Democrats filibuster Obama’s trade bill


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
For once I agree with the democrats.

“We live in an era of divided government,” Mr. Earnest said. “For anything to become law, party-line votes are not going to cut it. They’re going to have to work through this challenge, and we’ll remain engaged with them as they do.”

Trade supporters fell seven votes shy of the 60 needed to overcome the filibuster, with all but one Democrat voting for the filibuster to prevent even the beginning of a debate on Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA, which is also known as fast-track trade powers.

Under TPA the president is able to negotiate trade deals and submit them for an up-or-down vote in Congress, without amendment. Without TPA, any deal Mr. Obama struck would be open to amendment in Congress, making it almost impossible for potential trade partner countries to negotiate with the U.S.

Read more: Democrats filibuster Obama s trade bill - Washington Times
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Because liberals will poo-poo any story from The Washington Times here' a link, you lazy libs, to a publication you might find more to your taste:

Senate Democrats block Obama-backed trade measure - LA Times


Or not.

Anyway, look what has turned into the NEW "Party of NO" - and against their own fair-haired (OK, tongue-in-cheek, that) boi!

"In a stinging rebuke of President Obama by his own party, Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a White House-backed measure that would give the president the authority he says he needs to finalize a 12-nation Pacific trade pact."
Democrats at a loss for words upon realizing they have just unwittingly assumed the mantle of "PARTY of NO"!
These trade deals are -the- most pointed reminder to me why I'm not a Republican, and why I believe the validity of a bill based on bipartisan support is vastly overrated these days. Like, '08 housing bubble overrated.

Thankfully there's prominent democrats railing against this one, unlike the huge free trade travesties perpetrated in the '90's, which had little mainstream coverage, let alone prominent public opposition. Never liked Elizabeth Warren before this issue, but suddenly I find myself on the same side of a major issue.
This is great. The President needs to be taught a lesson. Don't act like a Republican, or the real Democrats will spank you,

and not in a good way.
These trade deals are -the- most pointed reminder to me why I'm not a Republican, and why I believe the validity of a bill based on bipartisan support is vastly overrated these days. Like, '08 housing bubble overrated.

Thankfully there's prominent democrats railing against this one, unlike the huge free trade travesties perpetrated in the '90's, which had little mainstream coverage, let alone prominent public opposition. Never liked Elizabeth Warren before this issue, but suddenly I find myself on the same side of a major issue.

Might I point out that it was Clinton who pushed for trade agreements that hurt the working man more then anything else during his term.
These trade deals are -the- most pointed reminder to me why I'm not a Republican, and why I believe the validity of a bill based on bipartisan support is vastly overrated these days. Like, '08 housing bubble overrated.

Thankfully there's prominent democrats railing against this one, unlike the huge free trade travesties perpetrated in the '90's, which had little mainstream coverage, let alone prominent public opposition. Never liked Elizabeth Warren before this issue, but suddenly I find myself on the same side of a major issue.

Might I point out that it was Clinton who pushed for trade agreements that hurt the working man more then anything else during his term.

You're preaching to the choir, but Clinton ain't responsible for the Republicans in the Congress that passed it. It's a reminder that the establishments of both parties are in the pockets of the multinational super-rich.
These trade deals are -the- most pointed reminder to me why I'm not a Republican, and why I believe the validity of a bill based on bipartisan support is vastly overrated these days. Like, '08 housing bubble overrated.

Thankfully there's prominent democrats railing against this one, unlike the huge free trade travesties perpetrated in the '90's, which had little mainstream coverage, let alone prominent public opposition. Never liked Elizabeth Warren before this issue, but suddenly I find myself on the same side of a major issue.

Might I point out that it was Clinton who pushed for trade agreements that hurt the working man more then anything else during his term.

You're preaching to the choir, but Clinton ain't responsible for the Republicans in the Congress that passed it. It's a reminder that the establishments of both parties are in the pockets of the multinational super-rich.

It took a democrat President and a complicit democrat congress to pass the crap, take away either and those treaties fail. My point being that just blaming Republicans, who too were complicit, isn't right.
Democrats at a loss for words upon realizing they have just unwittingly assumed the mantle of "PARTY of NO"!
So why do you like this trade deal so much that you want to give the man you hate most in the entire world fast track authority?
So why do you like this trade deal so much that you want to give the man you hate most in the entire world fast track authority?

You assume I give a rat's ass about the bill?

Funny you!

All I care is that Democrats are now tarred with their own brush.

Today I feel so partisan that innocent children might mistake me for another f'in liberal!
Don't fall into the trap. The Democrats are just posturing for the next Election. Now it's time to pretend they're not so much the Communist Globalists they really are. The Democrats truly screwed American Workers when they forced Unions to accept their Amnesty. All Union bosses should have been sacked. This massive influx of Illegals is gonna wreak havoc on American Workers for many many years to come.

And that is all on the Dear Leader and the Democrats. They opened the flood gates and dismantled our Immigration System. And this current Obama-proposed trade deal is a disastrous atrocity. But don't believe the Democrats pretending to oppose it. It's just Election-time Bullshite.
It not unprecedented. Democrats also blocked one of his first EO's. The closing of Gitmo.

Can we repeal the other cheap labor agreem,, er.... free trade agreements, and get those jobs back?

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