could you please use a condom so that I don't get pregnant?" Or, do you all think like the backwoods men that if a woman gets pregnant as a result of rape that she should consider it a gift from God?
And, what about that doctor who is running on the republican ticket who had an affair with his patient and wanted her to get an abortion, but now is running on being anti-abortion? He's more than likely not the only one and hopefully, they all will be exposed.
I can see how you men would like it of the government and the women in this country wanted a say in you medical decisions.
Bottom line for the men.... you have absolutely NO say what a woman does with her body..........NONE!!! So STFU!!!

Ehrmagerd, the emotion! It's all over me! I'm being oppressed by the evil penises, and I'm so passionate about it, that my opinion is automatically right and virtuous without ever having to make any sense or have any morality to it whatsoever!!!!

Here, sweetie. You look like you might need these:


View attachment 214037

We wouldn't want you having vapors.
Oh, fuck off! I'm passionate about a woman's right to choose, and if that offends you, tough shit! I don't want a man, or woman, telling me, or any other woman what medical procedures we can have done. It's no one's business and if that offends you or pisses you off, so be it.
Take your condescending shit elsewhere because all this shows me is that you're an asshole of the first kind. Oh wait....of the third kind.

Oh, fuck off. No one gives a shit about your "passion", and if that offends you, tough shit! I don't want a woman, no matter how hysterical she gets about it, telling me bullshit and expecting me to treat it like it's serious thought, just because she got hormonal about it.

Take your vaporish melodrama elsewhere. Women have spent a lot of decades trying to be taken seriously as being just as intelligent and rational as men, and you storming around thinking with your vagina is making us look bad.
Why do the men here think they have the right to tell a woman what medical decision she decides to make? What does a woman you don't know and never will, who decides to have an abortion have on your life? You don't know her, know her circumstances that led to that decision, know her financial situation, or her personal life, and yet all of you are here thinking you have the right to tell her what you think she should do if she is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy.
Oh, and here comes the usual....birth control, abstinence, blah, blah, blah..... I can just see it now, a woman is being raped and says , "uh, excuse me Mr. Rapist, but could you please use a condom so that I don't get pregnant?" Or, do you all think like the backwoods men that if a woman gets pregnant as a result of rape that she should consider it a gift from God?
And, what about that doctor who is running on the republican ticket who had an affair with his patient and wanted her to get an abortion, but now is running on being anti-abortion? He's more than likely not the only one and hopefully, they all will be exposed.
I can see how you men would like it of the government and the women in this country wanted a say in you medical decisions.
Bottom line for the men.... you have absolutely NO say what a woman does with her body..........NONE!!! So STFU!!!

Ehrmagerd, the emotion! It's all over me! I'm being oppressed by the evil penises, and I'm so passionate about it, that my opinion is automatically right and virtuous without ever having to make any sense or have any morality to it whatsoever!!!!

Here, sweetie. You look like you might need these:


View attachment 214037

We wouldn't want you having vapors.
Oh, fuck off! I'm passionate about a woman's right to choose, and if that offends you, tough shit! I don't want a man, or woman, telling me, or any other woman what medical procedures we can have done. It's no one's business and if that offends you or pisses you off, so be it.
Take your condescending shit elsewhere because all this shows me is that you're an asshole of the first kind. Oh wait....of the third kind.

Oh, fuck off. No one gives a shit about your "passion", and if that offends you, tough shit! I don't want a woman, no matter how hysterical she gets about it, telling me bullshit and expecting me to treat it like it's serious thought, just because she got hormonal about it.

Take your vaporish melodrama elsewhere. Women have spent a lot of decades trying to be taken seriously as being just as intelligent and rational as men, and you storming around thinking with your vagina is making us look bad.
My vagina doesn't make you look bad, you are doing that all on your own. Part of that is fighting for our right to choose. How can we be taken seriously if we aren't allowed to choose our own medical procedures and have to rely on strangers to make those decisions?
Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.

How about a pregnant cockroach that invades your clean country and drops her spawn in your lap forcing you to care for it for the rest of its days?

Would you have rather she terminated?

If you actually have to ask whether or not I want a baby killed simply because his mother is an illegal immigrant, then you're even more of an evil, wretched excuse for humanity than I previously thought.
I don't know about you, but people who believe it's OK to strip parents of their children but fight against a woman's right to chose are sick and indecent people. That's a moral's judgement that I'm glad to make.

In the United States when criminals are detained they are separated from their children… That’s part of the deal and part of being a criminal. Think cause and affect, you learned about it in third grade.
The federal govt has no right to control gestation.

True...but murder can be “controlled”
Sane people know that Condor egg becomes a Condor while ignorant fools pretend they don’t know.
They are potential condors. They are not condors.
Just like a fetus is a potential human being.
There is no murder with abortion.
Leave it up to the states. Tell Kavfefe he needs to stick with the Constitution.

Then kill a pregnant woman and tell us how you won't get charged with double homicide in most states.

Why would i lie though? :dunno:

So is killing a fetus a homicide or not?

Yeah, why is it murder when a pregnant mom and baby are killed? How do you reconcile that? It's the same when a woman has an abortion .She is killing her baby.
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.

Propganda?. those are facts ....

Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.

Propganda?. those are facts ....



Most women do not use abortion as a means of birth control. Birth control is FAR easier and less expensive than abortion and far less traumatic. So that is propoganda.

Most pro-choice folks support some restrictions on abortion, particularly in later stages of pregnancy. So that is also propoganda.

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