Democrats Deny GOP Bid to Put Health Bill Online

The keys to the GOP reform proposal then, as it is now, is dumping everyone into the individual insurance market (where insurance companies can cherry-pick the healthiest and deny policies to everyone else) and allowing policies to be sold across state lines (erasing any sort of regulation of policies).

Did you ever read that bill? Do you even know who authored it?

Hint: It wasn't SEIU or the Apollo Alliance.

Where was the Dem counter proposal? That's right, there wasn't one. So FOUR years later, it's some big emergency and we gottahaveitnow.

If it's a crisis now, it was in 2005 as well. Where was the Dem counter-proposal?

Yeah, I know who authored it. Aetna and BCBS.

Are you going to continue to be willfully dishonest? Or, are you going to look up the bill and educate yourself.

Obama told Michelle, after a campaign speech, "They're really drinkin the juice!" And yes, you are.
Tort reform doesn't do anything except line the pockets of business. It doesn't do anything to control costs.
It doesn't?

It's worked every time it's been tried.

You would much rather line the pockets of trial lawyers, and cause massive waste by way of defensive medicine. I see.
It's worked? Is that why Texas has some of the highest health care cost in the nation even though they've enacted tort reform?
It hasn't had time to work yet. It was just passed.

The IMMEDIATE effect however was positive. Time will tell what the long-term effects are.

Again, you're trying to deflect from my original point, shredding rdean's kool-aid: Where was the Dem's counter-proposal in 2005?

There wasn't one.

And while we're at it, let's get you on record: Are you a supporter of HR 3200?
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where have i said i support the GOP lies?

I'm not really going to get into it as I honestly don't have the time. I'm referring to things by the right and the GOP that are practically lies and you have purported them at one time or another. Several of their lies were the basis of plenty of our arguments.

However, now a days, we are both on the same page more than ever. Though tonight I'm finding myself to be one of the more Conservative members here, which is odd. :eusa_eh:
not when i have found out there were lies
and just because YOU might believe something was a lie, doesnt mean it actually was
Back in 2003 the Pugs DID try to reform health care. They were saying it was vital back then, we needed it now or the economy was going to collapse. The Democrats stopped it.

Nancy Pelosi was asked about Dem resistance, was asked where the Dem's health care plan was. She spouted, "Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop HIM (Bush). He must be stopped!"

You had no problem with that, or just didn't know about it?

And no, as usual you didn't think. You just faithfully regurgitated your spoon fed kool aid.

Game. Set. Match....
And it was actually 2005. I've edited.

Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

not when i have found out there were lies
and just because YOU might believe something was a lie, doesnt mean it actually was

It is all a matter of opinion, however I would like to think that like my no longer believing in Obama that you don't believe in the GOP. (If you ever did that is.)
Game. Set. Match....
And it was actually 2005. I've edited.

Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

rdean shows again how totally fucking clueless he is
Game. Set. Match....
And it was actually 2005. I've edited.

Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

Your question WAS answered.

And yes, the Pugs had a health care reform bill in 2005, which the Dems killed in committee. Pelosi made the infamous quote, about "why should we put a plan out."

But clearly, you're okay with that, now that you know about it.
not when i have found out there were lies
and just because YOU might believe something was a lie, doesnt mean it actually was

It is all a matter of opinion, however I would like to think that like my no longer believing in Obama that you don't believe in the GOP. (If you ever did that is.)
most of my support for the GOP has been "the lesser of two evils"
And it was actually 2005. I've edited.

Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

rdean shows again how totally fucking clueless he is

You get a bunch of truth dropped on your tiny head, and right away you say, "rdean shows again how totally fucking clueless he is", when we both know what I said is the literal truth.

If Republicans have a bill, what is it? Where is it? How come they can't answer questions from, GET THIS, other Republicans at town halls. And what do they say? "Go get some charity". That's the plan? Go get some charity?

How come you guys are so very pathetic????
Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

rdean shows again how totally fucking clueless he is

You get a bunch of truth dropped on your tiny head, and right away you say, "rdean shows again how totally fucking clueless he is", when we both know what I said is the literal truth.

If Republicans have a bill, what is it? Where is it? How come they can't answer questions from, GET THIS, other Republicans at town halls. And what do they say? "Go get some charity". That's the plan? Go get some charity?

How come you guys are so very pathetic????
you call US pathetic?
look in the mirror, moron

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Democrats have rejected a GOP amendment that would have required a health overhaul bill to be available online for 72 hours before the committee votes.

Republicans argued that transparency is an Obama administration goal. They also noted that their constituents are demanding that they read bills before voting.

Democrats said it was a delay tactic that could have postponed a vote for weeks.

The Democrats noted that unlike other committees, the Finance Committee works off conceptual language that describes policies — instead of legislative language that ultimately becomes law, and which the GOP amendment would have required.

Democrats Deny GOP Bid to Put Health Bill Online

The Statists are afraid that someone will READ it and they'll have to relive the TownHalls, And TEA Parties again when the people find out that they are being sold out, and their tax dollars are being wasted, and to further the people will find out that they'll be penalized and thrown in PRISON if they don't sign onto something?

Democrats? Keep this shit up? And you will ensure your own demise.
Just like to say, I would of loved to see all these Republicans wanting Transparency back when Republicans were running the show. I also do hope that you actually care to ask for Transparency back whenever Republicans get power again instead of being mere sheep.
Barry's supporter's new slogan:

'Excuses you can believe in'
To Republicans, fixing America's roads, railways and bridges are pork.
To urban democrat scam artists, money meant for roads and bridges are better funneled to their money-sucking mass transit trolley projects.

Oh my, Doooodeee flaunting his ignorance once again for all to see. Damned right, mass transit like Portland's light rail. Even the Europeans come over to see it.
Lordy, lordy. The Republicans had everything for six years. All they managed to do was let 3000 Americans get killed by terrorists in our own nation, and never catch the mastermind. Then totally fail to aid an American city that was in dire straights from a hurricane and flood. Invade a nation on the basis of lies and then incompetantly mismanage an occupation.

What did the Repubs do for the nation in that six years? Balance the budget? No, that happened under Clinton. Create a great economic boom? No, that happened under Clinton. In fact, the only thing that the Repubs did was create a situation where the wealthy gained even more wealth, and the middle class and working poor were shafted.

They scream and froth at the mouth about the illegal immigrants, yet over half of the immigrants arrived after 9-11. Had the Repubs shut down the southern border after 9-11, the whole nation would have been behind them. They did not. Again, total failure and incompetance, the hallmark of the modern Conservative.
To Republicans, fixing America's roads, railways and bridges are pork.
To urban democrat scam artists, money meant for roads and bridges are better funneled to their money-sucking mass transit trolley projects.

Oh my, Doooodeee flaunting his ignorance once again for all to see. Damned right, mass transit like Portland's light rail. Even the Europeans come over to see it.
So you're saying that the money for that boondoggle isn't supported by money from the federal highway trust fund?...Money collected under the guise of building and maintaining roads and bridges for everyone?....Care to back that up?

Like I said....All from fuel taxes taken from people outside of the Portland area, in order to redistribute it to a relatively few urban dwellers.

A model of how Marxist expropriation and waste manifests itself is what the Euros get a gander at.
And it was actually 2005. I've edited.

Republicans put out a health care bill? They had both houses and the presidency but were stopped by Nancy Pelosi?????

Come on guys. You have to do better than that. Even you guys don't believe that crap.

First, no one answered the question, "If the Republicans had a bill, why not put it on line?"

Second, Republican Senators and Congressmen have publicly stated they want to sink Obama. Anyone want a cup of "Waterloo"?

Even when they co wrote at least 40% of the bill. Look at end of life counseling. It was written by Republicans. Even Palin, as governor of Alaska had a state day set aside for end of life counseling. I previously put a link to it.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans plan for health care.

Game? Set? Match? You just got

Your question WAS answered.

And yes, the Pugs had a health care reform bill in 2005, which the Dems killed in committee. Pelosi made the infamous quote, about "why should we put a plan out."

But clearly, you're okay with that, now that you know about it.
Wasn't that in reference to GW's plan to privatize social security, MM?

That is the "Health Care Reform" you were talking about, no?
And yes, the Pugs had a health care reform bill in 2005, which the Dems killed in committee.
MM: The pubs chaired the committees then and were in the majority.
My recollection is that a simple majority vote decides if it comes out of committee.
Can you show me what exact bill you are referring to and where the Dems 'killed it?'

OK, let's see here. The Repubs want the health bill online. If they have a copy of it, why don't they put it online? Or are they all too computer incompetant to do that?
Well, in that case, the Republicans should just go ahead and put their own bill on line.

Wait, they DO have a bill, don't they?


Republicans DO have a bill? Right?

Well, they can't just be complaining about Democrats. They must have a bill? Right?



Thought so.
Back in 2005 the Pugs DID try to reform health care. They were saying it was vital back then, we needed it now or the economy was going to collapse. The Democrats stopped it.

Nancy Pelosi was asked about Dem resistance, was asked where the Dem's health care plan was. She spouted, "Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop HIM (Bush). He must be stopped!"

You had no problem with that, or just didn't know about it?

And no, as usual you didn't think. You just faithfully regurgitated your spoon fed kool aid.

I just did a search for that "infamous quote" by Pelosi, the one where you call it the republican plan to reform HEALTH CARE, and what I see is the that looped up idea to privatize Social Security.

Here is a transcript of a CNN broadcast of
Polls Show Approval of President's Social Security Plan Falling;

Senate Votes To Open the ANWR
Aired March 19, 2005 - 19:00 ET
HUNT: Welcome back. Polls show declining support for President Bush's Social Security revision. The ABC/"Washington Post" poll shows 37 percent support the plan, while 55 percent oppose.


GEORGE WALKER BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It's important for the American people to understand that I believe the Social Security system has worked well, that Franklin Roosevelt did a positive thing when he created the Social Security system, but that I am deeply concerned about the Social Security system for younger -- younger Americans.


HUNT: Some Democrats rule out any compromise.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: Why should we put a plan out? We will go -- our plan is to stop him from -- stop him! He must be stopped. He must not be allowed to go forward with these private accounts.


HUNT: Mark, can the Democrats take a victory lap on Social Security?

SHIELDS: Al, it would not only be premature, it would be unseemly for the Democrats. But it was great to hear President Bush praising President Roosevelt. I mean, I hadn't heard him do that recently.

Democrats shouldn't take a victory lap, but Al, the Republicans are the story. I mean, they're tucking their tails. No more town meetings. You know, I think the Republicans could take a page out of the book of Rick Santorum, the Republican senator from Pennsylvania, who went back to his state, took on the town meetings, opened them up, met the criticism. But they all want to have these friendly little groups with no tough questions, starting with the president, so they've called off all town meetings. That's all you need to know where the status of Social Security is politically.

HUNT: Kate, six weeks ago, the president...

O'BEIRNE: I'm...

HUNT: ... unveiled it. It's been heading south since then, hasn't it?

O'BEIRNE: The president hasn't unveiled anything, Al! There is no plan! I think it sounds so desperate for Nancy Pelosi -- Stop him, stop him, stop this man before he wins again, is what she's saying, of course. When you talk to people in the administration, they are perfectly comfortable with where they are. They wanted the predicate for any reform, for any kind of bipartisan get-togethers to talk about solutions is, Is there a problem? They like where the polls are with respect to the public, majority of the public now recognizing something has to be done. The program has real trouble. They like where they are.

HUNT: Margaret, they're in good shape.

CARLSON: The president's major mistake was going out with personal accounts and the Democrats being very effective, showing how personal accounts had absolutely nothing to do to solve the solvency of Social Security. But as for a plan, Kate, you can't say this is the most urgent thing in America, but I don't have a plan. You go first. That's...


O'BEIRNE: Let's work together, is what he's saying!

CARLSON: No, he's saying, You go first. And you know, there's no Colin Powell to come along and save this, as he saved going into Iraq and going before the -- you know, the U.N. So Bush now has most of the people on his own team saying, Oh, no, no. No more town meetings for me. And he's going to Florida this week -- this weekend, and I think there's -- it's going to be a closed meeting there on Social Security.

HUNT: Bob, for Bush to succeed in this or have something he calls success, does he have to get something on -- on personal accounts?

NOVAK: To have any success, of course, he does. If he just has a changing of the index, which is a reduction in benefits, that's not going to do it. And he's not going to go for a tax increase.

I agree with Mark, which I rarely do, that the Republicans look like chickens. They look like they're afraid of combat. But I think the Democrats really look bad because I -- I was talking to some very prominent ones, and I didn't realize that not only is personal accounts off the table, any indexing of -- of the -- of how many -- how the benefits will be is off the table. They are saying, We will not go along with any reduction in benefits to our constituents in the future! I mean, they're being very responsible, and -- and...

HUNT: You meant to say irresponsible, I think.

NOVAK: Irresponsible. And Nancy Pelosi...


NOVAK: Nancy Pelosi, I thought, just typifies exactly what's going on when she says, Stop him, stop him, stop him.

CARLSON: I agree with Bob, in that Democrats have to pivot now and acknowledge, yes, there's a problem, and put forward a proposal for fixing...

O'BEIRNE: And when that happens...

CARLSON: ... Social Security...

O'BEIRNE: ... the Republicans are confident that personal accounts, plus some other things which do affect solvency, will look a lot better than what liberal Democrats are likely to come up, which happens to be tax increases!

CARLSON: Kate, not only would personal...

HUNT: Mark -- Mark -- hurt Social Security, they're going to hurt the economy. HUNT: Mark, the problem is that people say the concept of personal or private accounts is not such a bad concept, but the minute you say it has to be accompanied by benefit cuts, that's when...

SHIELDS: And tax increases.​ - Transcripts

Help me out here MM. Is this really the republican reform of Health Care you were referring to?
The Democrats hold pretty much all the cards in this. They have the WH,they control congress. All I hear from that big gasbag on MSNBC on the Ed show is that the reason the health care reform bill is not getting done is it's the fault of the GOP ????? When do these guys stand on their own and take responsibility for the actions of the Obama administration. Two years from now when the economy is still in the crapper will they still be blaming Bush,will they still be saying the stimulus plan needs more time? Where are all the shovel ready jobs? Time for the DEMS to show leadership. or shut the F up.

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