Democrats Encourage Foreign Influence....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.
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6. There are lots of illegal aliens living here in this country....I'll get to numbers in a moment.

Why do Liberal politicians yearn for more illegal aliens in the country?
Is it because they're believers in the Statue of Liberty's torch, lighting the way to a better life for these itinerant indigents???

Democrats as soft hearted adherents to the wishes of our Founders????

If that were the case, Democrats wouldn't be working tirelessly to stamp out religion and ending the nuclear family, concepts near to the hearts of the Founders.

No, the reason is votes.
Illegals the millions as Obama told them to do in the last election, and they vote Democrat.

Illegal immigration serves one interest only, the self-serving interests of Democrat politicians. In effect, it is Democrats asking for and receiving the bribe of votes.
Democrats what illegal aliens and ever other itinerant immigrants, vast numbers of whom apply immediately for welfare, for the votes they will provide.
That's the other.

It does not serve the interests of America: legal immigration does. immigrants are not beholding to the Democrats.
One, Putin and Russians helped Doniboi.

Two, no one has any proof of any significant illegal voting, so the OP is engaged in Alt Facts.
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.

You're saying people aren't allowed to do what they want with the money THEY earned?
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.

You're saying people aren't allowed to do what they want with the money THEY earned?

Only if it's earned legally. Drug dealers "earned" theirs too. Any money earned by illegals here is not legally earned. Any and all funds or property used in illegal drugs are subject to governmental confiscation. Wanna bet that some of that money being wired back to Mexico is earned illegally?
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.

You're saying people aren't allowed to do what they want with the money THEY earned?

How about you quote exactly what I said...not what you've made up.

You're bright enough to do that......

...aren't you?
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.

You're saying people aren't allowed to do what they want with the money THEY earned?

Only if it's earned legally. Drug dealers "earned" theirs too. Any money earned by illegals here is not legally earned. Any and all funds or property used in illegal drugs are subject to governmental confiscation. Wanna bet that some of that money being wired back to Mexico is earned illegally?

It's earned through honest work. If they are illegally employed the onus is on the employer hiring them. The work itself is not an illegal trade like drugs.
6. There are lots of illegal aliens living here in this country....I'll get to numbers in a moment.
....It does not serve the interests of America: legal immigration does. immigrants are not beholding to the Democrats.

1) There are some 30-40 MM illegals living in the US; the laughable "11 MM" relentlessly spouted by the far left, scumbag media since 1992 is obviously not relevant in 2017, after decades of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of additional illegals walked across the border/overstayed visas each year since then

2) that the fucking criminal whore bastard filth known as the national democraptic party has so vigorously fought against having to show ID when voting is absolute proof they are using illegals to vote, and possibly in large numbers affecting election results
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.

You're saying people aren't allowed to do what they want with the money THEY earned?

Only if it's earned legally. Drug dealers "earned" theirs too. Any money earned by illegals here is not legally earned. Any and all funds or property used in illegal drugs are subject to governmental confiscation. Wanna bet that some of that money being wired back to Mexico is earned illegally?

It's earned through honest work. If they are illegally employed the onus is on the employer hiring them. The work itself is not an illegal trade like drugs.

So you're not smart enough to quote what I actually said?

It's earned through honest work. If they are illegally employed the onus is on the employer hiring them. The work itself is not an illegal trade like drugs.

C-nt, what is "honest" about an illegal taking a job paid under the table, so both the employer and worker avoid wage taxes, and that lowers the wage for that job hurting legal, american workers? Can you think and come up with something intelligent for yourself if it doesn't appear on sesame street first, idiot asshole?
7. In the interview with the back-stabbing snake, Obama, the illegal immigration spokeswomen claimed that illegals are 'citizens.'

@1:20 "undocumented citizens...and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country...."

The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

8. The Liberal claim is that the economy needs these illegals.
"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

But the facts aren't their friend...
“The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy
CNN Host Tells Donald Trump Illegal Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes — Watch His Fiery Response

What funds are Democrats using to entice illegal immigrants into our nation?

"Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally" Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally | Daily Mail Online
9. The question is not 'did illegal aliens vote in the presidential election'....but, how many did.

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

But 10% of what number????
How many illegal aliens reside in this country????

"Almost without exception he or she will answer 11 million. ....For a decade now, no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Pew claims impartiality, but the methodologists for its numbers come from decidedly liberal roots such as the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute.

The Center for Immigration Studies approaches the question from the side of more controlled and limited immigration flows. Homeland Security is a bureaucracy with a presidentially [read 'Democrat'] appointed secretary who carries out administration policies.
The Census Bureau’s surveys are conducted both by mail and in-person visits to selected homes. Neither asks directly, “Are you in the United States illegally?” How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

Would Liberal sources lie about the number, keeping it low? Is it to the advantage of Liberals/Democrats to pretend that it is a low number???
Yes and you betcha'!!!!

The real number coming right up...
Democrats had planned on strategically placing refugees in red states to ensure the electoral vote as well. That's why they're do mad.
If Dems cared about the Syrian people, Obama would have followed through when the red line was crossed.
....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.

Not disputing your belief in your argument, but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed? It isn't just Democrats who want cheap labor in the states and who don't care where that cheap labor sends their money.
....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.

Not disputing your belief in your argument, but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed? It isn't just Democrats who want cheap labor in the states and who don't care where that cheap labor sends their money.

"...but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed?"
Not at all.
Conservatives never shy away from debate, and I am never unable to support my views.

As far as some Republicans interest in keeping borders disagreement.
But I function by the great Ronald Reagan's view: "bold colors, not pale pastels."

The thread is open to any Liberals, Democrats, socialists, one-worlders, etc, who would like to argue that open borders is as dominant a plan among Republicans as Democrats.

This, from the GOP platform: "Our highest priority, therefore, must be to secure our borders and all ports of entry and to enforce our immigration laws."
Government Reform | GOP

Have you noticed how weak, the Liberals in the thread, are?

There's really no competition.
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....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.

Not disputing your belief in your argument, but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed? It isn't just Democrats who want cheap labor in the states and who don't care where that cheap labor sends their money.

Oh....and if I neglected to do so earlier, let me welcome you to the board.
....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.

Not disputing your belief in your argument, but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed? It isn't just Democrats who want cheap labor in the states and who don't care where that cheap labor sends their money.

"...but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed?"
Not at all.
Conservatives never shy away from debate, and I am never unable to support my views.

As far as some Republicans interest in keeping borders disagreement.
But I function by the great Ronald Reagan's view: "bold colors, not pale pastels."

The thread is open to any Liberals, Democrats, socialists, one-worlders, etc, who would like to argue that open borders is as dominant a plan among Republicans as Democrats.

This, from the GOP platform: "Our highest priority, therefore, must be to secure our borders and all ports of entry and to enforce our immigration laws."
Government Reform | GOP

Have you noticed how weak, the Liberals in the thread, are?

Fair answer. Sounds like we disagree on the premise, which as you point out is fine. I however don't name call so I won't answer your questions about "liberals" because it really isn't a question, is it? It seems more of an opportunity to indulge in "us v. them - ism", I don't see how that sort of personal attack makes America great again. Indeed, quite the opposite. We are all Americans and we all deserve respect. Like Ronald Reagan said, "We can disagree [with our opponents] without being disagreeable."

There's really no competition.
....and unofficial 'foreign aid.'

To be clear, this means how non-Americans influence our political determinations.....and how much they cost our nation.

1. No, it wasn't Russia that had the greatest effect on our recent was the millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, who saw their residence here threatened.
2. And the foreign aid at issue was not that authorized by our government.

3. How's this for 'unofficial foreign aid'?
"Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion
Mexicans living abroad sent home almost $27 billion in 2016, the highest yearly figure on record, the central bank reported on Wednesday.
The remittances rose 8.8 percent, from $24.78 billion in 2015 to 26.97 billion last year.
The central bank said almost all the money was sent to Mexico by electronic transfers,....
Remittances have become Mexico's most important source of foreign income after auto exports of almost $34 billion per year. Remittances have far surpassed the $15.6 billion Mexico earns from oil exports and the $17.5 billion in tourism income Mexico received in 2015." Mexico's Remittances Reach Almost $27 Billion

That's $27 billion taken out of the American economy, and not used to recompense American workers. Who's responsible for this? Whoever encourages illegal aliens.....Democrats. And every Democrat voter.

4. As President Trump has correctly stated, illegal aliens residing in America nearly threw the presidential election to Bill's wife.
Their motive would be
a. to continue living in America, the central theme of the election...and...
b. the instructions by the snake, Obama, to go and vote- illegally- and his promise that no investigation would follow.
Yes...he actually said that.

5. Those trained to accept...unthinkingly....the Democrat's talking points, object to the suggestion that enough of the illegals could have voted to give Bill's wife the popular vote victory.

But central to that question is the number of illegals in America.
How many are there?
Enough to influence the popular vote????

You betcha'!!!

Coming right up.

Not disputing your belief in your argument, but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed? It isn't just Democrats who want cheap labor in the states and who don't care where that cheap labor sends their money.

"...but would it be impolite to point out that the premise of your argument is flawed?"
Not at all.
Conservatives never shy away from debate, and I am never unable to support my views.

As far as some Republicans interest in keeping borders disagreement.
But I function by the great Ronald Reagan's view: "bold colors, not pale pastels."

The thread is open to any Liberals, Democrats, socialists, one-worlders, etc, who would like to argue that open borders is as dominant a plan among Republicans as Democrats.

This, from the GOP platform: "Our highest priority, therefore, must be to secure our borders and all ports of entry and to enforce our immigration laws."
Government Reform | GOP

Have you noticed how weak, the Liberals in the thread, are?

Fair answer. Sounds like we disagree on the premise, which as you point out is fine. I however don't name call so I won't answer your questions about "liberals" because it really isn't a question, is it? It seems more of an opportunity to indulge in "us v. them - ism", I don't see how that sort of personal attack makes America great again. Indeed, quite the opposite. We are all Americans and we all deserve respect. Like Ronald Reagan said, "We can disagree [with our opponents] without being disagreeable."

There's really no competition.

How's this for a plan: I'll do things my way, you do them your way.

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