It is refreshing to see another right winger start another topic about those pesky negroes again!
This thread is about democrats. Once your seeing eye dog learns to read you will know that.
That's why you posted those big photos of Negroes Behaving Badly, eh?
It illustrates the point that the NAACP not once has publicly denounced the Baltimore or Ferguson riots.
Their silence is deafening.
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Socialist Republicans. Can you name any today that identify themselves that way?
It is NOT socialist to respect the rights and liberties of every man.
It's called HONEST it's called AMERICAN.

A REPUBLIC of FREE men NOT a democratic dictatorship.
That is one of the hidden agendas of liberal political correctness. Equality of outcome. We see it in every post regarding race, wealth, status, place of residence...The list is endless. Your side uses "fair" or "fairness" as a buzz term behind which you hide.
Equality of opportunity DOES NOT equal equality of outcome. That's just typical wingnut BS.
Vote Republican...because Baltimore. Or something.
HUH?.....Ok.. How about Vote Democrat because THEY will never allow a Baltimore or a Ferguson...
Ruh roh.....Obama belongs to which party? The City govt in Baltimore is dominated by which party?...
Case closed.
That is one of the hidden agendas of liberal political correctness. Equality of outcome. We see it in every post regarding race, wealth, status, place of residence...The list is endless. Your side uses "fair" or "fairness" as a buzz term behind which you hide.
Equality of opportunity DOES NOT equal equality of outcome. That's just typical wingnut BS.
If you have a point about equal opportunity, make it.
You'll have to go a long way to explain your way out of the reality the left puts forth. That is equality of outcome.
Ignoring the facts does not make them go away.
It is refreshing to see another right winger start another topic about those pesky negroes again!
This thread is about democrats. Once your seeing eye dog learns to read you will know that.
That's why you posted those big photos of Negroes Behaving Badly, eh?
It illustrates the point that the NAACP not once has publicly denounced the Baltimore or Ferguson riots.
Their silence is deafening.
You can take that another step.
The NAACP has taken NO stand on islamic attacks.
The NAACP has taken NO stand on ILLEGAL immigration.
The NAACP has taken NO stand on TPP.

NO stand NADA. Because those do NOT serve the Negro racist agenda.
If you have a point about equal opportunity, make it. You'll have to go a long way to explain your way out of the reality the left puts forth. That is equality of outcome. Ignoring the facts does not make them go away.
Kind of tough to prove something doesn't exist. It's up to you to prove it does.
The NAACP was formed and founded by REPUBLICANS to help ALL colored people

They achieved this from the beginning through the federal courts instead of through state-by-state votes. See Guinn v. United States for one of their earliest efforts. Since you have clearly stated an appreciation of the early NAACP, then you must support judicial activism for minorities to combat systemic bigotry.
Adding the specter of judicial activism not only makes you look foolish, it is also an obfuscation.
The courts exist so that aggrieved citizens may redress their government.
Minorities, particularly blacks were perhaps the most aggrieved of all minority groups. Hence the case you mentioned above and hundreds of others which with federal legislation produced the civil rights we have today.
it is a shame that those God given rights were not recognized until our government properly addressed them.
If you have a point about equal opportunity, make it. You'll have to go a long way to explain your way out of the reality the left puts forth. That is equality of outcome. Ignoring the facts does not make them go away.
Kind of tough to prove something doesn't exist. It's up to you to prove it does.
Nice try....The belief in equality of outcome is very real.
Here...."level playing field"....."Wealth inequality"....."fair share"....."set asides".....
What the hell do you think affirmative action was?.....A jobs/education program?
Don't feed me this gobbledygook about entry into the job market or seat in a college.
If you have a point about equal opportunity, make it. You'll have to go a long way to explain your way out of the reality the left puts forth. That is equality of outcome. Ignoring the facts does not make them go away.
Kind of tough to prove something doesn't exist. It's up to you to prove it does.
The other telling sign is you when you lefties see or are forced to discuss equality of outcome, you become very defensive.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Racists democrats have destroyed that unity in the NAACP just as the have in Baltimore.
Actually, it's about Dems reforming out of control police that Pubs like to cover up. Cams and community policing to the rescue. Of course, this is fueled by 30 years of Reaganism ruining the nonrich and minorities for 30 years...see sig
Screw your stupid signature. What the fuck does that mean?......Nobody cares what you have to say.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Racists democrats have destroyed that unity in the NAACP just as the have in Baltimore.
Actually, it's about Dems reforming out of control police that Pubs like to cover up. Cams and community policing to the rescue. Of course, this is fueled by 30 years of Reaganism ruining the nonrich and minorities for 30 years...see sig
IF democrats were SO concerned about feral police then why did they back Bull Connor or George Wallace?
Do you have any concept of history at all lol? Southern conservative a-hole racists used to be Dems- now they're GOP. Started to change in 1964.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Racists democrats have destroyed that unity in the NAACP just as the have in Baltimore.
Actually, it's about Dems reforming out of control police that Pubs like to cover up. Cams and community policing to the rescue. Of course, this is fueled by 30 years of Reaganism ruining the nonrich and minorities for 30 years...see sig
Screw your stupid signature. What the fuck does that mean?......Nobody cares what you have to say.
You're not interested in facts, you mean, dingbat hater dupe.
The NAACP was formed and founded by REPUBLICANS to help ALL colored people

They achieved this from the beginning through the federal courts instead of through state-by-state votes. See Guinn v. United States for one of the earliest examples of this. Since you have clearly stated an appreciation of the early NAACP, then you must support judicial activism for minorities.
I support equality and democrats do NOT.
Equality does NOT promise EQUAL results. EQUALITY is an EQUAL chance.
DUH. Who the hell ever said it did promise equal results? Hater dupes!
That is one of the hidden agendas of liberal political correctness. Equality of outcome.
We see it in every post regarding race, wealth, status, place of residence...The list is endless.
Your side uses "fair" or "fairness" as a buzz term behind which you hide.
VERY hidden, lol. In fact only in Pub propaganda, for hater dupes only. What we no longer have in the US is equal opportunity, after 30 years of idiotic, pander to the greedy idiot rich, brainwashed Reaganism/ new BS GOP. . See sig.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Racists democrats have destroyed that unity in the NAACP just as the have in Baltimore.
Actually, it's about Dems reforming out of control police that Pubs like to cover up. Cams and community policing to the rescue. Of course, this is fueled by 30 years of Reaganism ruining the nonrich and minorities for 30 years...see sig
IF democrats were SO concerned about feral police then why did they back Bull Connor or George Wallace?
Do you have any concept of history at all lol? Southern conservative a-hole racists used to be Dems- now they're GOP. Started to change in 1964.
THAT is an outright LIE. IF they had switched party's you would see burnings bombings and killings today by white people.

Racist democrats SWITCHED colors and you DO see that today in bombings and lootings and killings.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...
The Republicans designed the NAACP to be a giant tent for people of ALL colors and white IS a color.
Racists democrats have destroyed that unity in the NAACP just as the have in Baltimore.
Actually, it's about Dems reforming out of control police that Pubs like to cover up. Cams and community policing to the rescue. Of course, this is fueled by 30 years of Reaganism ruining the nonrich and minorities for 30 years...see sig
IF democrats were SO concerned about feral police then why did they back Bull Connor or George Wallace?
Do you have any concept of history at all lol? Southern conservative a-hole racists used to be Dems- now they're GOP. Started to change in 1964.
THAT is an outright LIE. IF they had switched party's you would see burnings bombings and killings today by white people.

Racist democrats SWITCHED colors and you DO see that today in bombings and lootings and killings.
You're right. GOP power is in the NE as always and is known for it's liberalism. lol. Idiot.
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...

Southern schools were desegregated from 10 percent to 90 percent without violence or bloodshed, implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970 — the first significant federal affirmation program, raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges, started the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent. All this under Nixon. Try pulling your head out of your ass for once.l
Jeebus- what happened to the GOP? hint: The liar Nixon's Southern strategy...

Southern schools were desegregated from 10 percent to 90 percent without violence or bloodshed, implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970 — the first significant federal affirmation program, raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges, started the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent. All this under Nixon. Try pulling your head out of your ass for once.l
NOT part of his southern strategy- he was a heck of a politiciann - did everything to get re-elected, including subverting the constitution. I'm betting that was implentation only and more PUBCRAPPE. BUT, law and order, secret plan, silent majority etc etc was SS. Really tho it's Reaganism I blame most for this mess.

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