Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

Democrats: Bipartisan means Republicans and Democrats join to find the best solution.
Republicans: Bipartisan means Republicans and Democrats join to find the best solution.
MAGATS: Bipartisan means do it our way or we'll burn the place down.

You are welcome.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

You have to hand it to those that truly understand the psychological nature of human behavior and how brilliant the wicked are at creating strife under the guise of bringing people together. Really need to stand in awe.

We can repeat it over and over again. We know how desperately the democrats need to have all minorities truly believe they are victims of capitalism or whites.

It is amazing how propaganda works and how saturated we are with the divide and conquer strategy.

Let's think about this. They have actually made it so that if anyone says all lives matter, it is the same thing as saying HEIL HITLER!!!!

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

If minorities didn't believe it, their entire platform would disintegrate and they know it all too well.

The wickedness of the left is truly scary and until we all understand that fact about democrats then this "peace" or dream of MLK will never be realized. Don't ever think for one single second that democrats don't fully understand that reality.
There is no enabling of 5,000 illegals a day in the document. Did you read it?

It’s funny you start a thread about lies with lies.

We don' need no steekin readin'

You have to hand it to those that truly understand the psychological nature of human behavior and how brilliant the wicked are at creating strife under the guise of bringing people together. Really need to stand in awe.

We can repeat it over and over again. We know how desperately the democrats need to have all minorities truly believe they are victims of capitalism or whites.

It is amazing how propaganda works and how saturated we are with the divide and conquer strategy.

Let's think about this. They have actually made it so that if anyone says all lives matter, it is the same thing as saying HEIL HITLER!!!!

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

If minorities didn't believe it, their entire platform would disintegrate and they know it all too well.

The wickedness of the left is truly scary and until we all understand that fact about democrats then this "peace" or dream of MLK will never be realized. Don't ever think for one single second that democrats don't fully understand that reality.
You notice no one is engaged in debating the awful lie in the OP? It’s because right wing idiots can’t read and wouldn’t even know how to start looking into a written bill to see if they were being lied to.

All words matter. All facts matter. Be better.
Why you can’t win

Demands of extremist Republicans cannot pass
Just the opposite: the policies of leftists to incentivize these uneducated, unskilled, semi-literate illegals is what is going to defeat Biden and put Trump back in the White House.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

Whatever it takes to get a majority. That’s the way things work in a real democratic republic. MAGA seems to think it should be like the fake one in NK.
Whatever it takes to get a majority. That’s the way things work in a real democratic republic. MAGA seems to think it should be like the fake one in NK.

Republicans once again trying to rule from a minority

If they can’t they just want to stop everything

Do what we want or we will default on the debt
Do what we want or we will shut down government
Mr Speaker, do what we want or we will kick you out
And another thing in regards to the OP about "bipartisanship." This country isn't supposed to be "bipartisan." Only one group is being silenced by policies. There was a pastor who was just reprimanded for saying Jesus and Father in a prayer before Congress. Where, prayers need to be "approved" before they are allowed to be prayed. Get that?

People are being systematically fired for saying either the wrong pronoun or questioning anyone that claims men can give birth.


In other words they are for diversity, except if it diversity of thought or beliefs. They are losers and the ones we communicate with on here are nothing short of contaminated monkeys by over 20 years of mass propaganda, which is irreversible except for a miracle.

Bipartisanship is the EXACT OPPOSITE and that is why you need to stand in awe of their propaganda.
What is partisan is Republicans blocking the bill because Trump does not want Biden to have a victory in the Immigration Crisis
Anyone that would consider this bill a "victory" for anyone except cartels and the expanding immigrant business is starved for success. Pretty low expectations too, and easily persuaded.
If brought to the floor, the bill would pass both Houses with overwhelming support.

What is partisan is Republicans blocking the bill because Trump does not want Biden to have a victory in the Immigration Crisis

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: 'I think it's ...​

The Hill › homenews › senate › 4459861-tru...

Feb 9, 2024 — Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took ...
If brought to the floor, the bill would pass both Houses with overwhelming support.

What is partisan is Republicans blocking the bill because Trump does not want Biden to have a victory in the Immigration Crisis
How does a bill allowing in 5,000 unvetted illegals a day represent a “victory”? What it would have been, had it been passed, is a victory for the leftists who want to flood this country with low-class, uneducated foreigners who will be dependent on government handouts.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.
Well, it's better than Republicans stomping their feet and pretending the problem will go away on its own.
How does a bill allowing in 5,000 unvetted illegals a day represent a “victory”? What it would have been, had it been passed, is a victory for the leftists who want to flood this country with low-class, uneducated foreigners who will be dependent on government handouts.
It is a major victory when current numbers often exceed 10,000 a day

You are not going from zero to 5000, you are going from 10,000 down to 5,000

So now you get 10,000
It is a major victory when current numbers often exceed 10,000 a day

You are not going from zero to 5000, you are going from 10,000 down to 5,000

So now you get 10,000
Lisa freaks out when she sees pictures of people of color at the mall.

If she met one in person, she'd wet her depends.
Lisa freaks out when she sees pictures of people of color at the mall.

If she met one in person, she'd wet her depends.

Nothing freaks Conservatives like hearing people speak Spanish
They depend on the ignorance of their voters. I’m alarmed when I discuss issues with Dems and they reveal their brainwashing by liberal media.
The word "brainwashing" originated during the Korean War because the Communists tried to persuade American and South Koreans of the advantages of Communism.

Brain washing did not exist then. At the end of the Korean War the vast majority of the American and South Korean troops chose to return to the United States and South Korea. A sizable percentage of Communist Chinese prisoners of war chose to move to Formosa (which is now called Taiwan). A sizable percentage of North Korean soldiers choose to stay in South Korea.

Brainwashing does not exist now. People adopt political positions that correspond to what they see in their lives.

Liberal young people know that while the rich are getting richer, incomes for most Americans are stagnating or declining. Many have gone to college and have nothing to show for it but college debts. Many have seen their parents lose middle class jobs and be forced to take low wage jobs.

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