Democrats, Explain Why You Want A Communist Country

Show me ANY Democrat advocating Communism


View attachment 509438

You're a Trump supporter why are you even worried? You already know that I'm not talking about you.
I am?

You always bash the Trump haters so I assumed that you were.
Another strawman....if you didn't have those strawmen arguments, you'd have nothing. How sad to be you.
you havent made a legitimate argument since youve been on usmb .
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Lol, communism is dead. Failed. Dems don't want communism dumb fuck. Thats just horse shit right wing propaganda. Straight out of Hitler hand book.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Lol, communism is dead. Failed. Dems don't want communism dumb fuck. Thats just horse shit right wing propaganda. Straight out of Hitler hand book.
and in the meatime the squad keeps rolling along ..stfu liar !
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Why do Republicans want a racist country?
^^^ pathetic. 1970 called they want their Dem talking point back.
LOL. Did you see the heading on this thread, you moron? That goes back to at least the 1950s. lose. Try again.
Did you flunk reading comprehension? The OP asked you why Dems want a communist country. You played the race card. I destroyed you. In that order. :itsok:
View attachment 509457 Con-grats! You've gotta claim victory because no one else will.
Never meant any one from either major party that wanted our country to be a communist country. There are smaller party's and singular people who want or don't care who rules but Not either of our ruling two party's.

If they're Democrats, they're not Communists. If they were Communists, they'd be Communists.

They might not be communists themselves, but the majority of them are pushing for a communist country.

she is a real female not a female democrat that believes shes a man .. so the correct term is she you gender confused idiot

Thank you!! It seems like I can say that I am a female/girl/woman until I'm blue in the face five thousand freaking times but nobody ever listens!! :banghead: Thank you for actually listening to me for once. :)

Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Official definition:

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Socialism : a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Sounds pretty similar actually.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Or.... is this just someone who loves the bogey word "Communism" and attributes it to anything that isn't Republican?

I'd love some examples of Democrats pushing for Communism right now. Because I have nothing to go on. And I've known actual Communists.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Lol, communism is dead. Failed. Dems don't want communism dumb fuck. Thats just horse shit right wing propaganda. Straight out of Hitler hand book.
Alive and well in China and North Korea.

Hardly. In North Korea there's no Communism. It's just an inept dictatorship. They're not even pushing for Communism. The Kims just like power.

China is a little less clear, Xi is pushing for Socialism. But I don't think he's pushing for Communism in any way. He just uses the LEGITIMACY of Mao and the old Communists to tell everyone why he should be in power.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Probably for the exact same reason that a murder doesn't tend to go straight to the police station himself (or herself) and say that they murdered a bunch of people and for them to arrest them. They don't want to draw attention to themselves.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Probably for the exact same reason that a murder doesn't tend to go straight to the police station himself (or herself) and say that they murdered a bunch of people and for them to arrest them. They don't want to draw attention to themselves.

They're Communists, not murderers.

And Communists are proud of being Communists. Have a little empathy here, try and understand things for THEIR perspective, instead of thinking everyone thinks like you.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Lol, communism is dead. Failed. Dems don't want communism dumb fuck. Thats just horse shit right wing propaganda. Straight out of Hitler hand book.
Alive and well in China and North Korea.
China is not full on commie any more. North Korea is starving. Communism is a joke. China has added many Capitolist functions.
So why bother asking???

Doesn't matter now, I got my answer anyways.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:

Your assumption is assinine. Its that your self talk?

No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.

You sound like an uneducated teen-ager looking for attention. Communists, my ass.
You sound like an uneducated, live life in denial, teen-ager looking for attention.

You are another moron who thinks Democrats are Communists.. That's all Trump's got left, isn't it?

I have been calling you assholes commies for 20 fucking years. You know why. Because it's true.

Right, nutjob.

As your communist dear leader sent communist China a birthday tweet?

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
and the criminals the scum demonRATS support, antifa and black flies matter, traumatized city upon city, in AMERICA, and you're ok w/ that....xiden is a traitor to AMERICA, and retards like you just deny...
that makes you the nut job
Biden is a traitor?
According to Q NUT daily, Trump humpers, AM radio, FOX, OAN, Newsmax and Breitbart.
They can just FEEL IT.
Trump humpers support rioting insurrectionist.
If Trump humpers support them, they support the bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma city that killed 168 people too.
I can make comparisons too, retard.

Not requiring corporations to contribute to society is a handout
Incorrect, as nothing is being handed out.
Helping struggling Americans is Patriotism
No, that's called "charity" if it's done voluntarily, "wealth redistribution" if it's mandated.
You might want to look up the word "patriotism" before misusing it again.
Nothing more patriotic than helping those who need help

You misused the term again. Definition of insanity?

If they're Democrats, they're not Communists. If they were Communists, they'd be Communists.

They might not be communists themselves, but the majority of them are pushing for a communist country.

she is a real female not a female democrat that believes shes a man .. so the correct term is she you gender confused idiot

Thank you!! It seems like I can say that I am a female/girl/woman until I'm blue in the face five thousand freaking times but nobody ever listens!! :banghead: Thank you for actually listening to me for once. :)

Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Official definition:

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Socialism : a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Sounds pretty similar actually.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Or.... is this just someone who loves the bogey word "Communism" and attributes it to anything that isn't Republican?

I'd love some examples of Democrats pushing for Communism right now. Because I have nothing to go on. And I've known actual Communists.
I keep trying and they won't answer me.

Either (a) they are absolutely ignorant about what communism actually is, or (b) they know that if they honest about what communism actually is, it will wreck their weird Archie Bunker habit of screaming COMMIE.
So why bother asking???

Doesn't matter now, I got my answer anyways.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:

Your assumption is assinine. Its that your self talk?

No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.

You sound like an uneducated teen-ager looking for attention. Communists, my ass.
You sound like an uneducated, live life in denial, teen-ager looking for attention.

You are another moron who thinks Democrats are Communists.. That's all Trump's got left, isn't it?

I have been calling you assholes commies for 20 fucking years. You know why. Because it's true.

Right, nutjob.

As your communist dear leader sent communist China a birthday tweet?

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
and the criminals the scum demonRATS support, antifa and black flies matter, traumatized city upon city, in AMERICA, and you're ok w/ that....xiden is a traitor to AMERICA, and retards like you just deny...
that makes you the nut job
Biden is a traitor?
According to Q NUT daily, Trump humpers, AM radio, FOX, OAN, Newsmax and Breitbart.
They can just FEEL IT.
Trump humpers support rioting insurrectionist.
If Trump humpers support them, they support the bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma city that killed 168 people too.
I can make comparisons too, retard.
you got nothing....except shit 4 brains....:ahole-1:
So why bother asking???

Doesn't matter now, I got my answer anyways.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:

Your assumption is assinine. Its that your self talk?

No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.

You sound like an uneducated teen-ager looking for attention. Communists, my ass.
You sound like an uneducated, live life in denial, teen-ager looking for attention.

You are another moron who thinks Democrats are Communists.. That's all Trump's got left, isn't it?

I have been calling you assholes commies for 20 fucking years. You know why. Because it's true.

Right, nutjob.

As your communist dear leader sent communist China a birthday tweet?

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
and the criminals the scum demonRATS support, antifa and black flies matter, traumatized city upon city, in AMERICA, and you're ok w/ that....xiden is a traitor to AMERICA, and retards like you just deny...
that makes you the nut job
Biden is a traitor?
According to Q NUT daily, Trump humpers, AM radio, FOX, OAN, Newsmax and Breitbart.
They can just FEEL IT.
Trump humpers support rioting insurrectionist.
If Trump humpers support them, they support the bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma city that killed 168 people too.
I can make comparisons too, retard.
you got nothing....except shit 4 brains....:ahole-1:
I don't defend and support a retard, YOU do.

"In June of 1775 the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump read in his speech.
"The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter at Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis at Yorktown. Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket's red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant."

Makes you an imbecile.
"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket's red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant."

Donald Trump

If they're Democrats, they're not Communists. If they were Communists, they'd be Communists.

They might not be communists themselves, but the majority of them are pushing for a communist country.

she is a real female not a female democrat that believes shes a man .. so the correct term is she you gender confused idiot

Thank you!! It seems like I can say that I am a female/girl/woman until I'm blue in the face five thousand freaking times but nobody ever listens!! :banghead: Thank you for actually listening to me for once. :)

Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Official definition:

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Socialism : a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Sounds pretty similar actually.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Or.... is this just someone who loves the bogey word "Communism" and attributes it to anything that isn't Republican?

I'd love some examples of Democrats pushing for Communism right now. Because I have nothing to go on. And I've known actual Communists.
I keep trying and they won't answer me.

Either (a) they are absolutely ignorant about what communism actually is, or (b) they know that if they honest about what communism actually is, it will wreck their weird Archie Bunker habit of screaming COMMIE.

Yeah, it's amazing the fantasy world people create for themselves..... I don't get it, I mean, I understand why people would want to hide from this world, but to them come in a politics forum with you imaginary world....

If they're Democrats, they're not Communists. If they were Communists, they'd be Communists.

They might not be communists themselves, but the majority of them are pushing for a communist country.

she is a real female not a female democrat that believes shes a man .. so the correct term is she you gender confused idiot

Thank you!! It seems like I can say that I am a female/girl/woman until I'm blue in the face five thousand freaking times but nobody ever listens!! :banghead: Thank you for actually listening to me for once. :)

Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Official definition:

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Socialism : a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Sounds pretty similar actually.

I don't get it.

You claim a majority of them are pushing for Communism. How? Why would someone who isn't Communist push for Communism...?

Or.... is this just someone who loves the bogey word "Communism" and attributes it to anything that isn't Republican?

I'd love some examples of Democrats pushing for Communism right now. Because I have nothing to go on. And I've known actual Communists.
I keep trying and they won't answer me.

Either (a) they are absolutely ignorant about what communism actually is, or (b) they know that if they honest about what communism actually is, it will wreck their weird Archie Bunker habit of screaming COMMIE.

Yeah, it's amazing the fantasy world people create for themselves..... I don't get it, I mean, I understand why people would want to hide from this world, but to them come in a politics forum with you imaginary world....
They don't know it's imaginary, at least not consciously. This is their world, their reality.

I only wish they were lying or playing around.

Not requiring corporations to contribute to society is a handout
Incorrect, as nothing is being handed out.
Helping struggling Americans is Patriotism
No, that's called "charity" if it's done voluntarily, "wealth redistribution" if it's mandated.
You might want to look up the word "patriotism" before misusing it again.
Nothing more patriotic than helping those who need help

You misused the term again. Definition of insanity?
Yes, I know
You think hugging a flag is patriotism.


But doing things to help all Americans is TRUE PARIOTISM

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