Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

In MAGA land holding Trump accountable equals a witch hunt.
And they sure don't like being reminded that the parade of potential witnesses testifying against him in these trials are -- wait for it -- Republicans and his own staff.

RINOs and Soros-paid liars of course, that's what they'll be called.

These are the Manson Girls. It's them vs. the Evil World™.
In MAGA land holding Trump accountable equals a witch hunt. Remember, this is the man who could shoot a man in the middle of the street in broad daylight and not lose a single follower.

Just like a bipartisan bill, which contains most of what the Republicans want, becomes “a give away” Rhino bill upon Trumps command.

Such good little sheep, obeying their shepherd.

Fodder for an election, to the Republicans, is more important than fixing the border.

5…4…3… let the rightist projection begin!
Cry some more…it’s entertaining..
And they sure don't like being reminded that the parade of potential witnesses testifying against him in these trials are -- wait for it -- Republicans and his own staff.

RINOs and Soros-paid liars of course, that's what they'll be called.

These are the Manson Girls. It's them vs. the Evil World™.
Yep, the swamp doesn’t like being revealed, even when trying to cover their own asses…
In MAGA land holding Trump accountable equals a witch hunt. Remember, this is the man who could shoot a man in the middle of the street in broad daylight and not lose a single follower.

Just like a bipartisan bill, which contains most of what the Republicans want, becomes “a give away” Rhino bill upon Trumps command.

Such good little sheep, obeying their shepherd.

Fodder for an election, to the Republicans, is more important than fixing the border.

5…4…3… let the rightist projection begin!
These folk.

Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.
Bipartisan just means it wasn't a party-line vote. The 5,000 illegals in a day limit is less than what is allowed today. This whole thing seems to me to be Trump and the GOP keeping the issue alive for purely political reasons. If illegal immigration is bad for the country than it would seem ANY effort would be applauded by Trump if he really had the best interests of the country ahead of his own. Instead he makes the perfect the enemy of the good and his cult chants their assent.
Bipartisan just means it wasn't a party-line vote. The 5,000 illegals in a day limit is less than what is allowed today. This whole thing seems to me to be Trump and the GOP keeping the issue alive for purely political reasons. If illegal immigration is bad for the country than it would seem ANY effort would be applauded by Trump if he really had the best interests of the country ahead of his own. Instead he makes the perfect the enemy of the good and his cult chants their assent.
A proper response today would be for the President to immediately close the border, immediately return to Mexico ALL attempts to cross at non authorized points, and release ICE officials to return all prior crossers until their claims are handled.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

How stupid are you?

Read your own definition.

“Involving members of two parties “

Jesus folks. This is the kind of moronic nonsense we are dealing with

And as noted above it does not “allow in” 5,000 per day. It allows that many to APPLY before the border shuts down.

Most of those applying won’t even get a Court hearing and of those that do only 14% are successful

How the FUCK is that not good enough for you?
Bipartisan results in Patriot Act, endless wars, endless continuing resolution 2 month spending bills, more surveillance activity, defecits and inflation. Gridlock is what we should demand from congress.
Agreed, to say nothing of the enormous benefits granted to big corporations and billionaires.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

Trouble is leftists are unable to think on their own.
A proper response today would be for the President to immediately close the border, immediately return to Mexico ALL attempts to cross at non authorized points, and release ICE officials to return all prior crossers until their claims are handled.
You mean you want the President to violate the law? The irony here is that that rejected border bill explicitly gave the President the authority to do just that.
How stupid are you?

Read your own definition.

“Involving members of two parties “

Jesus folks. This is the kind of moronic nonsense we are dealing with

And as noted above it does not “allow in” 5,000 per day. It allows that many to APPLY before the border shuts down.

Most of those applying won’t even get a Court hearing and of those that do only 14% are successful

How the FUCK is that not good enough for you?
Wrong…The bill says “5,000” encounters.
Here are the FACTS

‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

HOW YOU LIKE THEM FACTS ? :abgg2q.jpg:
A cheeseburger, without the cheese, or the burger for that matter.


What's the limit now?
This is an interesting thread but the fact is Short Stairs *Joe and his merry band of leftists do not need a 300 page bill to stop illegal immigration. They just need to enforce existing laws.
Why? Biden just needs to stop these lowlifes at the border if detention facilities are full. His attempt at blackmail - “If you won’t agree to let in 5,000 foreigners into this country illegally every day, then I’m going to punish Americans and let in 10,000 of them in.”

Same attempt you made. Once Trump is in office, we can reinstate wait in Mexico and then begin deporting the criminals, as a start.

Okay, and when Mexico tells us to go fuck ourselves, then what?
If brought to the floor, the bill would pass both Houses with overwhelming support.

What is partisan is Republicans blocking the bill because Trump does not want Biden to have a victory in the Immigration Crisis

If brought to the floor, the bill would pass both Houses with overwhelming support.

Why don't the Dems pass it in the Senate?

Trump does not want Biden to have a victory in the Immigration Crisis

What would a Biden victory in the crisis, that he created, look like?
85% of them are here bogus asylum claim. Better that they wait in Mexico until their hearings, which would be much better for Americans. Also, when they learn they have to wait in Mexico, the majority with the bogus claims - knowing they will never get it - will not make the trip in the first place.

MUCH better policy for Americans, which Biden reversed.

Wow, so much wrong with that statement.

First, the Mexicans themselves stopped cooperating with "Stay in Mexico" when they realized it meant they had to take care of these people and Trump had no intent of actually processing asylum claims.

Second, what constitutes a "bogus" asylum claim? The reason why we have the laws we currently have is that before WWII, we refused entry to people from Europe who ended up being killed. The bar for asylum is actually, low.

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