Democrats could gain 15 more seats in House two years after 'blue wave'

My original plan was to vote Jo for President then R for my Congressman.

After last week's retarded horror show from Trump - which was even more retarded than usual - I was so disgusted that I thought about not voting at all for Congress.

But it looks like this blue wave could be a tsunami, and that's not good for the country. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote R for the House.
That’s Neal Dunn, who is running unopposed, so no harm, no foul.

But wanting to rid the country of trumpism without removing his cowardly enablers ensures that these anti-American scumbags come back to screw the U.S. again. A lot of these clowns should have been prosecuted for Bush crimes and financial crimes from 2008.
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My original plan was to vote Jo for President then R for my Congressman.

After last week's retarded horror show from Trump - which was even more retarded than usual - I was so disgusted that I thought about not voting at all for Congress.

But it looks like this blue wave could be a tsunami, and that's not good for the country. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote R for the House.
And then hold on to your ass
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.
2018 was a warning that Republicans completely ignored. I hope they enjoy their permanent minority status (until they change their positions to match those of the vast majority of Americans).
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.
2018 was a warning that Republicans completely ignored. I hope they enjoy their permanent minority status (until they change their positions to match those of the vast majority of Americans).

The Republicans could very well take back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms should Biden win the election and the Democrats go overboard, particularly with talks of court packing and new Green Deals, etc.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

Yeah, sure. The Dems are SOOOO positive they are going to win that nancy pelousy is talking about trying to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. That's CLEARLY the actions of a confident politician.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.
2018 was a warning that Republicans completely ignored. I hope they enjoy their permanent minority status (until they change their positions to match those of the vast majority of Americans).

The Republicans could very well take back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms should Biden win the election and the Democrats go overboard, particularly with talks of court packing and new Green Deals, etc.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Joe Biden: Voters “will know my opinion on court packing when the election’s over!"


You have to sign onto the bill to read the bill - Nancy Pelousy
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Two of the last six Presidents were not re-elected, boys and girls.

That's 33% for the math-challenged.
Yeah, sure. The Dems are SOOOO positive they are going to win that nancy pelousy is talking about trying to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. That's CLEARLY the actions of a confident politician.

And Trump is SOOOOO positive that he has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and refusing to say if he'd leave the White House if he lost.

Probably because he can read the polls too.
Yeah, sure. The Dems are SOOOO positive they are going to win that nancy pelousy is talking about trying to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. That's CLEARLY the actions of a confident politician.

And Trump is SOOOOO positive that he has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and refusing to say if he'd leave the White House if he lost.

Probably because he can read the polls too.

Yeah, well, the Dems didn't engage in a peaceful exchange of power for real. Within 17 minutes of his victory they were plotting a coup, so they can fuck off.
Two of the last six Presidents were not re-elected, boys and girls.

That's 33% for the math-challenged.
No, that's 66% for reelection, bucko.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

You sure have become quite the amazing cheerleader for the left lately.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.
2018 was a warning that Republicans completely ignored. I hope they enjoy their permanent minority status (until they change their positions to match those of the vast majority of Americans).

The Republicans could very well take back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms should Biden win the election and the Democrats go overboard, particularly with talks of court packing and new Green Deals, etc.
Depends upon Democrats passing national Federal laws regarding registration, polling places, and addressing every way that Republicans suppress the vote. If Republicans can’t cheat they can’t win.
Yeah, sure. The Dems are SOOOO positive they are going to win that nancy pelousy is talking about trying to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. That's CLEARLY the actions of a confident politician.

And Trump is SOOOOO positive that he has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and refusing to say if he'd leave the White House if he lost.

Probably because he can read the polls too.

Yeah, well, the Dems didn't engage in a peaceful exchange of power for real. Within 17 minutes of his victory they were plotting a coup, so they can fuck off.
Many feeble-minded people believe this, I hear. Why don’t these people ever offer evidence? Is it like claiming Trump is a billionaire or a good businessman?
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

The first freakin' thing that concerned me when Trump won was that he'd screw things up so badly that the snap-back would go too far.

Wild swings, back and forth. This is gonna break down at some point.

Yeah, notice how the senate snapped back ?

The GOP gained two seats.

What the hell are you talking about.
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

This is just opinion referencing a report with no references to any data. Might as well be written by a CNN "jounalist".
it is certainly not as convincing as a twatter poll.
Requirements for joining AOC's Squad:

1. Commit to fighting for justice and equity

That’s it!
This is the likely scenario in my opinion. The political winds are very similar to what we saw in 2018.

"Republicans no longer have a realistic path to picking up the 17 seats they need for a majority," the report reads. "Right now, the most likely outcome is a Democratic net gain of between five and ten seats, with anything from no net change to a Democratic gain of 15 seats possible."

America better hope not...If so, this country is over.
America better hope not...If so, this country is over.

That's what you guys said when Obama got elected. That's what the liberhoids said when Trump got elected.
My original plan was to vote Jo for President then R for my Congressman.

After last week's retarded horror show from Trump - which was even more retarded than usual - I was so disgusted that I thought about not voting at all for Congress.

But it looks like this blue wave could be a tsunami, and that's not good for the country. So I'm going to hold my nose and vote R for the House.
That’s Neal Dunn, who is running unopposed, so no harm, no foul.

But wanting to rid the country of trumpism without removing his cowardly enablers ensures that these anti-American scumbags come back to screw the U.S. again. A lot of these clowns should have been prosecuted for Bush crimes and financial crimes from 2008.
I agree there are a number of democrat clowns who need to be prosecuted for their felonies.

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