Democrats Don't Support Impeachment - Pelosi Backs Down - No Vote

She ain't got the votes...not even from the democrats.

So if there's a vote...the whole impeachment movement dies in its tracks...pelosi wont have THAT!
No one could have seen it coming.

Russia collusion conspiracy 2.0: Ukraine edition. Because the original was not crazy enough!
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They always say that when a weasel doesn't have the votes to pass their scam, they always lie and their eyes get real big. Pelosi and Schiff are guilty as hell of weaseling and lying..
I kinda think when the IG reports start coming about FISA Court abuse and the other investigations going on that the democrats will be in full retreat on impeachment. Won't admit it of course, but they are making themselves look very bad indeed and they are still digging.
Pelosi holds off on vote to authorize impeachment inquiry

Pelosi has called off any official vote on Impeachment...the only reason to do so is she doesn't have the support to successfully do it!

She's never been for it. She's been around too long to understand the likely ramifications.

She needs to throw a bone to her Socialist sidekicks. If the public turns against the Democrats, she loses her seat for the second time. Not very good historically.
I’m suspect the Dems wish they’d never brought this whole impeachment bullshit up. Now they have to figure out a way to bow out while saving face. Good luck with that.
But But.......


Dumbass radical Leftist morons....
The Left keep trying to ‘get’ Trump, and each time they look more and more idiotic. Historians will be laughing at them for centuries.
But But.......


Dumbass radical Leftist morons....

No, they knew they had nothing. They just didn't know what to do once Trump released the transcript since they were counting on him not releasing it.

A US President has the right to ask another country to look into corruption of one of our representatives. Just because he's a presidential candidate doesn't preclude Trump from making that request.

They lied about the phone call, and they lied about why Trump is asking Zelensky to look into it. Biden stands very little chance at actually becoming the nominee, and they know it.
The Left keep trying to ‘get’ Trump, and each time they look more and more idiotic. Historians will be laughing at them for centuries.

That's what Piglosi is trying to avoid. She's the first female speaker, so she is politically historic. Her name will go down in history forever.
Obviously the non response from the left over the collapse of Ukrainegate means they haven’t received their Soros talking point spin yet.
Hey, USMB lefties, I pray you don't need this, but I'm afraid you might.

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Pelosi holds off on vote to authorize impeachment inquiry
Pelosi has called off any official vote on Impeachment...the only reason to do so is she doesn't have the support to successfully do it!

Let's face it Easy, the democrats "Impeachment inquiry" is not a House effort but a PARTY effort, to privately and secretly assess where they stand election wise and whether trying to railroad and frame Trump again after Mueller fell on its face would help or HINDER their election efforts. And predictably, they are concluding they just don't have the chess pieces to proceed. Trump has them by the short hairs, so now they will back off and try to concoct some plausible sounding excuse for not doing so that still tries to make Trump look like a very bad guy, they tried to stop him and just couldn't, because he is just SOOOO bad, so now it must be up to the voters to do it.

I look for that load of crap to be released somewhere around Oct. 25 in the democratic never-ended line of blatant fake propaganda.
No, they knew they had nothing. They just didn't know what to do once Trump released the transcript since they were counting on him not releasing it.
A US President has the right to ask another country to look into corruption of one of our representatives. Just because he's a presidential candidate doesn't preclude Trump from making that request.
They lied about the phone call, and they lied about why Trump is asking Zelensky to look into it. Biden stands very little chance at actually becoming the nominee, and they know it.

You give them too much credit.
The ones on THIS forum anyway.

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