Democrats could gain 15 more seats in House two years after 'blue wave'

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The blue wave is circling around the Tidy Bowl now...circling, circling.....and whoosh!
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The blue wave is circling around the Tidy Bowl now...circling, circling.....and whoosh!
What are you basing that on? Please be very specific when providing examples.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The first freakin' thing that concerned me when Trump won was that he'd screw things up so badly that the snap-back would go too far.

Wild swings, back and forth. This is gonna break down at some point.
My original plan was to vote Jo for President then R for my Congressman.

After last week's retarded horror show from Trump - which was even more retarded than usual - I was so disgusted that I thought about not voting at all for Congress.

But it looks like this blue wave could be a tsunami, and that's not good for the country. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote R for the House.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."


My mother could be my father if she had testicles.

It's rather doubtful though but it does show the inconsequentiality of the term 'could'.

Until 'could' actually happens, that is.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The first freakin' thing that concerned me when Trump won was that he'd screw things up so badly that the snap-back would go too far.

Wild swings, back and forth. This is gonna break down at some point.

I'm really hoping that doesn't happen. Left of center is fine with me. Not sure how strong the Dem's "tea party" caucus is though.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.


The pattern in most elections since Trump was elected - including special elections and 2018 - has been to see significant gains by Democrats, even in areas where they lost. IIRC, there was a special election in KS where Trump won by nearly 40 in 2016 but the R candidate won by single digits in the special election. Stuff like that has been happening across the country.

It's being driven by white college-educated women mostly. He is down 20-30 points with that cohort. He won white college-educated voters by 5% in 2016. They are a third of the electorate. He's losing them by ~15% now. Most of that is being driven by females.

Then last week was a real shitshow. It was bad enough he got COVID, but then to so flagrantly disregard the others by leaving the hospital and doing a photo op, then going back to the WH too early, he is getting hammered by seniors, who think he's been callous and indifferent about COVID for some time.

I think it could be a real hammering in November.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The blue wave is circling around the Tidy Bowl now...circling, circling.....and whoosh!
What are you basing that on? Please be very specific when providing examples.
That the Tidy Bowl guy is in a little boat swirling around in blue toilet water.....which is exactly what the blue wave is.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.


The pattern in most elections since Trump was elected - including special elections and 2018 - has been to see significant gains by Democrats, even in areas where they lost. IIRC, there was a special election in KS where Trump won by nearly 40 in 2016 but the R candidate won by single digits in the special election. Stuff like that has been happening across the country.

It's being driven by white college-educated women mostly. He is down 20-30 points with that cohort. He won white college-educated voters by 5% in 2016. They are a third of the electorate. He's losing them by ~15% now. Most of that is being driven by females.

Then last week was a real shitshow. It was bad enough he got COVID, but then to so flagrantly disregard the others by leaving the hospital and doing a photo op, then going back to the WH too early, he is getting hammered by seniors, who think he's been callous and indifferent about COVID for some time.

I think it could be a real hammering in November.
Yes there will be a real hammering alright.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.


The pattern in most elections since Trump was elected - including special elections and 2018 - has been to see significant gains by Democrats, even in areas where they lost. IIRC, there was a special election in KS where Trump won by nearly 40 in 2016 but the R candidate won by single digits in the special election. Stuff like that has been happening across the country.

It's being driven by white college-educated women mostly. He is down 20-30 points with that cohort. He won white college-educated voters by 5% in 2016. They are a third of the electorate. He's losing them by ~15% now. Most of that is being driven by females.

Then last week was a real shitshow. It was bad enough he got COVID, but then to so flagrantly disregard the others by leaving the hospital and doing a photo op, then going back to the WH too early, he is getting hammered by seniors, who think he's been callous and indifferent about COVID for some time.

I think it could be a real hammering in November.
Or maybe I could just say "Bull"
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

Another of your delusional wet dreams with no payoff. You get screwed but you never get to get laid.
My original plan was to vote Jo for President then R for my Congressman.

After last week's retarded horror show from Trump - which was even more retarded than usual - I was so disgusted that I thought about not voting at all for Congress.

But it looks like this blue wave could be a tsunami, and that's not good for the country. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote R for the House.
If you are still this confused about who to vote for maybe you shouldn't vote at all. A tsunami, wow......
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

This is just opinion referencing a report with no references to any data. Might as well be written by a CNN "jounalist".
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The blue wave is circling around the Tidy Bowl now...circling, circling.....and whoosh!
What are you basing that on? Please be very specific when providing examples.
That the Tidy Bowl guy is in a little boat swirling around in blue toilet water.....which is exactly what the blue wave is.
Your inability to answer my question has been duly noted.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The blue wave is circling around the Tidy Bowl now...circling, circling.....and whoosh!
What are you basing that on? Please be very specific when providing examples.
That the Tidy Bowl guy is in a little boat swirling around in blue toilet water.....which is exactly what the blue wave is.
Your inability to answer my question has been duly noted.
I told you what the Tidy Bowl meant and was is blue and gets flushed right down the toilet where it other words, the blue wave. Duly note that.

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