Democrats Crying Like Babies Now.But It Was O.K. To Make Up Sexually Charged Scandals For Trump?

How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself

You have no idea what they found, stop pretending you do
Exactly my point... Why are you all pretending like this is going to send her to jail... I never claimed to know what they found, I'm repeating what the reporting has disclosed... It was a shared computer between Huma and Weiner that had metadata from emails sent from the Clinton server. They said these records were from a back up of Humas phone. They believe that the metadata gave enough reason to obtain a warrant to read the content of the messages, which they are doing now.

What am I pretending about?
How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself
the agents that did that investigation have a different opinion than their boss who just happens to take his orders from the administration of corruption.
What is the opinion of the agents that you speak of? Please send a link to back up your claim.
How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself
the agents that did that investigation have a different opinion than their boss who just happens to take his orders from the administration of corruption.
Nothing about Trump's CRIMES was leaked by Dems- those women came forward because Trump pissed them off. Hillary's e-mails came out of the EIGHTH GOP Bengazi witch hunt and Putin's never before seen meddling in a American election. The GOP couldn't be happier, a disgrace.

Comey taking orders from the corrupt GOP? Seems fair- certainly not from Dems duh.
How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Yep, sexual assault and harassment is nothing. Comey's charge of extreme carelessness and this 11 days before the election (against protocol and the Hatch Act) are low points in the FBI's history...

Well go ahead and put the cat back in the bag....if you can
So far, you barely have a bag, hater dupe. After a weekend of Fox on this, you're barely sane...
How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
and now the Dems are saying that the FBI is violating laws? Really? and no laws were violated via white house these last 8 years? Hmm, IRAN??

Harry Reid's lame 'Hatch Act' violation accusation is a dog that ain't gonna hunt. Reid can't go away soon enuff!
was it legal for Reid to bribe lawmakers with our tax dollars during the Obama-Care debacle?
Of course, ignorant dupe. Typical politics- with Dems it's like herding cats.... The GOP has bought off their side with big money campaign financing and lobbies......
I thought the GOP hated Trump, why would they suddenly be spending big money trying to support him?
You make little sense.
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself
the agents that did that investigation have a different opinion than their boss who just happens to take his orders from the administration of corruption.
What is the opinion of the agents that you speak of? Please send a link to back up your claim.
grow up and learn to google. The more you learn to do for yourself, the closer to becoming a conservative you will be.
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
and now the Dems are saying that the FBI is violating laws? Really? and no laws were violated via white house these last 8 years? Hmm, IRAN??

Harry Reid's lame 'Hatch Act' violation accusation is a dog that ain't gonna hunt. Reid can't go away soon enuff!
was it legal for Reid to bribe lawmakers with our tax dollars during the Obama-Care debacle?
Of course, ignorant dupe. Typical politics- with Dems it's like herding cats.... The GOP has bought off their side with big money campaign financing and lobbies......
I thought the GOP hated Trump, why would they suddenly be spending big money trying to support him?
You make little sense.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself
the agents that did that investigation have a different opinion than their boss who just happens to take his orders from the administration of corruption.
What is the opinion of the agents that you speak of? Please send a link to back up your claim.
grow up and learn to google. The more you learn to do for yourself, the closer to becoming a conservative you will be.
Back up your point, the only info i've seen that speaks inline with what your saying are from far right opinion pieces, no evidence. Post something of substance, that means not from drudge or breitbart, If you want your point taken seriously
well it was within that 60 day special period that all of this was leaked out by the democrats.
I think it only fair that the truth be told about both candidates right up through the moment we vote.
and now the Dems are saying that the FBI is violating laws? Really? and no laws were violated via white house these last 8 years? Hmm, IRAN??

Harry Reid's lame 'Hatch Act' violation accusation is a dog that ain't gonna hunt. Reid can't go away soon enuff!
was it legal for Reid to bribe lawmakers with our tax dollars during the Obama-Care debacle?
Of course, ignorant dupe. Typical politics- with Dems it's like herding cats.... The GOP has bought off their side with big money campaign financing and lobbies......
I thought the GOP hated Trump, why would they suddenly be spending big money trying to support him?
You make little sense.
right,,,,,60 days of nailing Trump,,,,,vs 2 weeks of telling the truth about Huma/Weiner/Hillary,,,,,,and all we got was lies in those 60 days
I think that's what bothers them, for the most part they have not found anything bad enough about Trump that is true, that would sink him.
Hillary on the other hand is one fine thread away from prison. and they know it. They have to get her into office before she goes down or they fail.
This has became more about Hillary not being incarcerated for life than it is about her being president.
Where are you getting this from... Do you realize that only the hard core Trumpsters really think she is close to jail?? This email situation has been investigated for a very long time and the conclusion was nothing criminal, no prosecution, not even close... Nothing new has come to light, they found a device that had a back up of Humas phone which they are now going through. You are getting way ahead of yourself
the agents that did that investigation have a different opinion than their boss who just happens to take his orders from the administration of corruption.
What is the opinion of the agents that you speak of? Please send a link to back up your claim.
grow up and learn to google. The more you learn to do for yourself, the closer to becoming a conservative you will be.
"I thought the GOP hated Trump, why would they suddenly be spending big money trying to support him?
You make little sense." Speak for yourself lol. OK, he's for tax cuts for the rich. That's all they care about, dupe.
I believe Hillary is crooked and that trump has done bad things to women. I trust neither and considering their unworkefd for and unearned wealth I don't believe they have any business running for president. But millions of dummies do. Either way I survive.
I believe Hillary is crooked and that trump has done bad things to women. I trust neither and considering their unworkefd for and unearned wealth I don't believe they have any business running for president. But millions of dummies do. Either way I survive.

Yes, either way you'll survive but you will still have one or the other of them for your President and instituting the policies by which you will survive.
Were all of Trump's accusers discredited...
Because I have not seen anything about that.
>>>> Handing Howard Dean and Harry Ried a baby bottle with warm expired milk :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Between Harry Reid complaining with his "One Eye" and many of the leading Democrats complaining about the latest FBI investigation within 11 days of the election, you have to laugh? right? :laugh2:

Nancy Pelosi: Wahhhhh! :crybaby: Wahhhh! :crybaby: How could those racist republicans do this to the honorable Hillary Clinton 12 days before she was going win a landslide!!!
Boo Hoo Hoo !!:cow: :cow:

Yet, none of those rats were complaining when 15 women, who came out of nowhere bringing up stories of how Donald tried to reach for all of their 14 private parts without even asking permission !!!!:itsok:
But it was OK for Bill Clinton to do the exact same thing {more or less} Right?:smoke:

How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?

Democrats were the ones who put those women up to making their smears of Trump.

Who do you think you're kidding?
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Between Harry Reid complaining with his "One Eye" and many of the leading Democrats complaining about the latest FBI investigation within 11 days of the election, you have to laugh? right? :laugh2:

Nancy Pelosi: Wahhhhh! :crybaby: Wahhhh! :crybaby: How could those racist republicans do this to the honorable Hillary Clinton 12 days before she was going win a landslide!!!
Boo Hoo Hoo !!:cow: :cow:

Yet, none of those rats were complaining when 15 women, who came out of nowhere bringing up stories of how Donald tried to reach for all of their 14 private parts without even asking permission !!!!:itsok:
But it was OK for Bill Clinton to do the exact same thing {more or less} Right?:smoke:

What? Where were you? People of all sorts -- Dem, Rep and Ind. -- complained daily about the fact that Trump had all but admitted to sexually assaulting women and yet the GOP had not dumped Trump.

Off Topic:
Could you write posts that look like something an adult, rather than adolescent, might compose? I've seen 12 year old girls' writing that has far fewer "cutesy touches" than does your OP.

No such thing happened, moron.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Between Harry Reid complaining with his "One Eye" and many of the leading Democrats complaining about the latest FBI investigation within 11 days of the election, you have to laugh? right? :laugh2:

Nancy Pelosi: Wahhhhh! :crybaby: Wahhhh! :crybaby: How could those racist republicans do this to the honorable Hillary Clinton 12 days before she was going win a landslide!!!
Boo Hoo Hoo !!:cow: :cow:

Yet, none of those rats were complaining when 15 women, who came out of nowhere bringing up stories of how Donald tried to reach for all of their 14 private parts without even asking permission !!!!:itsok:
But it was OK for Bill Clinton to do the exact same thing {more or less} Right?:smoke:

You'e saying you were okay with Trump being accused of sexual misconduct, and that's why accusing Hillary Clinton is okay?

A bunch of lying money grubbing leftwing whores accused Trump of sexual assault. The federal government is accusing Hillary of violating the security laws of this country? See the difference?

Every one of Trump's accusers were discredited within hours. In other words, the whole thing was nothing more than a big smear organized by the Clinton campaign.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Between Harry Reid complaining with his "One Eye" and many of the leading Democrats complaining about the latest FBI investigation within 11 days of the election, you have to laugh? right? :laugh2:

Nancy Pelosi: Wahhhhh! :crybaby: Wahhhh! :crybaby: How could those racist republicans do this to the honorable Hillary Clinton 12 days before she was going win a landslide!!!
Boo Hoo Hoo !!:cow: :cow:

Yet, none of those rats were complaining when 15 women, who came out of nowhere bringing up stories of how Donald tried to reach for all of their 14 private parts without even asking permission !!!!:itsok:
But it was OK for Bill Clinton to do the exact same thing {more or less} Right?:smoke:

How exactly did you expect Democrats to complain about the 15 women that came out with claims of sexual assault against Trump? What do you think they should have said?

Democrats were the ones who put those women up to making their smears of Trump.

Who do you think you're kidding?
Which democrats did that? If you are gonna make the claim then back it up
The Clintons were very much in favor of the same thing happening to GHWB many years ago. Karma has come home to roost for the Clinton crime family.

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