Democrats freaking out about church voice regarding abortion

Why is that confusing to leftists?
Putting aside the falacious implication all who object to religious doctrine are ‘leftists’ some thought needs to be given to the idea there is a single, biblically supported theology is so unambiguous in meaning it can be applied in the realm of politics.
On the other hand a degree of certainty can be assigned to claims the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist. Don’t bother to come back with the standard US biblical aplologetics fudge ‘the eye of a needle’ actually means the smaller gate to a walled city, it doesn’t wash.

Jesus portrayed himself as a socialist? Where exactly? I've studied the scriptures daily for years and I've never seen Christ advocating for us to empower a centralized godless government that ribs money from one group of people to give it to themselves. Any citation for that claim?
A centralised Godless government? Why am I not surpired at the American definition of socialism? You can study the scriptures night and day for your entire life and still come to unjustifiable conclusions - as I may have. The New Testament is not devoid of ambiguity.

Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
Why is that confusing to leftists?
Putting aside the falacious implication all who object to religious doctrine are ‘leftists’ some thought needs to be given to the idea there is a single, biblically supported theology is so unambiguous in meaning it can be applied in the realm of politics.
On the other hand a degree of certainty can be assigned to claims the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist. Don’t bother to come back with the standard US biblical aplologetics fudge ‘the eye of a needle’ actually means the smaller gate to a walled city, it doesn’t wash.

Jesus portrayed himself as a socialist? Where exactly? I've studied the scriptures daily for years and I've never seen Christ advocating for us to empower a centralized godless government that ribs money from one group of people to give it to themselves. Any citation for that claim?
I did not say ‘Jesus portrayed himself as a socialist’ I said ‘. . . the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist.’
"Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up for treasure for the last days. Behold, the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you have kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. "The General Epistle of James: Ch:5.V:1-6
However, I suspect your twisted materialist view of theology will manage to twist even that swallowing whole all of Was Jesus A Socialist, Capitalist, Or Something Else?

And that passage has nothing to do with socialism.

I can cite a very clear command against socialism:

Thou shall not steal
Keep in mind that without the Church and the threat of eternal damnation, many flyover country residents would be raping and murdering without remorse.
Why is that confusing to leftists?
Putting aside the falacious implication all who object to religious doctrine are ‘leftists’ some thought needs to be given to the idea there is a single, biblically supported theology is so unambiguous in meaning it can be applied in the realm of politics.
On the other hand a degree of certainty can be assigned to claims the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist. Don’t bother to come back with the standard US biblical aplologetics fudge ‘the eye of a needle’ actually means the smaller gate to a walled city, it doesn’t wash.

Jesus portrayed himself as a socialist? Where exactly? I've studied the scriptures daily for years and I've never seen Christ advocating for us to empower a centralized godless government that ribs money from one group of people to give it to themselves. Any citation for that claim?
I did not say ‘Jesus portrayed himself as a socialist’ I said ‘. . . the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist.’
"Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up for treasure for the last days. Behold, the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you have kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. "The General Epistle of James: Ch:5.V:1-6
However, I suspect your twisted materialist view of theology will manage to twist even that swallowing whole all of Was Jesus A Socialist, Capitalist, Or Something Else?
The Letter of James is not a Gospel, and Jesus is not the subject of that passage. The temple hierarchy is, and they began to pay for their gluttony and usury as the Mosaic Age came crashing to an end.
Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
I always find it fascinating how willing some,including the Bibles authors, are to speak for and on behalf of God.
Keep in mind that without the Church and the threat of eternal damnation, many flyover country residents would be raping and murdering without remorse.
I suspect the punishment imposed by secular laws has more to do with the prevention of that than eternal damnation.
Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
I always find it fascinating how willing some,including the Bibles authors, are to speak for and on behalf of God.

An admission that Christ is God. A good start, but even the devils admit it.

Many have been called to speak on behalf of the Lord throughout the history of men. He calls and ordains men according to the Priesthood after His Holy order. And by His command.

However, knowing God wants a willing Heart is pretty clear in the scriptures. He gave us the power to choose for ourselves for a reason
Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Well, we could try to enforce the laws that state if your church engages in politics, you don't get a tax exemption.. You know, THOSE laws.

Of course, the Evangelical Churches didn't give a crap about abortion until they needed an issue to keep asses in pews, and segergation wasn't flying anymore. Before that, abortion was a "Catholic" thing.
An admission that Christ is God. A good start, but even the devils admit it.

Many have been called to speak on behalf of the Lord throughout the history of men. He calls and ordains men according to the Priesthood after His Holy order. And by His command.

Yup, and when God told Joseph Smith to start banging teenage girls, he totally obeyed his command... umm.. what?

Jesus never existed. There is no God. There are no devils..

There's just people and their stupid imaginations.
An admission that Christ is God. A good start, but even the devils admit it.

Many have been called to speak on behalf of the Lord throughout the history of men. He calls and ordains men according to the Priesthood after His Holy order. And by His command.

Yup, and when God told Joseph Smith to start banging teenage girls, he totally obeyed his command... umm.. what?

Jesus never existed. There is no God. There are no devils..

There's just people and their stupid imaginations.
One day I hope the Lord opens your eyes and you let the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ into your life to overcome your anger and cynicism
One day I hope the Lord opens your eyes and you let the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ into your life to overcome your anger and cynicism

Naw, Anger and Cynicism is what gets me through the day! I consider them a healthy immune reaction to an insane world.
Why is that confusing to leftists?
Putting aside the falacious implication all who object to religious doctrine are ‘leftists’ some thought needs to be given to the idea there is a single, biblically supported theology is so unambiguous in meaning it can be applied in the realm of politics.
On the other hand a degree of certainty can be assigned to claims the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist. Don’t bother to come back with the standard US biblical aplologetics fudge ‘the eye of a needle’ actually means the smaller gate to a walled city, it doesn’t wash.

The Bible already gave us a picture of what government should be.

Look in 1 Samuel 8:1. In it, you will see that the country only had judges to settle disputes and keep the peace. But then the people clamored for a king. God warned them of the abuses of a sinful man as their king, but they would not listen. God then gave them what they wanted with Saul as king.

From there the Hebrew nation circled the drain until dissolved as they woke up in the Nazi ovens of Europe.

Today, most Jews are secular and Leftists, and still clamoring for that human king to save them, instead of the King of Kings.

And today, those Leftists support the destruction of the Zionist state of Israel, presumably to have the sequel of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
Why is that confusing to leftists?
Putting aside the falacious implication all who object to religious doctrine are ‘leftists’ some thought needs to be given to the idea there is a single, biblically supported theology is so unambiguous in meaning it can be applied in the realm of politics.
On the other hand a degree of certainty can be assigned to claims the gospels portray Jesus himself as a socialist. Don’t bother to come back with the standard US biblical aplologetics fudge ‘the eye of a needle’ actually means the smaller gate to a walled city, it doesn’t wash.

Putting aside your defensiveness, I didn't say "all who obect to religious doctrine are leftists". I'm talking about the ACTUAL IDIOTS WHOSE QUOTES ARE THE TOPIC.

Not a damned thing you've said here has anything to do with the thread topic, when it comes right down to it.
Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
I always find it fascinating how willing some,including the Bibles authors, are to speak for and on behalf of God.

I always find it fascinating how willing some are to turn any conversation into a criticism and attack on Christians.
Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
I always find it fascinating how willing some,including the Bibles authors, are to speak for and on behalf of God.

I always find it fascinating how willing some are to turn any conversation into a criticism and attack on Christians.
I always find it fascinating how willing some are to turn any conversation into a criticism and attack on Christians.

avatar is a christian - who initiated the criticism ... a fascinating outsourcing of the christian messiah in relief for their overlords.
Democrats freaking out about church voice regarding abortion...

Kavanaugh, Roberts side with liberal judges on Planned Parenthood case

Kavanaugh, Roberts side with liberal judges on Planned Parenthood case

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to review whether states can block Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from their Medicaid programs, passing on a pair of cases that would have served as the first major abortion test for the court’s new conservative majority.

early indications seem to be telling a different tale than the OP's ... votto, light up your ministry they've gone lazy.

Actually it’s pretty clear that Christ wants people to help others. Not outsource that responsibility or rob others to “help” people.

God wants a willing heart. Not one compelled
I always find it fascinating how willing some,including the Bibles authors, are to speak for and on behalf of God.

I always find it fascinating how willing some are to turn any conversation into a criticism and attack on Christians.
I always find it fascinating how willing some are to turn any conversation into a criticism and attack on Christians.

avatar is a christian - who initiated the criticism ... a fascinating outsourcing of the christian messiah in relief for their overlords.

Yeeeeaaahhh . . . no.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Of course we listen to what we hear in church. That's sort of the point of going and sitting in a pew while a guy talks: to listen to what he says.

Why is that confusing to leftists?

When they don't like the message, they want to shut it down.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Of course we listen to what we hear in church. That's sort of the point of going and sitting in a pew while a guy talks: to listen to what he says.

Why is that confusing to leftists?

When they don't like the message, they want to shut it down.
When they don't like the message, they want to shut it down.

they want to shut it down -

what is a church ... are they sitting in pews for the state of the union address, washington dc.

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