Democrats: Condor eggs aren’t Condors. Kavanaugh: Bullshit if they aren’t!

Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.

Propganda?. those are facts ....



Most women do not use abortion as a means of birth control. Birth control is FAR easier and less expensive than abortion and far less traumatic. So that is propoganda.

Most pro-choice folks support some restrictions on abortion, particularly in later stages of pregnancy. So that is also propoganda.

Your second paragraph is what I said in the first place and you called it propaganda ..

And how can kids get birth control if they need their parents premission and to scared to ask or their parents are Bible thumpers?
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

Well, no, that would just be you.
Ripping the limbs off a helpless human fetus and stabbing it in the brain stem during a brutal abortion = Pro Choice
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.

Propganda?. those are facts ....



Most women do not use abortion as a means of birth control. Birth control is FAR easier and less expensive than abortion and far less traumatic. So that is propoganda.

Most pro-choice folks support some restrictions on abortion, particularly in later stages of pregnancy. So that is also propoganda.

"Most women do not use abortion as a means of birth control." What, exactly, do you think they're doing with it? They're trying to stop a birth, aka controlling birth. What you're presumably trying to hide behind is that most women don't use it as their PRIMARY form of birth control. I don't know that anyone has suggested otherwise. But the point is that most women who have abortions are doing so simply because they don't wish to have a baby at the moment, and they screwed up and made one anyway.
Allowing pregnant women to die in agonizing childbirth because a fetus has the same rights as she = pro life.

See we can all make retarded and simplistic bumper sticker statements that show no comprehension of the issues on either side of the divide,

That's propaganda, the majority is not arguing for that, you want free regin to kill at will to the point women are using it as birth control and we wonder why their is mass shootings society has becoming to say life is not valuable.
And ... more propoganda.

Propganda?. those are facts ....



Most women do not use abortion as a means of birth control. Birth control is FAR easier and less expensive than abortion and far less traumatic. So that is propoganda.

Most pro-choice folks support some restrictions on abortion, particularly in later stages of pregnancy. So that is also propoganda.

Your second paragraph is what I said in the first place and you called it propaganda ..

And how can kids get birth control if they need their parents premission and to scared to ask or their parents are Bible thumpers?

Um, buy condoms? Last time I checked, you can walk into any drugstore or supermarket or convenience store in the country and whip out some money and walk away with a box of the little devils.

But it's an extremely bad idea for minors to be taking prescription medication without the knowledge of the adults whose job it is to protect their health. There's a reason why, every time I go see any doctor for any reason, one of their first questions is whether or not I'm taking birth control medication.
There was a fascinating article BRIEFLY posted on the Internet in re: the myth of the left that "women don't use abortion as birth control!" It mysteriously got pulled down when it turned out that the picture accompanying the article was not only not of the author, but was used without the subject's permission . . . AND that the subject of the picture was pro-life.

However, there are quotes from the article available in some opinion pieces written about the article before it vanished from view.

The article was titled: "I am 23 and I have had 3 abortions. YES I HAVE!" The author's name is allegedly Heather.

"Birth control does not always work! Why do people think that I should have a child because of an accident?" Gee, I dunno, Heather. Maybe because you MADE a child?

She goes on to explain that she had her first abortion when she was 16 years old after she "goofed" and "has no regrets". Not even about having unprotected sex in the first place, Heather?

And before you start railing at me for "assuming" it was unprotected, rather than a BC failure, let's move on to the even more brilliant explanation about her second abortion. When she was 19 she went on a hike and had sex with a guy she met. She says she was unable to use protection for the second time because "sadly I had no condom with me (my backpack already weighed 49 pounds)." So we know Heather here is one of the brilliant leaders of America's future. A condom weighs less than an ounce . . . and I'm a little flummoxed that "I don't have protection; maybe I shouldn't fuck" was not an option at that poin.

On her third venture down the "Spread your legs for everyone, and eventually you'll get pregnant" road that she still can't seem to read the map for, Heather let the pregnancy progress to 12 weeks . . . and then got a new job offer, and decided letting the baby live was too inconvenient, after all. "Seriously, do you think I should be living on welfare and food stamps and living in a little studio apartment with a child that I can barely take care of? SERIOUSLY!?!?" No, Heather, I actually think you should manage your life with a modicum of forethought and responsibility, instead of acting like a self-centered slut.

"I am 23, I have a good life. I don’t want to destroy it because of a bunch of children that I am not ready for." Well then, why do you keep engaging in self-destructive behavior? Frankly, I have my doubts that this little chippie has the self-discipline and drive necessary to make a success of her life whether she has children or not. And I won't deny that my schadenfreude is a bit tickled by contemplating the moment Heather decides to graciously allow a child to FINALLY become an accessory in her "good life" . . . and discovers that three abortions means her body is much less likely to carry a child to term. I have actually been on hand to see that little moment of reckoning for a woman who had three abortions, and I still pray daily to become a better person who doesn't laugh at that chick's helpless fury and outrage.

So leftists, do tell me again how "women don't use abortions as birth control". Because it sure seems Heather does.

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