Democrats embrace climate terrorism.

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrats are embracing open rebellion and protest, but not at the Capital like during January 6th, no, no, no. Instead, democrats are promoting disrupting the lives of everyday Americans cuz they are better to pick on.

Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib's enmity is not reserved for Israel alone. The so-called "Squad" member apparently does not trust the American people and their democratic process to produce her desired outcomes. As a result, she has reportedly instructed climate alarmists to achieve her objectives by other means.

Tlaib recently joined multimillionaire socialist and screenwriter Adam McKay in addressing around 125 extremists from Climate Defiance, Declare Emergency, and other leftist outfits on a private call to which the Daily Mail gained access.

"Nothing cuts through the BS and rigmarole more than straight-up disruptive activism. I’m talking about the power of the people," said McKay. "I’m talking about the people that created democracy, that threw the kings out of power."

According to the Daily Mail, Tlaib stressed, "If we don't get the policies we need, if our legislative process is failing us, then direct action gets the goods."

"We have to be much more aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansions," said the 46-year-old Palestinian-American

Tlaib reportedly noted that neither Congress nor the White House would cut pollution to the activists' satisfaction unless "the streets demanded it."

Declare Emergency's Seattle-based mobilizer Donald Zepeda discussed plans to mount disruptions on federal properties in New York City and Washington in August.

"We aim for whatever causes the most kerfuffle. Everyone has to see it. Everyone is impacted," said Zepeda. "Doing massively disruptive, nonviolent civil disobedience, it's a necessary and important part of getting us to where we need to be."

The groups whose past criminality Tlaib lauded on the call have been responsible for recent blockades, iconoclasm, and other efforts to extort concessions from American officials.

Declare Emergency, for instance, demands that President Joe Biden "declare a formal state of climate emergency." To that end, the group routinely disrupts traffic "similar to the way a hurricane, flood, or wildfire might," even if that means threatening lives and livelihoods.

The iconoclasts charged last month with defacing an art exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Timothy Martin of North Carolina and Joanna Smith of New York, both belong to Declare Emergency. According to ABC News, the duo allegedly inflicted $2,400 in damage, which resulted in the exhibit's removal for repairs.

Days prior to the extremists' attack on the Edgar Degas sculpture, Declare Emergency shut down a section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, resulting in heavy traffic jams.

Climate Defiance, whose leaders were on the call with Tlaib, similarly does not trust the American electorate to legally advance its grand designs, opting instead to "compel politicians to act" on the basis of the group's fears by way of strikes, blockades, or "mass occupation."

Earlier this month, Climate Defiance temporarily shut down a keynote address by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), accusing him of being "an ecocidal millionaire."

Extinction Rebellion's British co-founder Roger Hallam also joined Tlaib on the call.

Hallam's outfit is a decentralized group of radical leftists keen on ridding Western nations of affordable energy, antipathetic to fossil fuels and nuclear energy alike. The Daily Caller reported that Hallam's group caused millions of dollars worth of losses during a 2019 series of extremist outbursts that shut down London.

While these groups together seek an end to inexpensive, stable energy, it appears they are also committed to identitarian and socialist programs. For instance, Climate Defiance indicates on its site that it stands "in solidarity with our sister-struggles for racial and economic justice."

Should Tlaib, McKay, and their climate alarmist allies get their way, the fallout could prove catastrophic.

TheBlaze previously noted that in his 2022 New York Times best-selling book "How the World Really Works," scientist and policy analyst Vaclav Smil detailed how fossil fuels are absolutely critical when it comes to feeding, warming, and nurturing humanity.

Ending or abruptly curbing oil production, as the vandals demand, would have profound consequences, not the least on all those who may no longer be able to heat their homes in the winter or cool them in the summer.

Smil wrote, "Our food supply — be it staple grains, clucking birds, favorite vegetables, or seafood praised for its nutritious quality — has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels."

Smil also indicated that "after adding the energy requirements of food processing and marketing, packaging, transportation, wholesale and retail services, household food storage and preparation, and away-from-home food and marketing services, the grand total in the US [of the direct energy use in food production] reached nearly 16 percent of the nation's energy supply in 2007 and now it is approaching 20 percent."

Extra to the diesel that powers tractors and the transports that move food from farm to market, natural gas plays a critical role in farming, as it is used as a feedstock to produce nitrogen-based fertilizers, essential for crops.

In a recent Mississippi Center for Public Policy speech, energy expert Alex Epstein highlighted how climate alarmists appear willing to overlook the benefits and essential uses of fossil fuels, even if their utopian alternatives have no basis in reality and are likely to jeopardize the well-being of billions of people if pursued.

While Declare Emergency warns that billions will starve if the alleged threat of climate change isn't dealt with, it does not appear the group has factored in the consequences or the unpopularity of its own proposals.

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, only 31% of American respondents said the country should "completely phase out oil, coal and natural gas"; 67% of Americans disagree with climate alarmists, insisting on a mixed use of energy sources, including fossil fuels.

Whereas 78% of Democrats described climate change as a major threat to the country's well-being, only 23% Republicans agreed.

Tackling the specter of anthropogenic climate change is far from the top of Americans' priorities, ranking 17th out of 21 national issues in a January Pew survey.

The Daily Caller noted that Tlaib, Declare Emergency, and Extinction Rebellion had not responded to requests for comment.
It's an odd thing. Democrats try to sound like they believe in democracy by saying, "Nothing cuts through the BS and rigmarole more than straight-up disruptive activism. I’m talking about the power of the people," said McKay. "I’m talking about the people that created democracy, that threw the kings out of power." but then ignoring the fact that the majority of Americans do not support her news, so to hell with them and democracy.

Conservatives should pass laws allowing citizens to run these dumb motherfuckers over if they get in the street.

Allow citizens the right to take care of the problem without fear of retribution by idiot lawyers and leftist politicians and this nonsense would be over within 24 hours.
Op, add some of your own comments or the mods will lock this thread.
There is a report that Greta in 2018 said that the world will end today, June 21, 2023. So many Progs. So many predictions. So much wrong. So many trillions of dollars spent. So many people destroyed for it. Of course, the people pushing are enriched.
There is a report that Greta in 2018 said that the world will end today, June 21, 2023. So many Progs. So many predictions. So much wrong. So many trillions of dollars spent. So many people destroyed for it. Of course, the people pushing are enriched.

Gore promised that oceans would have risen 40 ft by now. These people are delusional.

Democrats are embracing open rebellion and protest, but not at the Capital like during January 6th, no, no, no. Instead, democrats are promoting disrupting the lives of everyday Americans cuz they are better to pick on.

Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib's enmity is not reserved for Israel alone. The so-called "Squad" member apparently does not trust the American people and their democratic process to produce her desired outcomes. As a result, she has reportedly instructed climate alarmists to achieve her objectives by other means.

Tlaib recently joined multimillionaire socialist and screenwriter Adam McKay in addressing around 125 extremists from Climate Defiance, Declare Emergency, and other leftist outfits on a private call to which the Daily Mail gained access.

"Nothing cuts through the BS and rigmarole more than straight-up disruptive activism. I’m talking about the power of the people," said McKay. "I’m talking about the people that created democracy, that threw the kings out of power."

According to the Daily Mail, Tlaib stressed, "If we don't get the policies we need, if our legislative process is failing us, then direct action gets the goods."

"We have to be much more aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansions," said the 46-year-old Palestinian-American

Tlaib reportedly noted that neither Congress nor the White House would cut pollution to the activists' satisfaction unless "the streets demanded it."

Declare Emergency's Seattle-based mobilizer Donald Zepeda discussed plans to mount disruptions on federal properties in New York City and Washington in August.

"We aim for whatever causes the most kerfuffle. Everyone has to see it. Everyone is impacted," said Zepeda. "Doing massively disruptive, nonviolent civil disobedience, it's a necessary and important part of getting us to where we need to be."

The groups whose past criminality Tlaib lauded on the call have been responsible for recent blockades, iconoclasm, and other efforts to extort concessions from American officials.

Declare Emergency, for instance, demands that President Joe Biden "declare a formal state of climate emergency." To that end, the group routinely disrupts traffic "similar to the way a hurricane, flood, or wildfire might," even if that means threatening lives and livelihoods.

The iconoclasts charged last month with defacing an art exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Timothy Martin of North Carolina and Joanna Smith of New York, both belong to Declare Emergency. According to ABC News, the duo allegedly inflicted $2,400 in damage, which resulted in the exhibit's removal for repairs.

Days prior to the extremists' attack on the Edgar Degas sculpture, Declare Emergency shut down a section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, resulting in heavy traffic jams.

Climate Defiance, whose leaders were on the call with Tlaib, similarly does not trust the American electorate to legally advance its grand designs, opting instead to "compel politicians to act" on the basis of the group's fears by way of strikes, blockades, or "mass occupation."

Earlier this month, Climate Defiance temporarily shut down a keynote address by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), accusing him of being "an ecocidal millionaire."

Extinction Rebellion's British co-founder Roger Hallam also joined Tlaib on the call.

Hallam's outfit is a decentralized group of radical leftists keen on ridding Western nations of affordable energy, antipathetic to fossil fuels and nuclear energy alike. The Daily Caller reported that Hallam's group caused millions of dollars worth of losses during a 2019 series of extremist outbursts that shut down London.

While these groups together seek an end to inexpensive, stable energy, it appears they are also committed to identitarian and socialist programs. For instance, Climate Defiance indicates on its site that it stands "in solidarity with our sister-struggles for racial and economic justice."

Should Tlaib, McKay, and their climate alarmist allies get their way, the fallout could prove catastrophic.

TheBlaze previously noted that in his 2022 New York Times best-selling book "How the World Really Works," scientist and policy analyst Vaclav Smil detailed how fossil fuels are absolutely critical when it comes to feeding, warming, and nurturing humanity.

Ending or abruptly curbing oil production, as the vandals demand, would have profound consequences, not the least on all those who may no longer be able to heat their homes in the winter or cool them in the summer.

Smil wrote, "Our food supply — be it staple grains, clucking birds, favorite vegetables, or seafood praised for its nutritious quality — has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels."

Smil also indicated that "after adding the energy requirements of food processing and marketing, packaging, transportation, wholesale and retail services, household food storage and preparation, and away-from-home food and marketing services, the grand total in the US [of the direct energy use in food production] reached nearly 16 percent of the nation's energy supply in 2007 and now it is approaching 20 percent."

Extra to the diesel that powers tractors and the transports that move food from farm to market, natural gas plays a critical role in farming, as it is used as a feedstock to produce nitrogen-based fertilizers, essential for crops.

In a recent Mississippi Center for Public Policy speech, energy expert Alex Epstein highlighted how climate alarmists appear willing to overlook the benefits and essential uses of fossil fuels, even if their utopian alternatives have no basis in reality and are likely to jeopardize the well-being of billions of people if pursued.

While Declare Emergency warns that billions will starve if the alleged threat of climate change isn't dealt with, it does not appear the group has factored in the consequences or the unpopularity of its own proposals.

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, only 31% of American respondents said the country should "completely phase out oil, coal and natural gas"; 67% of Americans disagree with climate alarmists, insisting on a mixed use of energy sources, including fossil fuels.

Whereas 78% of Democrats described climate change as a major threat to the country's well-being, only 23% Republicans agreed.

Tackling the specter of anthropogenic climate change is far from the top of Americans' priorities, ranking 17th out of 21 national issues in a January Pew survey.

The Daily Caller noted that Tlaib, Declare Emergency, and Extinction Rebellion had not responded to requests for comment.
These same people who are so offended by the disruption at the Capitol on January 6th, have no issues disrupting an Immigrant’s Business, a single parent’s commute to work, a caregiver’s transport of a loved one to a medical appointment, or an elderly couple’s walk across the street.

Back to the Capitol, those hardcore leftists upset about January 6th are only upset because it disrupted their guy and gal getting certified. The tactics on display that day at tge Capitol are the same we see from the radical Left when they don’t get their way.
These same people who are so offended by the disruption at the Capitol on January 6th, have no issues disrupting an Immigrant’s Business, a single parent’s commute to work, a caregiver’s transport of a loved one to a medical appointment, or an elderly couple’s walk across the street.

Back to the Capitol, those hardcore leftists upset about January 6th are only upset because it disrupted their guy and gal getting certified. The tactics on display that day at tge Capitol are the same we see from the radical Left when they don’t get their way.

These idiots burned, looted and killed in our cities over a year..........while the democrat party mayors told the police to stand down and do nothing....they injured cops, burned police stations and court houses and murdered upwards of 40 Americans.........
These same people who are so offended by the disruption at the Capitol on January 6th, have no issues disrupting an Immigrant’s Business, a single parent’s commute to work, a caregiver’s transport of a loved one to a medical appointment, or an elderly couple’s walk across the street.

Back to the Capitol, those hardcore leftists upset about January 6th are only upset because it disrupted their guy and gal getting certified. The tactics on display that day at tge Capitol are the same we see from the radical Left when they don’t get their way.

Don't forget about Conservative Student Groups' right to have speakers at events and peacefully assemble and hear said speakers.
As of today we have one less thing to worry about as it was predicted five years ago that 6/21/23 would be the PNR.

Hey, one less thing to worry about is always good! :)

Like this will stop her handlers from strutting her out for the daily propaganda dose at AGW fetish events.
Democracy: Where 51 percent of the people can disenfranchise the other 49 percent.
Only if 51% agree with the Left

If not, then they cancel the 51% from society as Merrick Garland sends the FBI out after you.
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