Democrats Damned If They Do & Damned If They Don't


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
And they have done it to themselves.

According to loony-left Slate, Pelosi is on the wrong side of history. Her reluctance to allow articles of impeachment in the House - fearing voter blowback in 2020 - conflicts with their belief that failure to impeach will have the same effect. They may be correct ... the Dems could be damned if they do and damned if they don't. :lol:

The Consequence of No Consequences
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made the calculation that everything that has already happened to America is not necessarily worthy of response, evidently on the theory that it endangers the chances of a continued Democratic House majority in 2020.
Pelosi is an establishment dinosaur. The Democrats she presumes to lead are socialists bordering on communism. Now I know she just got a face job and thinks her job is essential to providing her that kind of lifestyle she deserves, but now the AOC cabal is forcing her out of her media and establishment sweet spot. She finds herself caught between corruption and corruption. If I were that lady I'd get out.
Pelosi is an establishment dinosaur. The Democrats she presumes to lead are socialists bordering on communism. Now I know she just got a face job and thinks her job is essential to providing her that kind of lifestyle she deserves, but now the AOC cabal is forcing her out of her media and establishment sweet spot. She finds herself caught between corruption and corruption. If I were that lady I'd get out.
bet that Pelosi will retire next year
There's a decent chance the Ds will split, if China goes down to 3-4% GDP growth and Trump gets 2.x% US GDP growth and that will give Trump enough leaners voting their pocket books to make 2020 a D disaster worse than a party split
The dividing line in the Democrat Party is between (a) those representing Democrat strongholds, who have no chance whatsoever of ever being defeated in a general election, and (b) those representing "swing" districts.

The (a) group must be concerned about primary opponents who are even crazier than they are (look at AOC, who defeated a longtime incumbent). They have to prove their TDS on a daily basis, most pointedly by pushing for impeachment of Trump, impeachment of Kavanaugh, and other insane initiatives (The Green New Deal). These are the ones who are a thorn in the side of Pelosi, as she knows that pursuing their agenda would be electoral suicide for the Party in 2020.

The situation is not her fault, and I can't imagine anyone else handling it any better than she is. Give her a break.
I take comfort in knowing that no amount of chaos spun by the retard in the White House can reverse or stop the progression of time, as conservatives are so desperate to do.
There's a decent chance the Ds will split, if China goes down to 3-4% GDP growth and Trump gets 2.x% US GDP growth and that will give Trump enough leaners voting their pocket books to make 2020 a D disaster worse than a party split
I'd say the "progressive" (pronounced: "regressive") takeover of the party has and continues to cost the Dems support..
I take comfort in knowing that no amount of chaos spun by the retard in the White House can reverse or stop the progression of time, as conservatives are so desperate to do.
You have the right to live in your leftarded bubble but there is reality beyond it and it ain't pretty for Dems. DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors in the US are willing to write a check in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
I take comfort in knowing that no amount of chaos spun by the retard in the White House can reverse or stop the progression of time, as conservatives are so desperate to do.
NPC triggered!!!

God damn this shit you post is lame.

Derp derp derp... orange man bad... derp...

The point of the thread is that Democrats are damned if they impeach and damned if they don't.

If Democrats impeach, they got nothing and are still looking. If they had something Democrats would be impeaching. If Democrats believed their own propaganda they would be well into impeachment already.

If Democrats don't impeach, they will look like fools. Democrats will start calling Nancy Pelosi a Putin puppet etc. The people who promised us trump won't last 2 years will be dismissed as dumb asses as they try to explain why trump won't win reelection.
At this point the question is not whether the Ds will win or lose the White House, that is out of their control. But if the witch hunt investigations go overboard and the Ds look like victims that could hand the Dumbs a victory on a silver platter. Massive fines, jail time or a perp suicide could easily cause major problems down ballot.
At this point the question is not whether the Ds will win or lose the White House, that is out of their control. But if the witch hunt investigations go overboard and the Ds look like victims that could hand the Dumbs a victory on a silver platter. Massive fines, jail time or a perp suicide could easily cause major problems down ballot.
After 3 full years of petulant, unhinged Dems dumping all manner of frauds and scams on Trump and the American people there is little chance they will be able to paint themselves as victims and any negative or even tragic results will be viewed by rational adults as justice. When the smoke clears the Repubs will have no prob painting the party and its candidates as gun-confiscating socialists. That's not exactly a winning platform.

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