Democrats' 'Everyone Gets A Trophy' Plan Fail: Female College Athelete Arrested

No, he can't. I live in a small 99% republican community and these rich elite parents of kids sports moan and cry if their kids are not recognized by trophy or cupcakes, regardless if their kid is the shittiest player on the field. What's really disgusting are the parents belittle their kids in front of others if they make a mistake. I'm talking anywhere from t-ball on up to high school.

He never supports anything, he just cuts and paste what is is talking points emails

"Phony advocates for "democracy" like to give the impression that nobody's better than anyone else -- not on some abstract notion that we'll be treated equally before the law, but that "fairness" means we're all the same. "Every man a king," Louisiana Gov. Huey Long liked to say -- before he was dispatched to that very undemocratic utopia in the sky."

Huey Long was a DEMOCRAT.


You really should STFU until you know what you are talking about to avoid continuously looking stupid.

Have you supported your claim yet?

If not, you are proving me correct.

Nope, you can't prove it.

Hypocritical Trolls like you and GG run your mouth, spouting opinion, never posting links to supprt your bullshit.

When anyone else posts their beliefs you attack them for not posting links to support what we believe.

You say stupid shit like:

'Nope, you can't prove it.'


'Its your claim, support it or have it dismissed.'

When I do post links to support what I post I then have to endure from you f*tards your refusal (inability?) to read the articles or comments like Gator's claiming 'He cuts and pastes but never says what he thinks / believes'.

That's why I try to ignore proven gaslighting, hypocritical, ignorant f*tard trolls like you and Gator.
I live in a small 99% republican community and these rich elite parents of kids sports moan and cry if their kids are not recognized by trophy or cupcakes, regardless if their kid is the shittiest player on the field. What's really disgusting are the parents belittle their kids in front of others if they make a mistake. I'm talking anywhere from t-ball on up to high school.
Nice stereotyping, but doesn't your "disgust" conflict with your views about White Privilege?
I doubt she is not any worse than this fucking sore loser. This rich fat bastard was spoiled rotten by his parents and tried to overthrow a country because he could not stand losing....Fucking Republicans and their "everyone deserves a trophy" facilitation of the masses.

I have been several times, it's called a signature bond or recognizance bond. You ever hear of those words?
The yellow dude who thinks 25% of the population is gay, is also a criminal?

Whoda thought?
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After losing a game, Memphis female basketball player Jamira Shutes sucker-punched an opposing team's player. Now she has been arrested for assault.

The Democrats 'Everyone gets a trophy' avoids 'Winning' and 'Losing'; therefore, they fail to teach kids HOW to deal with winning and losing.

Now Shutes is going to learn the hard way that you NEVER have the right to physically attack someone just because you lost.

Lol, ya and we never had bench clearing brawls back in our day. Get ducking real.
I doubt she is not any worse than this fucking sore loser. This rich fat bastard was spoiled rotten by his parents and tried to overthrow a country because he could not stand losing....Fucking Republicans and their "everyone deserves a trophy" facilitation of the masses.


Lol!! A thread about a sore loser in a basketball tournament, and right off the bat it's compared to Trump!
Lol, ya and we never had bench clearing brawls back in our day. Get ducking real.
This wasn’t a brawl during the game. This was in the postgame handshake line. That should probably be done away with as it’s one of the most phony things about sports. But that’s another topic.
This wasn’t a brawl during the game. This was in the postgame handshake line. That should probably be done away with as it’s one of the most phony things about sports. But that’s another topic.
Seen it happen during the hand shake back in the day also. Ain't nothing new under the sun.

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