Democrats Don't Support Impeachment - Pelosi Backs Down - No Vote


Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?
LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
/——-/ Actually their motto is: Why bother winning when we can cheat.
Or impeach, you left that out. :badgrin:


There's nothing lawless about it.

You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

A few months? Biden said a few seasons.

Liar. It was 4 months before the election, one of which, Congress was on recess. And he suggested the Senate wait until after the election to convene confirmation hearings. That's 3 months the Senate would wait. WTF did you hear putting off hearings for a few "seasons?"
You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

A few months? Biden said a few seasons.

Liar. It was 4 months before the election, one of which, Congress was on recess. And he suggested the Senate wait until after the election to convene confirmation hearings. That's 3 months the Senate would wait. WTF did you hear putting off hearings for a few "seasons?"

From his mouth. He said the preceding fall and summer.
LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

apple: orange.jpeg
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

View attachment 284988

If we need to expand the SCOTUS Trump should do so now and nominate 3-4 new SCOTUS justices. Right libs? Watch them shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey, USMB lefties, I pray you don't need this, but I'm afraid you might.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK [8255]

Or they could call 1-800-282-2882 and talk with the all knowing, all seeing, all caring, maha Rushie :)
Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

View attachment 284988

If we need to expand the SCOTUS Trump should do so now and nominate 3-4 new SCOTUS justices. Right libs? Watch them shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

It's like the losing baseball team insisting that the game have 14 innings instead of 9, because they can't win in 9.

Democrats love when its their turn to win, but have a huge problem when the opponents win at the same game. When Democrats lose, it's time to change the game entirely.

It happened during the Bush/ Gore race where nearly the entire country had to spend God knows how many millions by replacing punch card machines with electronic. Then when Kerry lost, they blamed it on the Diebold company because Bush had associations with them. So once again, we had to spend God knows how many millions to replace the Diebold machines, even though it was proven those machines had nothing to do with the outcome.

They based it on exit polls, which clearly showed Kerry beating Trump. So then they wanted to have us count votes by using exit polling.

Now that Trump lost the popular vote, a few states changed their electoral college system to winner takes all, that is to say, make the popular vote manipulate the electoral college vote.

Democrats are the sorest losers we have in this country. It's not a wonder why liberal schools stopped keeping scores in sporting events, and got rid of dodge ball in gym class.
Partisanshitheads, on "both" of your sides all sound alike to me. You people know, that's why all you can do is screech nonsense and point at each other so you don't have to confront the ubiquitous corruption that american society runs upon. It's just those "other" guys isn't it. You all deserve each other.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War
Their agenda should not be to restore the national security status quo but to overhaul it.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War

Their job is to rein in the people and preserve the status quo of power and money. Have you ever seen such vitriolic, seething hatred? There is a reason for it. They feel power slipping away starting with the inability of the media to take Trump out in 2016.
And they know, even better than you, what awaits them if they fumble any more power away. They know because of how they themselves abused their power.

What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War
Their agenda should not be to restore the national security status quo but to overhaul it.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War

Their job is to rein in the people and preserve the status quo of power and money. Have you ever seen such vitriolic, seething hatred? There is a reason for it. They feel power slipping away starting with the inability of the media to take Trump out in 2016.
And they know, even better than you, what awaits them if they fumble any more power away. They know because of how they themselves abused their power.

What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.

I was reading an article today about how the Deep State runs both parties.

It was no accident that Trump was elected.

Nor is it an accident that the DNC ran some 23 folks against Sanders. THEY KNEW if they didn't, and all attention was on him, that chances were very good, he would defeat Trump.

He SHOULD have defeated Hillary in the primaries were it not for the corruption. Who is to say that his health problems are not a intel weapon? We just can't say.

The point is, coincidences in politics, and especially world politics? meh. . . . we should be skeptical.

It might be just as it seems. . . but then again? :dunno: See post #211

I'd give you odd, 100 to 1 that, not only does Trump not get impeached, he also gets re-elected, b/c that is what the folks running the whole show want.

OTH, there might be a small possibility of a corporate Dem. getting elected, but don't look for any great changes that will affect the banking/corporate policy much. Just more war.

Warren is just all talk, Trust me, she is a Hillary clone. Nothing any more astoundingly progressive would come out of her. . . except cheap, easy, illegal labor for big Ag and other corporate industries in America. :71:
Their job is to rein in the people and preserve the status quo of power and money. Have you ever seen such vitriolic, seething hatred? There is a reason for it. They feel power slipping away starting with the inability of the media to take Trump out in 2016.
And they know, even better than you, what awaits them if they fumble any more power away. They know because of how they themselves abused their power.

What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.

I was reading an article today about how the Deep State runs both parties.

It was no accident that Trump was elected.

Nor is it an accident that the DNC ran some 23 folks against Sanders. THEY KNEW if they didn't, and all attention was on him, that chances were very good, he would defeat Trump.

He SHOULD have defeated Hillary in the primaries were it not for the corruption. Who is to say that his health problems are not a intel weapon? We just can't say.

The point is, coincidences in politics, and especially world politics? meh. . . . we should be skeptical.

It might be just as it seems. . . but then again? :dunno: See post #211

I'd give you odd, 100 to 1 that, not only does Trump not get impeached, he also gets re-elected, b/c that is what the folks running the whole show want.

OTH, there might be a small possibility of a corporate Dem. getting elected, but don't look for any great changes that will affect the banking/corporate policy much. Just more war.

Warren is just all talk, Trust me, she is a Hillary clone. Nothing any more astoundingly progressive would come out of her. . . except cheap, easy, illegal labor for big Ag and other corporate industries in America. :71:

Warren deleted all her claims to be an Indian from her website and Twitter feed this week :) She went back years erasing the evidence. Down the “memory hole”!
Their job is to rein in the people and preserve the status quo of power and money. Have you ever seen such vitriolic, seething hatred? There is a reason for it. They feel power slipping away starting with the inability of the media to take Trump out in 2016.
And they know, even better than you, what awaits them if they fumble any more power away. They know because of how they themselves abused their power.

What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.

I was reading an article today about how the Deep State runs both parties.

It was no accident that Trump was elected.

Nor is it an accident that the DNC ran some 23 folks against Sanders. THEY KNEW if they didn't, and all attention was on him, that chances were very good, he would defeat Trump.

He SHOULD have defeated Hillary in the primaries were it not for the corruption. Who is to say that his health problems are not a intel weapon? We just can't say.

The point is, coincidences in politics, and especially world politics? meh. . . . we should be skeptical.

It might be just as it seems. . . but then again? :dunno: See post #211

I'd give you odd, 100 to 1 that, not only does Trump not get impeached, he also gets re-elected, b/c that is what the folks running the whole show want.

OTH, there might be a small possibility of a corporate Dem. getting elected, but don't look for any great changes that will affect the banking/corporate policy much. Just more war.

Warren is just all talk, Trust me, she is a Hillary clone. Nothing any more astoundingly progressive would come out of her. . . except cheap, easy, illegal labor for big Ag and other corporate industries in America. :71:

Yes the deep state controls, or at least restricts, both parties. The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the Democrats and their corporate bosses. But Trump was an aberration. He was supposed to be a chump that Hillary defeated after the media took him down. To their shock he connected with Americans. they became more frenzied and desperate as it became more obvious they couldn’t destroy him and eventually they fell into what we know today as TDS. All because they let power slip for a moment. Sometimes I’m not certain Trump didn’t cut a deal with them that he reneged on once it was too late to stop him.
No he won’t be impeached I agree. Just like Mueller couldn’t remove him. It’s just a way to stymie and freeze the government they lost until they can get it back. And Ginsberg is dying.
I think their hatred for him is real. He is considered a traitor to his class because he takes the side of working Americans. It’s a fevered maniacal hatred as you have seen. And that isn’t faked.
What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.

I was reading an article today about how the Deep State runs both parties.

It was no accident that Trump was elected.

Nor is it an accident that the DNC ran some 23 folks against Sanders. THEY KNEW if they didn't, and all attention was on him, that chances were very good, he would defeat Trump.

He SHOULD have defeated Hillary in the primaries were it not for the corruption. Who is to say that his health problems are not a intel weapon? We just can't say.

The point is, coincidences in politics, and especially world politics? meh. . . . we should be skeptical.

It might be just as it seems. . . but then again? :dunno: See post #211

I'd give you odd, 100 to 1 that, not only does Trump not get impeached, he also gets re-elected, b/c that is what the folks running the whole show want.

OTH, there might be a small possibility of a corporate Dem. getting elected, but don't look for any great changes that will affect the banking/corporate policy much. Just more war.

Warren is just all talk, Trust me, she is a Hillary clone. Nothing any more astoundingly progressive would come out of her. . . except cheap, easy, illegal labor for big Ag and other corporate industries in America. :71:

Yes the deep state controls, or at least restricts, both parties. The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the Democrats and their corporate bosses. But Trump was an aberration. He was supposed to be a chump that Hillary defeated after the media took him down. To their shock he connected with Americans. they became more frenzied and desperate as it became more obvious they couldn’t destroy him and eventually they fell into what we know today as TDS. All because they let power slip for a moment. Sometimes I’m not certain Trump didn’t cut a deal with them that he reneged on once it was too late to stop him.
No he won’t be impeached I agree. Just like Mueller couldn’t remove him. It’s just a way to stymie and freeze the government they lost until they can get it back. And Ginsberg is dying.
I think their hatred for him is real. He is considered a traitor to his class because he takes the side of working Americans. It’s a fevered maniacal hatred as you have seen. And that isn’t faked.

That why I posted the reverse psychology thing.

It was meant to appear that way.

If they had really wanted to fight him? The party elites could have done to Trump what they did to Ron Paul. It would have been a relatively simple matter to banish Trump from the nominating process if they had wanted too. Don't delude yourself.

Ron Paul had more support and a more fervent following in the beginning than Trump ever did. Trump's ideas, and his persona were never as much of a threat to the establishment as Paul was. It is a long con I am telling you.
All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia

Well you are going to have to explain it to me more directly.

I was reading an article today about how the Deep State runs both parties.

It was no accident that Trump was elected.

Nor is it an accident that the DNC ran some 23 folks against Sanders. THEY KNEW if they didn't, and all attention was on him, that chances were very good, he would defeat Trump.

He SHOULD have defeated Hillary in the primaries were it not for the corruption. Who is to say that his health problems are not a intel weapon? We just can't say.

The point is, coincidences in politics, and especially world politics? meh. . . . we should be skeptical.

It might be just as it seems. . . but then again? :dunno: See post #211

I'd give you odd, 100 to 1 that, not only does Trump not get impeached, he also gets re-elected, b/c that is what the folks running the whole show want.

OTH, there might be a small possibility of a corporate Dem. getting elected, but don't look for any great changes that will affect the banking/corporate policy much. Just more war.

Warren is just all talk, Trust me, she is a Hillary clone. Nothing any more astoundingly progressive would come out of her. . . except cheap, easy, illegal labor for big Ag and other corporate industries in America. :71:

Yes the deep state controls, or at least restricts, both parties. The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the Democrats and their corporate bosses. But Trump was an aberration. He was supposed to be a chump that Hillary defeated after the media took him down. To their shock he connected with Americans. they became more frenzied and desperate as it became more obvious they couldn’t destroy him and eventually they fell into what we know today as TDS. All because they let power slip for a moment. Sometimes I’m not certain Trump didn’t cut a deal with them that he reneged on once it was too late to stop him.
No he won’t be impeached I agree. Just like Mueller couldn’t remove him. It’s just a way to stymie and freeze the government they lost until they can get it back. And Ginsberg is dying.
I think their hatred for him is real. He is considered a traitor to his class because he takes the side of working Americans. It’s a fevered maniacal hatred as you have seen. And that isn’t faked.

That why I posted the reverse psychology thing.

It was meant to appear that way.

If they had really wanted to fight him? The party elites could have done to Trump what they did to Ron Paul. It would have been a relatively simple matter to banish Trump from the nominating process if they had wanted too. Don't delude yourself.

Ron Paul had more support and a more fervent following in the beginning than Trump ever did. Trump's ideas, and his persona were never as much of a threat to the establishment as Paul was. It is a long con I am telling you.

I don’t think so. BUT!...this is the stage we have reached. The CIA had a philosophy described as creating “a wilderness of mirrors” wherein the goal was to create such confusion and illusion that anything was possible and thus nothing could be trusted for the target society.

“After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think Now/History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors/And issues”

The above is quoted at the head of the CIA webpage on Angleton.” What forgiveness” indeed...they know there will be none if they fall from power.

The James Angleton Phenomenon — Central Intelligence Agency
A wilderness of mirrors, that describes precisely what the Democrats have tried to create with their blizzard of subpoenas and endless investigations.

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

A few months? Biden said a few seasons.

Liar. It was 4 months before the election, one of which, Congress was on recess. And he suggested the Senate wait until after the election to convene confirmation hearings. That's 3 months the Senate would wait. WTF did you hear putting off hearings for a few "seasons?"

From his mouth. He said the preceding fall and summer.

He said no such thing. You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:

On September 25, 1992, little more than 4 months before the election, Biden suggested the president hold off nominating a replacement until after the election. That's the following 4 months, not the preceding fall and summer. Emphasis mine...

"Should a justice resign this summer and the president move to name a successor, actions that will occur just days before the Democratic Presidential Convention and weeks before the Republican Convention meets, a process that is already in doubt in the minds of many will become distrusted by all. Senate consideration of a nominee under these circumstances is not fair to the president, to the nominee, or to the Senate itself.

"Mr. President, where the nation should be treated to a consideration of constitutional philosophy, all it will get in such circumstances is a partisan bickering and political posturing from both parties and from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. As a result, it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not — and not — name a nominee until after the November election is completed." ~ Joe Biden, 9.25.1992

So unlike Republicans in 2016 who denied the sitting president confirmation hearings, Biden suggested the president wait to nominate someone.

Unlike Republicans in 2016 who held up a replacement for nearly all of Obama's final year, Biden suggested waiting 4 months.

Unlike Republicans in 2016 who said Obama would not get to appoint another replacement, Biden suggested Bush would get to nominate someone the Senate would consider.

Unlike Republicans in 2016 who actually did deny a sitting president nearly 25% of his term to appoint a USSC justice, Biden spoke only of a hypothetical which never actually happened.
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

View attachment 284988
So? Both are methods of stacking the court. It matters not that one changes the number of justices while the other doesn't. The end game is still the same. And there's certainly nothing etched in stone that we have to have 9 justices. We've had other numbers over the years.

What's good for Republicans is good for Democrats.
Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

View attachment 284988

If we need to expand the SCOTUS Trump should do so now and nominate 3-4 new SCOTUS justices. Right libs? Watch them shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

He can't. :badgrin:
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
Like Republicans. Why do you think it's ok for Republicans to stack the Supreme Court but not ok for Democrats to do that?

Because the Republicans are not changing anything about the court. They simply waited until they had the opportunity. Democrats want to change the court by changing the amount of people on it.

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If we need to expand the SCOTUS Trump should do so now and nominate 3-4 new SCOTUS justices. Right libs? Watch them shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

It's like the losing baseball team insisting that the game have 14 innings instead of 9, because they can't win in 9.

Democrats love when its their turn to win, but have a huge problem when the opponents win at the same game. When Democrats lose, it's time to change the game entirely.

It happened during the Bush/ Gore race where nearly the entire country had to spend God knows how many millions by replacing punch card machines with electronic. Then when Kerry lost, they blamed it on the Diebold company because Bush had associations with them. So once again, we had to spend God knows how many millions to replace the Diebold machines, even though it was proven those machines had nothing to do with the outcome.

They based it on exit polls, which clearly showed Kerry beating Trump. So then they wanted to have us count votes by using exit polling.

Now that Trump lost the popular vote, a few states changed their electoral college system to winner takes all, that is to say, make the popular vote manipulate the electoral college vote.

Democrats are the sorest losers we have in this country. It's not a wonder why liberal schools stopped keeping scores in sporting events, and got rid of dodge ball in gym class.
"It's like the losing baseball team insisting that the game have 14 innings instead of 9, because they can't win in 9"

No? It's nothing like that. That would be against the rules. Adding seats to the Supreme Court is not against the rules.

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