Democrats Don't Have Enough Crap To Say About Trump To Fill Up 24 hrs They're Repeating Themselves


The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
I love the astounding lack of a brilliant defense. If you are innocent not only do you have to prove it but you have to help someone which is out to prove that you are quilty no matter how they have to twist what you present.

By withholding information and witnesses, Trump is breaking the law. He is pushing the Supreme Court but everyone knows he is going to loose.

Written into the constitution is Congress shall have the sole right to investigate the Executive.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.
The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
You are adopting the communist attitude that trump is guilty till he proves his innocence

but thats not the American way

house democrats had the power to subpoena all the witnesses and documents they needed but did not do so

Democrats did Supoena and Trump stopped it but don't worry that case will make its way to the Supreme Court and Tif the evidence he is hiding gives Congress concern they impeach him all over again. This is why Presidents don't do this.

Supreme Court to hear all 3 Trump subpoena challenges linked to personal finances

The trail is a sham because of the withholding of evidence and witnesses by GOP/Trump. But you are happy with corruption...
You jumped from impeachment to trumps tax returns but they are not connected
The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
I love the astounding lack of a brilliant defense. If you are innocent not only do you have to prove it but you have to help someone which is out to prove that you are quilty no matter how they have to twist what you present.

By withholding information and witnesses, Trump is breaking the law. He is pushing the Supreme Court but everyone knows he is going to loose.

Written into the constitution is Congress shall have the sole right to investigate the Executive.
The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
I love the astounding lack of a brilliant defense. If you are innocent not only do you have to prove it but you have to help someone which is out to prove that you are quilty no matter how they have to twist what you present.

By withholding information and witnesses, Trump is breaking the law. He is pushing the Supreme Court but everyone knows he is going to loose.

Written into the constitution is Congress shall have the sole right to investigate the Executive.
Thats nonsense

trump has every legal right to claim executive privilege till the court says otherwise
The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
I love the astounding lack of a brilliant defense. If you are innocent not only do you have to prove it but you have to help someone which is out to prove that you are quilty no matter how they have to twist what you present.

By withholding information and witnesses, Trump is breaking the law. He is pushing the Supreme Court but everyone knows he is going to loose.

Written into the constitution is Congress shall have the sole right to investigate the Executive.
They have the right to oversight.....not the right to impead and harass.

BTW, look up executive privilege.

Some things fall under that perview according to the constitution

Congress does not have the right to abuse their authority and interfere with the operation of the Executive Branch.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
You are adopting the communist attitude that trump is guilty till he proves his innocence

but thats not the American way

house democrats had the power to subpoena all the witnesses and documents they needed but did not do so

they subpoenaed don mcghan in april & there still isn't a final decision on that. they subpoenaed charles kupperman, bolton's deputy, & kupperman countersued to refuse it, tying it up in court, with no end date in sight. that meant bolton would have done the samepossibly dragging it out for months. kupperman's suit was just decided on a couple weeks ago - where the judge threw it out. that's why john bolton, who wanted it to drag out to create more interest in his book is now saying (because his deputy's suit was thrown out) he will NOW testify if there is a subpeana.

are you afraid of what he might reveal? donny sure is.
The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate.

I agree

and repetition gets boring really fast

which leads to declining viewership and tv ratings

So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
You are adopting the communist attitude that trump is guilty till he proves his innocence

but thats not the American way

house democrats had the power to subpoena all the witnesses and documents they needed but did not do so

they subpoenaed don mcghan in april & there still isn't a final decision on that. they subpoenaed charles kupperman, bolton's deputy, & kupperman countersued to refuse it, tying it up in court, with no end date in sight. that meant bolton would have done the samepossibly dragging it out for months. kupperman's suit was just decided on a couple weeks ago - where the judge threw it out. that's why john bolton, who wanted it to drag out to create more interest in his book is now saying (because his deputy's suit was thrown out) he will NOW testify if there is a subpeana.

are you afraid of what he might reveal? donny sure is.
You are complaining about a legal process that liberals have used AGAINST trump for three years by finding a liberal obama judge to issue an injunction against a trump policy that takes months or years to be overturned by the Supreme Court

now the shoe is on the other foot and libs dont like it

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.

change yer diaper lenny, cause you are full of shit. when you lie about everything, then it shows how weak yer argument truly is.

'Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial.'

Senate has held 15 impeachment trials
The Senate has held just two prior impeachment trials against presidents — Bill Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both included witnesses.

The Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses in the Johnson proceeding, and three for Clinton, including Monica Lewinsky. In the Clinton case, House managers obtained depositions from the witnesses and excerpts of that testimony were shown to the Senate, the Washington Post reported.

But those aren’t the only impeachments the Senate has heard. The U.S. Senate website lists 19 people prior to Trump who were impeached by the House, including 14 judges, a senator, a Supreme Court justice and the secretary of war.

Cases against three of the judges were halted before a trial when the judges resigned, and the case against Sen. William Blount in 1799 — the first impeachment in U.S. history — stopped before trial when the Senate determined it didn’t have such jurisdiction over one of its own.

That leaves 13 impeachment trials against other federal officials dating back to 1804. Eight of those yielded a guilty verdict, and five a not-guilty finding.

But all of them involved witnesses, said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

'They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing.'

they had real witness' lenny. all testifying under oath. & a FIRST PERSON witness, Lt Colonel Vindman, was one of 11 people who was tasked with listening in on that 'perfect' phone call.

'Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.'

fake news, leonard, fake news. the witness' were disposed during classified hearings in the SCIFF, that the (R)s on the specific committees WHO WERE THERE, were able to be heard during the open public hearings ie volker & morrison. they did a bang up job for the (D)s 'cause - - - donny done fucked up & they pretty much said so.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart

Adam Schiff was awesome. Just because tramp admitted it on TV doesn't mean he isn't abusing his power and obstructing Congress. Also by the way, you want evidence , we have enough and make tramp turn over the documents then we will have an over abundance of evidence. Tim Scott was speaking to tramp, that is what they do when they are scared shitl..s.

Also repetition only gets through to the people who haven't heard any of it before, and I'm sure Tim Scott was one of them.

What evidence......he released the Transcript....nothing there.... of the witnesses the House actually called.....?

1) They never met Trump
2) they weren't on the call
3) they weren't in the room
4) they werent in the White House

5) Sondland stated that Trump told him that he wanted nothing from the Ukraine about some actual evidence?

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.

change yer diaper lenny, cause you are full of shit. when you lie about everything, then it shows how weak yer argument truly is.

'Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial.'

Senate has held 15 impeachment trials
The Senate has held just two prior impeachment trials against presidents — Bill Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both included witnesses.

The Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses in the Johnson proceeding, and three for Clinton, including Monica Lewinsky. In the Clinton case, House managers obtained depositions from the witnesses and excerpts of that testimony were shown to the Senate, the Washington Post reported.

But those aren’t the only impeachments the Senate has heard. The U.S. Senate website lists 19 people prior to Trump who were impeached by the House, including 14 judges, a senator, a Supreme Court justice and the secretary of war.

Cases against three of the judges were halted before a trial when the judges resigned, and the case against Sen. William Blount in 1799 — the first impeachment in U.S. history — stopped before trial when the Senate determined it didn’t have such jurisdiction over one of its own.

That leaves 13 impeachment trials against other federal officials dating back to 1804. Eight of those yielded a guilty verdict, and five a not-guilty finding.

But all of them involved witnesses, said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

'They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing.'

they had real witness' lenny. all testifying under oath. & a FIRST PERSON witness, Lt Colonel Vindman, was one of 11 people who was tasked with listening in on that 'perfect' phone call.

'Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.'

fake news, leonard, fake news. the witness' were disposed during classified hearings in the SCIFF, that the (R)s on the specific committees WHO WERE THERE, were able to be heard during the open public hearings ie volker & morrison. they did a bang up job for the (D)s 'cause - - - donny done fucked up & they pretty much said so.

Vindeman didn't say Trump broke any laws you dope....he didn't like Trump's policies and that was dope....

Trump Impeachment Orgasm syndrome is just getting guys get excited over nothing........
So are you judging right and wrong by tv ratings? I tell you, how about we do trial by combat, ratings would be huge..

And we thought Running Man was fiction...
No. I am judging win or lose for the democrat witchhunters

the trump impeachment hoax is putting America to sleep

Why do Trumpsters have to keep on trying to tell us what Democrats are thinking.. You spend all day telling us what Democrats or others think...

Have you no ideas yourself, oh I forgot ye are busy suppressing Evidence and witnesses.. Innocent people don't hide, it is not the Supreme Court is going order Trump to release all of this evidence and compel WH staff to appear before congress anyway.

This is the problem in having a sham trial, the evidence will still get out.. By the way Americans want to have witnesses and evidence...
You are adopting the communist attitude that trump is guilty till he proves his innocence

but thats not the American way

house democrats had the power to subpoena all the witnesses and documents they needed but did not do so

they subpoenaed don mcghan in april & there still isn't a final decision on that. they subpoenaed charles kupperman, bolton's deputy, & kupperman countersued to refuse it, tying it up in court, with no end date in sight. that meant bolton would have done the samepossibly dragging it out for months. kupperman's suit was just decided on a couple weeks ago - where the judge threw it out. that's why john bolton, who wanted it to drag out to create more interest in his book is now saying (because his deputy's suit was thrown out) he will NOW testify if there is a subpeana.

are you afraid of what he might reveal? donny sure is.
You are complaining about a legal process that liberals have used AGAINST trump for three years by finding a liberal obama judge to issue an injunction against a trump policy that takes months or years to be overturned by the Supreme Court

now the shoe is on the other foot and libs dont like it

uh... no. whoever the circuit judge is - is the judge. 'liberals' don't get to 'choose', so right there you start out with a lie.

did you know - did yer 'news' station air the part on the first day - where the house wanted an amendment where...

now read this slowly...

(R) appointed chief justice roberts would have been allowed to decide who the witness would be testifying, whether it be bolton or a biden or both? leaving it up to him & ALL the (R) senators voted that amendment down?

huh... funny dat.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart

Adam Schiff was awesome. Just because tramp admitted it on TV doesn't mean he isn't abusing his power and obstructing Congress. Also by the way, you want evidence , we have enough and make tramp turn over the documents then we will have an over abundance of evidence. Tim Scott was speaking to tramp, that is what they do when they are scared shitl..s.

Also repetition only gets through to the people who haven't heard any of it before, and I'm sure Tim Scott was one of them.

What evidence......he released the Transcript....nothing there.... of the witnesses the House actually called.....?

1) They never met Trump
2) they weren't on the call
3) they weren't in the room
4) they werent in the White House

5) Sondland stated that Trump told him that he wanted nothing from the Ukraine about some actual evidence?

There's plenty of it, and the call memo started it all and then we find out it started even before the call. You can't be watching the impeachment trail, because if you did you would realize its a habit of tramps. First Russia and now Ukraine and China.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.

change yer diaper lenny, cause you are full of shit. when you lie about everything, then it shows how weak yer argument truly is.

'Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial.'

Senate has held 15 impeachment trials
The Senate has held just two prior impeachment trials against presidents — Bill Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both included witnesses.

The Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses in the Johnson proceeding, and three for Clinton, including Monica Lewinsky. In the Clinton case, House managers obtained depositions from the witnesses and excerpts of that testimony were shown to the Senate, the Washington Post reported.

But those aren’t the only impeachments the Senate has heard. The U.S. Senate website lists 19 people prior to Trump who were impeached by the House, including 14 judges, a senator, a Supreme Court justice and the secretary of war.

Cases against three of the judges were halted before a trial when the judges resigned, and the case against Sen. William Blount in 1799 — the first impeachment in U.S. history — stopped before trial when the Senate determined it didn’t have such jurisdiction over one of its own.

That leaves 13 impeachment trials against other federal officials dating back to 1804. Eight of those yielded a guilty verdict, and five a not-guilty finding.

But all of them involved witnesses, said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

'They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing.'

they had real witness' lenny. all testifying under oath. & a FIRST PERSON witness, Lt Colonel Vindman, was one of 11 people who was tasked with listening in on that 'perfect' phone call.

'Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.'

fake news, leonard, fake news. the witness' were disposed during classified hearings in the SCIFF, that the (R)s on the specific committees WHO WERE THERE, were able to be heard during the open public hearings ie volker & morrison. they did a bang up job for the (D)s 'cause - - - donny done fucked up & they pretty much said so.
Nice try.

but lewenski was not a close confidant of bill clinton who fell under the executive privilege claim

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart

Adam Schiff was awesome. Just because tramp admitted it on TV doesn't mean he isn't abusing his power and obstructing Congress. Also by the way, you want evidence , we have enough and make tramp turn over the documents then we will have an over abundance of evidence. Tim Scott was speaking to tramp, that is what they do when they are scared shitl..s.

Also repetition only gets through to the people who haven't heard any of it before, and I'm sure Tim Scott was one of them.

What evidence......he released the Transcript....nothing there.... of the witnesses the House actually called.....?

1) They never met Trump
2) they weren't on the call
3) they weren't in the room
4) they werent in the White House

5) Sondland stated that Trump told him that he wanted nothing from the Ukraine about some actual evidence?

first of all, it was NOT a 'transcript' ... it was a MEMORANDUM... an edited NOT
VERBATIM transcript as stated on PAGE ONE. the REAL transcript is hidden away on an uber secure server dedicated to the most secret classified intel we have.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

Lt Colonel Vindman was on that call as he testified in the public hearing. stop peddling lies.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.

change yer diaper lenny, cause you are full of shit. when you lie about everything, then it shows how weak yer argument truly is.

'Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial.'

Senate has held 15 impeachment trials
The Senate has held just two prior impeachment trials against presidents — Bill Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both included witnesses.

The Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses in the Johnson proceeding, and three for Clinton, including Monica Lewinsky. In the Clinton case, House managers obtained depositions from the witnesses and excerpts of that testimony were shown to the Senate, the Washington Post reported.

But those aren’t the only impeachments the Senate has heard. The U.S. Senate website lists 19 people prior to Trump who were impeached by the House, including 14 judges, a senator, a Supreme Court justice and the secretary of war.

Cases against three of the judges were halted before a trial when the judges resigned, and the case against Sen. William Blount in 1799 — the first impeachment in U.S. history — stopped before trial when the Senate determined it didn’t have such jurisdiction over one of its own.

That leaves 13 impeachment trials against other federal officials dating back to 1804. Eight of those yielded a guilty verdict, and five a not-guilty finding.

But all of them involved witnesses, said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

'They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing.'

they had real witness' lenny. all testifying under oath. & a FIRST PERSON witness, Lt Colonel Vindman, was one of 11 people who was tasked with listening in on that 'perfect' phone call.

'Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.'

fake news, leonard, fake news. the witness' were disposed during classified hearings in the SCIFF, that the (R)s on the specific committees WHO WERE THERE, were able to be heard during the open public hearings ie volker & morrison. they did a bang up job for the (D)s 'cause - - - donny done fucked up & they pretty much said so.

Vindeman didn't say Trump broke any laws you dope....he didn't like Trump's policies and that was dope....

Trump Impeachment Orgasm syndrome is just getting guys get excited over nothing........

oh so now you're saying vindman WAS a first person witness who listened in on that call per his fucking JOB? you can't have it both ways & he isn't a lawyer, but knew - based on his vast experience & job title - he knew it wasn't proper & went immediately to john bolton - who imeediately told him to GO TO THE LAWYERS who................. would know............. whether IT WAS ILLEGAL or not.

nice try there - but you failed.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Call your senator, tell him to vote to allow witnesses. You won't be bored then.
Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial. They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing. Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.

change yer diaper lenny, cause you are full of shit. when you lie about everything, then it shows how weak yer argument truly is.

'Democrats are crying for witnesses because it's something that normally isn't done during the Senate trial.'

Senate has held 15 impeachment trials
The Senate has held just two prior impeachment trials against presidents — Bill Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both included witnesses.

The Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses in the Johnson proceeding, and three for Clinton, including Monica Lewinsky. In the Clinton case, House managers obtained depositions from the witnesses and excerpts of that testimony were shown to the Senate, the Washington Post reported.

But those aren’t the only impeachments the Senate has heard. The U.S. Senate website lists 19 people prior to Trump who were impeached by the House, including 14 judges, a senator, a Supreme Court justice and the secretary of war.

Cases against three of the judges were halted before a trial when the judges resigned, and the case against Sen. William Blount in 1799 — the first impeachment in U.S. history — stopped before trial when the Senate determined it didn’t have such jurisdiction over one of its own.

That leaves 13 impeachment trials against other federal officials dating back to 1804. Eight of those yielded a guilty verdict, and five a not-guilty finding.

But all of them involved witnesses, said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

'They could have gotten REAL witnesses during the House impeachment......but there really aren't any. Instead they got a bunch of diplomats and legal experts to give their opinions, not testify to any evidence of wrongdoing.'

they had real witness' lenny. all testifying under oath. & a FIRST PERSON witness, Lt Colonel Vindman, was one of 11 people who was tasked with listening in on that 'perfect' phone call.

'Any witnesses that offered exculpatory evidence was silenced during their secret SCIFF hearings.'

fake news, leonard, fake news. the witness' were disposed during classified hearings in the SCIFF, that the (R)s on the specific committees WHO WERE THERE, were able to be heard during the open public hearings ie volker & morrison. they did a bang up job for the (D)s 'cause - - - donny done fucked up & they pretty much said so.
Nice try.

but lewenski was not a close confidant of bill clinton who fell under the executive privilege claim

learn to read. we are talking about witness' & lenny said there are never any witness' in a senate trial. that was a lie. i showed that it was a lie.
too bad your deflection didn't work for you.

The Democrap's opening arguments are turning into a marathon of every nasty opinion they have about Donald Trump, an overt display of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the floor of the Senate. Every nasty bit of rubbish they've dreamed up about him since he took office is being spewed on the floor of the Senate. It's getting so bad that they're repeating themselves over and over.

Trust me....the Republicans won't need 24 hrs to spell out the malice and spite of the Democrats and their attempt to boot a legally elected president out of office, simply because they know he's going to kick their ass in an election.

Adam Schiff spent over 2 and a half hours talking about how rotten his opinion of Donald Trump is, using videos of Trump telling jokes at his rallies as evidence that he's involved in a massive coverup to hide his crimes. Never mind the fact that his comments were out in the open in front of thousands of people and television audience, which blows Schiff's claims of a coverup all to Hell.

The fawning press said that Schiff-face was brilliant and Jeffersonian....which only proves that the Democrats are colluding with the media to influence the election...and they are using impeachment as a campaign ad against Trump. They are proud to say they have been working to impeach Trump since he won election even before he was sworn in....and this fact utterly destroys their impeachment argument.

Tim Scott on House Democrats' Case: 'We've Not Heard Any Actual Evidence About 2020' | Breitbart
Doesn't matter............The ratings for watching the Clown Show are VERY LOW........No body is watching it anyways.....Except the Fruitcake Left............

Shifty could just play a recording over and over again............would have the same effect.......which is NOTHING.
I think Adam Shifty Schiff should do a fund raiser...........where he is in the DUNKING the millions can WATER BOARD HIM by throwing baseballs at the dunk target...


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