Democrats freak when Democrats get exposed as uber corrupt


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
We've seen this stuff before.

Trying to get to the bottom of why Biden jr got $600k per year from a Ukrainian company is.... grounds for impeachment or worse...

Does it matter that Biden is corrupt?

No, it matters that you think Biden is not corrupt, and if truth comes out that he is, that is bad.... Democrats want you to think Democrats are wonderful, and any truth that emerges that exposes Democrats for what they really are....


is uber uber bad.

What was all the fuss about RUSSIA about?

Yeah, the American people got TRUTH about the Hillary campaign, specifically that

1. the fights at Trump events were started by paid Hillary campaign workers. CNN was part of it, immediately reporting that Trump was "inciting violence" as "news" when the Hillary workers started to get violent....
2. that Hillary's answers about her emails were the same as every other Hillary answer about every other Hillary issue = they were LIES
3. that the Hillary campaign and most of the "US" media were really one and the same

And we now understand what the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief did to those who tried to open the CLOSET DOOR.

Joan Rivers
Paul Horner
Don Young

and many others were MURDERED so that the Cocksucker in Chief could pretend to be a real man with a "female" First Lady, never mind that "her" ass size changes depending on how much FOAM is in the dress to make a skinny MALE ASS look female....

Democrats have MENTAL PROBLEMS. Democrats cannot handle TRUTH. Democrats HATE TRUTH about Democrats.

Democrats want you, the American voter, to believe LIES.

Democrats hate hate hate anyone who provides TRUTH about Democrats to Americans.
The Liberals are united in a deafening 'Cricket Chorus' over Joe 'Mafioso' Biden and his strong arm tactics he used to shut down a Ukrainian investigation on his druggie son. Apparently the Ukrainians were so impressed with Hunter Biden's expertise with Crack they gave him a $600K per year job on their board. :21:
Biden's son being a "wormhole" for money to flow into Biden pockets for selling out US foreign policy is


for the Cocksucker's entire 8 years...
We've seen this stuff before.

Trying to get to the bottom of why Biden jr got $600k per year from a Ukrainian company is.... grounds for impeachment or worse...

Does it matter that Biden is corrupt?

No, it matters that you think Biden is not corrupt, and if truth comes out that he is, that is bad.... Democrats want you to think Democrats are wonderful, and any truth that emerges that exposes Democrats for what they really are....


is uber uber bad.

What was all the fuss about RUSSIA about?

Yeah, the American people got TRUTH about the Hillary campaign, specifically that

1. the fights at Trump events were started by paid Hillary campaign workers. CNN was part of it, immediately reporting that Trump was "inciting violence" as "news" when the Hillary workers started to get violent....
2. that Hillary's answers about her emails were the same as every other Hillary answer about every other Hillary issue = they were LIES
3. that the Hillary campaign and most of the "US" media were really one and the same

And we now understand what the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief did to those who tried to open the CLOSET DOOR.

Joan Rivers
Paul Horner
Don Young

and many others were MURDERED so that the Cocksucker in Chief could pretend to be a real man with a "female" First Lady, never mind that "her" ass size changes depending on how much FOAM is in the dress to make a skinny MALE ASS look female....

Democrats have MENTAL PROBLEMS. Democrats cannot handle TRUTH. Democrats HATE TRUTH about Democrats.

Democrats want you, the American voter, to believe LIES.

Democrats hate hate hate anyone who provides TRUTH about Democrats to Americans.
ummmm, how do you impeach a former VP for actions his son did in another legal jurisdiction that investigate but found nothing?

Not that Hunter's a swell guy, but PUT DOWN THE PIPE
Hillary Clinton blames everyone but herself for her 2016 loss

Hillary Clinton doesn’t believe she or her campaign made any significant mistakes in the 2016 election. But speaking at the Code Conference on Wednesday, she had a long list of others she blames for her defeat.

She points the finger at Russia, fake news, the sorry state of the Democratic Party, sexism, and the media that covered the email scandal “like Pearl Harbor,” among others."

It doesn't matter which Democrat or when.

They ALL have this MENTAL PROBLEM.

They can't stand TRUTH about their own FAILURES.....

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