Democrats: Condor eggs aren’t Condors. Kavanaugh: Bullshit if they aren’t!

Pardon me for speaking real science, since I know how leftists abhor that sort of thing, but what do condors have to do with anything? Last time I checked, birds aren't even remotely similar to humans. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they share the same kingdom and phylum with humans, and that's it. So why would anyone try to draw a comparison between their reproduction and ours? Yeah, great, condor eggs aren't yet living condors. Fine. That might be because birds don't give birth to live young. Mammals, however, do. So the analogy escapes me.
Pardon me for speaking real science, since I know how leftists abhor that sort of thing, but what do condors have to do with anything? Last time I checked, birds aren't even remotely similar to humans. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they share the same kingdom and phylum with humans, and that's it. So why would anyone try to draw a comparison between their reproduction and ours? Yeah, great, condor eggs aren't yet living condors. Fine. That might be because birds don't give birth to live young. Mammals, however, do. So the analogy escapes me.
The entire concept of comparison with a birds egg and a fetus is quite an anomaly. An egg may or may not be fertilized but a fetus is the culmination of sperm and egg combined.
That said why should it matter to anyone if a person gets to terminate the pregnancy?
This thread makes me wonder....

If a female condor tosses its own eggs to the ground, should it be arrested for killing an endangered species?
The federal govt has no right to control gestation.

True...but murder can be “controlled”
Sane people know that Condor egg becomes a Condor while ignorant fools pretend they don’t know.
They are potential condors. They are not condors.
Just like a fetus is a potential human being.
There is no murder with abortion.
Leave it up to the states. Tell Kavfefe he needs to stick with the Constitution.

That’s for sure the game of pretend the Loons play. You got that shit down.
Fuck it, we should be able to buy Condor eggs at supermarkets...right?
This isn’t trivial.

I cant argue reality and you argue emotion, and say im the one pretending.
It makes no sense man.

This isn’t reality vs. emotion
This is simple logic vs. retardation
You can’t say the Condor egg should be protected because you know it will become a Condor and then say you support killing a fetus because you’re not sure that it will become a human being.
Just consider the logic for one second...can one really be in favor of protecting a Condor egg and not in favor of protecting a fetus and think that’s reasonable?
Pardon me for speaking real science, since I know how leftists abhor that sort of thing, but what do condors have to do with anything? Last time I checked, birds aren't even remotely similar to humans. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they share the same kingdom and phylum with humans, and that's it. So why would anyone try to draw a comparison between their reproduction and ours? Yeah, great, condor eggs aren't yet living condors. Fine. That might be because birds don't give birth to live young. Mammals, however, do. So the analogy escapes me.
The entire concept of comparison with a birds egg and a fetus is quite an anomaly. An egg may or may not be fertilized but a fetus is the culmination of sperm and egg combined.
That said why should it matter to anyone if a person gets to terminate the pregnancy?

For the same reason that it matters to someone, somewhere, if I were to terminate YOU: Because society has a vested interest in discouraging the killing of humans.

You can't really be stupid enough to really not have any idea what pro-lifers object to and why. I can only assume that you're pretending to be oblivious and confused because you know you can't defend against it.
The govt didn't force gestation. That decision was made by the two parties committing the act. OTOH, the govt shouldn't be in the business of ending life, abortion. Govt should respect all human life. Thats what a fetus is....human life, human dna. Its that simple.

The government is not ending the life, the pregnant woman and the doctor are.
Yeah, and the government shouldn't pay for it either. People need to understand that if they're free to make their own choices, they are responsible for them. If you don't want your neighbor in your business, quit expecting him to be financially responsible for you.

Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.
This thread makes me wonder....

If a female condor tosses its own eggs to the ground, should it be arrested for killing an endangered species?
/----/ My only question is can you modify this recipe for Condor eggs:
bald eagle eggs omelet - YouTube
bald eagle eggs omelet

Only an America hating commie would eat bald eagle omelets.
/---/ I agree. That's why I want to modify it for condor eggs.
The federal govt has no right to control gestation.

True...but murder can be “controlled”
Sane people know that Condor egg becomes a Condor while ignorant fools pretend they don’t know.
They are potential condors. They are not condors.
Just like a fetus is a potential human being.
There is no murder with abortion.
Leave it up to the states. Tell Kavfefe he needs to stick with the Constitution.

That’s for sure the game of pretend the Loons play. You got that shit down.
Fuck it, we should be able to buy Condor eggs at supermarkets...right?
This isn’t trivial.

I cant argue reality and you argue emotion, and say im the one pretending.
It makes no sense man.

This isn’t reality vs. emotion
This is simple logic vs. retardation
You can’t say the Condor egg should be protected because you know it will become a Condor and then say you support killing a fetus because you’re not sure that it will become a human being.
Just consider the logic for one second...can one really be in favor of protecting a Condor egg and not in favor of protecting a fetus and think that’s reasonable?
No, that doesnt make much sense. In fact, if one was to say that, it would make them sound like a fuckin loon lol.
I wasnt really commenting on that, just the abortion issue itself.
Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.

How about a pregnant cockroach that invades your clean country and drops her spawn in your lap forcing you to care for it for the rest of its days?

Would you have rather she terminated?
The federal govt has no right to control gestation.

True...but murder can be “controlled”
Sane people know that Condor egg becomes a Condor while ignorant fools pretend they don’t know.
They are potential condors. They are not condors.
Just like a fetus is a potential human being.
There is no murder with abortion.
Leave it up to the states. Tell Kavfefe he needs to stick with the Constitution.

When a fetus turns human it's like magic. The magician is a pair of scissors for cutting an umbilical cord.
I can’t wait for this showdown.
Kavanaugh to shred Roe v. Wade and DACA....ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!
“Make America Decent Again”
Decent? Attacking people is decent?

I guess for the GOP it is.
Oh shit...more simple logic. The Left hates that shit.

How about a pregnant cockroach that invades your clean country and drops her spawn in your lap forcing you to care for it for the rest of its days?

Would you have rather she terminated?

If you actually have to ask whether or not I want a baby killed simply because his mother is an illegal immigrant, then you're even more of an evil, wretched excuse for humanity than I previously thought.
I can’t wait for this showdown.
Kavanaugh to shred Roe v. Wade and DACA....ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!
“Make America Decent Again”

Cavanaugh has been telling Senators that Roe vs Wade is settled law.

Given the left's fanatical adherence to their primary religious sacrament of infant sacrifice, are you surprised judicial candidates are leery of saying otherwise?

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