Democrats Give Trillions of Our Money Away, but Question Giving a Token Back to American Taxpayers

Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
Democrats give money to illegals easily while screwing poor Americans in need.

Republicans are the onezs who screw poor Americans. Trump and Republicans have tried to cut food stamps constantly. The way they talk, you think people are eating steak everyday. I would love to see Republicans try to live on food stamps.

No one is supposed to LIVE on food stamps. As you know, there is huge fraud in the SNAP system. How is that a good thing?
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.

As you know, dozens of Democrats said the same thing about WMDs, and they were found along with tons of yellowcake. Your desperation is pathetic.

Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs
...You mean the guy who’s leading the Revolution?
What 'revolution' is that?

If you're referring to the Orange Pu$$y-Boy... who incited Insurrection and told his minions he would join then and then went home and watched TV?

Cadet Bone Spurs might have some natural talent as a Hitler-style demagogue but he's not a Leader of Men... he's FAR too chicken$hit to be that.

Come to think of it... Hitler actually led-from-the-front in the 1924 Beer Hall Putsch... taking his chances along with his comrades when the Army opened fire.

Your Pu$$y-Boy, on the other hand, couldn't even muster the personal courage that a miserable sociopath like Hitler clearly demonstrated.

Hell... even Benedict Arnold made a braver show than your failed Orange Messiah.

Now... or thirty years ago... Rump would have peed his pants at the first sign of danger.
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...You mean the guy who’s leading the Revolution?
What 'revolution' is that?

If you're referring to the Orange Pu$$y-Boy... who incited Insurrection and told his minions he would join then and then went home and watched TV?

Cadet Bone Spurs might have some natural talent as a Hitler-style demagogue but he's not a Leader of Men... he's FAR too chicken$hit to be that.

Come to think of it... Hitler actually led-from-the-front in the 1924 Beer Hall Putsch... taking his chances along with his comrades when the Army opened fire.

Your Pu$$y-Boy, on the other hand, couldn't even muster the personal courage that a miserable sociopath like Hitler clearly demonstrated.

Hell... even Benedict Arnold made a braver show than your failed Orange Messiah.

Now... or thirty years ago... Rump would have peed his pants at the first sign of danger.


So President Trump did not serve in the military. So what?

If that's relevant, where did President Biden serve? Allow me to assist you. Joe Biden played college football and worked as a lifeguard. You also know that Joe Biden got FIVE deferments for asthma.

That college football may help explain some of his dementia today.
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs
They voted to "authorize" a war if it became necessary. War was contingent on whether or not Saddam allowed the UN weapons inspectors to search for WMDs. The search was allowed and no WMDs were found but we invaded anyway. One man and one man alone was responsible for the invasion. There was NEVER a vote to invade Iraq. PUSHING FOR WAR? When you don`t know anything it`s best to just shut up.
...So President Trump did not serve in the military. So what?...
That's NOT what was said. What WAS said was that your Orange Pu$$y-Boy lacked the guts to stand alongside his followers like he promised. Fact.

...If that's relevant, where did President Biden serve?...
But it's NOT relevant. No such claim was made. What WAS claimed was that your Orange Baboon-God is a pu$$y; an empty suit; a gutless, nutless sack of $hit.

...Allow me to assist you...
No further assistance is necessary; especially in light of the fact that you foolishly misconstrued a connection where I neither mentioned nor implied one.
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Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs
Bush and Cheney were responsible for this idiocy.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.

As you know, dozens of Democrats said the same thing about WMDs, and they were found along with tons of yellowcake. Your desperation is pathetic.
The aging yellowcake was known to be there and it was not a threat to anyone. Do you have any photos of the stockpiles of WMDs you say we found? After Hans Blix and his team of inspectors visited 700 sites and found nothing were there any Democrats that still supported the criminal invasion? Tell me their names.

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs
Bush and Cheney were responsible for this idiocy.
I think the wife of the previous POTUS standing in front of the cameras and saying we must invade had everything to do with it.
Uncle Joe agreeing with her was a bonus.
Seriously? In February last year Donald knew how contagious and deadly this virus was and he lied to us about it because he didn’t want to shut the economy down. It was an election year. It wasn’t about what’s best for Americans it was about him.

And 500,000 people died. 500,000. How many died in Benghazi?

Trump lied 500,000 people died.

4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs that we knew weren`t there and you`re dragging Biden into it? You got a whole lot of crazy shit going on but that`s what Newsmax does to people. Go to dumb news sites and "learn" dumb shit. Carry on.
4,400 U.S. soldiers died looking for WMDs
Bush and Cheney were responsible for this idiocy.
I think the wife of the previous POTUS standing in front of the cameras and saying we must invade had everything to do with it.
Uncle Joe agreeing with her was a bonus.
Let's not forget that they were given false information, so don't uncle Joe me.
It amazes me how you boneheads deflect with falsehoods and innuendos.
What was then and what is now are two different scenarios. Trump also favored the incursion which he now denies.
Let's understand that Presidents must act in a pragmatic manner as the "facts" change daily. Trump never acted in a pragmatic way. Instead, he doubled down,
clearly one of his serious flaws.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP, a lot of which is financed by deficit (not taxes).

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP in 2020 slot if which is financed by debt.

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
Just think if we DOUBLE SPENDING how much better the economy would be!!
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP in 2020 slot if which is financed by debt.

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
Just think if we DOUBLE SPENDING how much better the economy would be!!

It would be short term growing through the roof and mid-to-long term collapsing as our debt becomes unsustainable and interest rates shoot up.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP in 2020 slot if which is financed by debt.

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
Just think if we DOUBLE SPENDING how much better the economy would be!!

It would be short term growing through the roof and mid-to-long term collapsing as our debt becomes unsustainable and interest rates shoot up.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP in 2020 slot if which is financed by debt.

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
Just think if we DOUBLE SPENDING how much better the economy would be!!

It would be short term growing through the roof and mid-to-long term collapsing as our debt becomes unsustainable and interest rates shoot up.

Ignoramus, you need to go look up a distinction between monetary and fiscal policy.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.

I see we have a deep recession afecianado in the house.
I see we have another economic dilettante in the house....Gubmint produces nothing of added value for the economy.

As a matter of basic economics you are dead wrong.

Federal Spending makes up about 25% of American GDP in 2020 slot if which is financed by debt.

If you believe you can significantly cut this without contracting general economy then you simply don't know wtf you are talking about. Your economic understandings add up to politico fairy tales.
Just think if we DOUBLE SPENDING how much better the economy would be!!

It would be short term growing through the roof and mid-to-long term collapsing as our debt becomes unsustainable and interest rates shoot up.

Ignoramus, you need to go look up a distinction between monetary and fiscal policy.
Hilarious. Tell us more how taking money from citizens helps citizens.

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