Democrats Had 50 Years to Legalize Abortions Nationally After the Bad RvW Decision by 9 White Men

The FOP and PBA endorsed Trump last election. You guys now own them and their role in blocking police reform. Oh, yeah, and Trump's role in blocking police reform.

School choice is a dumb idea, and I say that as someone who was a product of the Catholic Schools. If School Choice existed when I was growing up, my Dad would have INSISTED on his vouchers for his five kids, which means that much less money for the general pool.

School choice will just mean the private schools will collect their government checks and keep taking the kids they want.. It won't help the kid with disciplinary problems, or the kid with the learning disability, or the kid who speaks English as a second language because the private schools won't touch them.

As far as giving everyone a job... there's more than enough wealth do to that, we just refuse to do it. We let the Elon Musks and the Jeff Bezos have half the wealth in this country, leave the urban poor without opportunities, and then wonder why they turn to crime.

Oh, by the way, as much as you like to think that the universities are cranking out "Black Studies" degrees, the reality is, most kids going to college major in something useful.

Oh so keep them in the shit hole schools so they can learn to be gangbangers......nice
It will help kids with discplinary problems, why? Because they will get discipline, the left has ruined schools, teachers have zero control, if kids get out of hand there is nothing the kids are scared of, no coporal punishment, no expulsion, nothing. Just like the tranny kid raping girls in VA, he was protected by the system........the left is fucking awful....

poverty does not cause crime, but lack of police and consequnces (seems to be a theme among lefties).....I find it funny, that they love harsh sentances and consequences for 1/6, but litteraly no where else in life do they want them. WHY? Becasue consequences work and they dont want another 1/6, but they are fine with school shootings, out of control classrooms and people being run over by thugs.
Oh so keep them in the shit hole schools so they can learn to be gangbangers......nice
It will help kids with discplinary problems, why? Because they will get discipline, the left has ruined schools, teachers have zero control, if kids get out of hand there is nothing the kids are scared of, no coporal punishment, no expulsion, nothing. Just like the tranny kid raping girls in VA, he was protected by the system........the left is fucking awful....

Are you still lying about the Virginia case? You left out the part where the girl had had two previous consensual hookups with the "Tranny" in that same bathroom, and had invited him there to break up with him. They didn't protect him, they follow standard procedure in dealing with an accusation against a minor.

School Vouchers are a scam. They've failed everywhere they've been tried. First, because now EVERYONE who is currently in a private school can claim them, and secondly, because a lot of private schools will just pop up that don't have the credentials.

Think of the University of Phoenix on a grade school level.


poverty does not cause crime, but lack of police and consequnces (seems to be a theme among lefties).....I find it funny, that they love harsh sentances and consequences for 1/6, but litteraly no where else in life do they want them. WHY? Becasue consequences work and they dont want another 1/6, but they are fine with school shootings, out of control classrooms and people being run over by thugs.

Are you fucking retarded?

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them for NON-Violent crimes. if locking people up was an answer, then we'd be there by now.

The Europeans and Japanese only lock up the truly dangerous, but they have poverty relief programs that would make a liberal drool.

As for 1/6, we don't have harsh enough sentences. Everyone involved in that should be in jail, including Trump and the other ringleaders. It was a direct assault on Democracy.

As for those other things.

We have mass shootings because we make military grade weapons available to civilians. That's why we have mass shootings. Most mass shooters don't have criminal records until the day they pop.

As for the guy who ran over the dancing grannies... he had a long history of untreated mental illness. Another problem we don't deal with in this country. We let the mentally ill wander the streets without treatment, and then are horrified when they push someone in front of a train or drive a car into a crowd.
Are you still lying about the Virginia case? You left out the part where the girl had had two previous consensual hookups with the "Tranny" in that same bathroom, and had invited him there to break up with him. They didn't protect him, they follow standard procedure in dealing with an accusation against a minor.

School Vouchers are a scam. They've failed everywhere they've been tried. First, because now EVERYONE who is currently in a private school can claim them, and secondly, because a lot of private schools will just pop up that don't have the credentials.

Think of the University of Phoenix on a grade school level.

View attachment 671774

Are you fucking retarded?

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them for NON-Violent crimes. if locking people up was an answer, then we'd be there by now.

The Europeans and Japanese only lock up the truly dangerous, but they have poverty relief programs that would make a liberal drool.

As for 1/6, we don't have harsh enough sentences. Everyone involved in that should be in jail, including Trump and the other ringleaders. It was a direct assault on Democracy.

As for those other things.

We have mass shootings because we make military grade weapons available to civilians. That's why we have mass shootings. Most mass shooters don't have criminal records until the day they pop.

As for the guy who ran over the dancing grannies... he had a long history of untreated mental illness. Another problem we don't deal with in this country. We let the mentally ill wander the streets without treatment, and then are horrified when they push someone in front of a train or drive a car into a crowd.
So wait, your defense is that trannies in bathrooms is ok, becasue kids can hook up even more? Well, that's a great plan, for someone that whines they need abortion, you really want kids to be fucking alot.
And who didn't protect him? Why did HE need protection? And lets see the link to this story.......

Sorry if you tout the benefits of a public school controled by the teacher unions, you really have lost your mind. I could do a better job can't read, do math or know how many states there are by the time the graduate, so what the fuck are they teaching people? Answer: White guilt and lefting propaganda.
So wait, your defense is that trannies in bathrooms is ok, becasue kids can hook up even more? Well, that's a great plan, for someone that whines they need abortion, you really want kids to be fucking alot.
And who didn't protect him? Why did HE need protection? And lets see the link to this story.......

Is there some Conservative Brain Disease where you all forget what you were like as Teenagers? Teenagers are going to find a way to hook up. The ones who end up needed abortions are the ones who bought into the Christian crap about abstinence. Teenage Hormones' > Jesus.

And, no, I've posted the truth about the case dozens of times, I'm not wasting m ore time on it.

Sorry if you tout the benefits of a public school controled by the teacher unions, you really have lost your mind. I could do a better job can't read, do math or know how many states there are by the time the graduate, so what the fuck are they teaching people? Answer: White guilt and lefting propaganda.

I don't think any particular model works well or badly. I went to Catholic Schools... and frankly, if the parents weren't engaged, they didn't do well. Of course, if you are more affluent, you are going to go to better schools and have better resources, public or private.
Is there some Conservative Brain Disease where you all forget what you were like as Teenagers? Teenagers are going to find a way to hook up. The ones who end up needed abortions are the ones who bought into the Christian crap about abstinence. Teenage Hormones' > Jesus.

And, no, I've posted the truth about the case dozens of times, I'm not wasting m ore time on it.

I don't think any particular model works well or badly. I went to Catholic Schools... and frankly, if the parents weren't engaged, they didn't do well. Of course, if you are more affluent, you are going to go to better schools and have better resources, public or private.
If they bought the absitnence, then why would they need an abortion?

Oh you're like one of those cool parents, Mom and Dad my boyfriend is staying over tonight, can you film it for our onlyfans account......I mean it's going to happen, why even try and educate and PARENT children.
If they bought the absitnence, then why would they need an abortion?

Oh you're like one of those cool parents, Mom and Dad my boyfriend is staying over tonight, can you film it for our onlyfans account......I mean it's going to happen, why even try and educate and PARENT children.

Real world.. Teens are going to have sex. They are actually hardwired to do that, with raging hormones.

This notion of "Waiting until you are married" is a relatively recent contrivance. Why do you think in oldy times, girls got married when they were 14?

I find it amusing that the people who were the worst horndogs when we were teenagers are now the most prudish parents today.
Real world.. Teens are going to have sex. They are actually hardwired to do that, with raging hormones.

This notion of "Waiting until you are married" is a relatively recent contrivance. Why do you think in oldy times, girls got married when they were 14?

I find it amusing that the people who were the worst horndogs when we were teenagers are now the most prudish parents today.
Well that's generalizing without any proof. Just because they are horndogs, doesn't mean you have to let them do what they want. If you're not going to use your life experience and wisdom as a parent, what the fuck are you doing? Hey son, you want to drink and drive, it's totally ok, becasue we know teens like to drink and they like to have at it.......That's a cool leftwing type of parental response. At some point you have to realize you're the adult and you make the fucking decisions. And they may have sex, but it will be harder to do, less frequent and less chance of pregnancy...voila cutting down on needless abortions....what a concept.
Well that's generalizing without any proof. Just because they are horndogs, doesn't mean you have to let them do what they want. If you're not going to use your life experience and wisdom as a parent, what the fuck are you doing? Hey son, you want to drink and drive, it's totally ok, becasue we know teens like to drink and they like to have at it.......That's a cool leftwing type of parental response. At some point you have to realize you're the adult and you make the fucking decisions. And they may have sex, but it will be harder to do, less frequent and less chance of pregnancy...voila cutting down on needless abortions....what a concept.

Wow, what a fantasy world you live in.

Do you miss the good old days of chastity belts?

If you want to avoid abortions, teach kids contraception and safe sex practices. Don't tell them sex makes baby Jesus cry, because that just becomes a joke.

Oh, yeah, most abortions are performed on adult women... but you keep pretending this is about "bad parenting".

Now, when I was in the service, there was this girl who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. Strict parents, Asian-American family, very Catholic. And she and her boyfriend were screwing. Then she stopped using birth control. She said because she didn't like the way the hormones made her act, my guess is she was trying to get knocked up to get him to finally make good on his promise to marry her, because he had been stringing her along for three years. Anyway, she got knocked up, realized he was a jerk (he broke up with her at that point) and sucked it into a sink because she didn't want her parent to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

The ironic part... she got back together with this guy again a year later, got pregnant again and had another abortion.

And this was NOT a stupid woman. She graduated from college the same year as abortion #1.
Wow, what a fantasy world you live in.

Do you miss the good old days of chastity belts?

If you want to avoid abortions, teach kids contraception and safe sex practices. Don't tell them sex makes baby Jesus cry, because that just becomes a joke.

Oh, yeah, most abortions are performed on adult women... but you keep pretending this is about "bad parenting".

Now, when I was in the service, there was this girl who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. Strict parents, Asian-American family, very Catholic. And she and her boyfriend were screwing. Then she stopped using birth control. She said because she didn't like the way the hormones made her act, my guess is she was trying to get knocked up to get him to finally make good on his promise to marry her, because he had been stringing her along for three years. Anyway, she got knocked up, realized he was a jerk (he broke up with her at that point) and sucked it into a sink because she didn't want her parent to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

The ironic part... she got back together with this guy again a year later, got pregnant again and had another abortion.

And this was NOT a stupid woman. She graduated from college the same year as abortion #1.
Ok first, adult women being whores is a problem.

And yes your friend is a moron, graduating college doesn't mean jack, and I am a college graduate. So many morons in classes could name aoll 50 states..if you can't do that.....nothing else you say matters, you don't have the basics down, but considering she was fucking the same guy and had 2 abortions reinforces she's a very stupid woman. Again, you're trying to take the responsiblity off of her.
It was HER DECISON to go off birth control.
It was HER DECISION to fuck the guy.
It was HER DECISON to get back with this guy.
It was HER DECISION to fuck him again

And it results in 2 dead babies, becasue she's selfish and a whore. Again, I've never had to have an abortion, because I'm not an idiot and a whore.......Morality matters.....And my hormones get met, so IT CAN BE DONE.
Oh and I thought I might have knocked up my gf (it didn't) and both families would have initially not been happy, but we were going to havce the kid. And I eventually married the girl (not a shotgun wedding) and am fine. But I had sex, knew the consequences and were ready to do the right thing, not the easy and convienent thing.

So I am a Christian, but no I'm not a puritan, but I also use logic and have empathy. I knew and know the risks, if you're going to play, you need to be ready for the consequences....
Ok first, adult women being whores is a problem.

Whores? Yup, it's only a matter of time before the "pro-lifer" proves he's really just a misogynist. Last time I checked, it took two people to create a pregnancy. But only the women being 'whores" is a problem. (Actual whores know how to avoid pregnancy, because they are monetizing sex, but never mind.)

And yes your friend is a moron, graduating college doesn't mean jack, and I am a college graduate. So many morons in classes could name aoll 50 states..if you can't do that.....nothing else you say matters, you don't have the basics down, but considering she was fucking the same guy and had 2 abortions reinforces she's a very stupid woman. Again, you're trying to take the responsiblity off of her.
It was HER DECISON to go off birth control.
It was HER DECISION to fuck the guy.
It was HER DECISON to get back with this guy.
It was HER DECISION to fuck him again

Wow, so you think being able to name all 50 states is a sign of intelligence? I suspect she could have, but the subject never came up.

She wasn't stupid, she was suffering from what I like to call the "Sunk Cost Fallacy". It's why we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years. It's why you Trump supporters kept supporting him no matter how badly he messed things up. It's why millions of people stay in bad marriages. It's easy to double down on a mistake than to admit you made a mistake.

And it results in 2 dead babies, becasue she's selfish and a whore. Again, I've never had to have an abortion, because I'm not an idiot and a whore.......Morality matters.....And my hormones get met, so IT CAN BE DONE.

Works on the assumption than an abortion is any less moral than a tonsillectomy.

Oh and I thought I might have knocked up my gf (it didn't) and both families would have initially not been happy, but we were going to havce the kid. And I eventually married the girl (not a shotgun wedding) and am fine. But I had sex, knew the consequences and were ready to do the right thing, not the easy and convienent thing.

I can't imagine anything more stupid than marrying someone you wouldn't have otherwise not married because of an unplanned pregnancy. That's what people did in oldy-times, and it was terrible.

So I am a Christian, but no I'm not a puritan, but I also use logic and have empathy. I knew and know the risks, if you're going to play, you need to be ready for the consequences....

Christians like you make me want to bring back Roman Lions.
Whores? Yup, it's only a matter of time before the "pro-lifer" proves he's really just a misogynist. Last time I checked, it took two people to create a pregnancy. But only the women being 'whores" is a problem. (Actual whores know how to avoid pregnancy, because they are monetizing sex, but never mind.)

Nope, you're the one with a friend that bangs a dude she knows is bad and gets pregnant and aborts the kid, that is fucked up beyond stupid, that's just fucking evil

Wow, so you think being able to name all 50 states is a sign of intelligence? I suspect she could have, but the subject never came up.
Taking me out of context, yes most people graduating can't do that, meaning the schools can't teach basic shit, I could post other examples, but unless you're an idiot, you understand what I mean.

She wasn't stupid, she was suffering from what I like to call the "Sunk Cost Fallacy". It's why we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years. It's why you Trump supporters kept supporting him no matter how badly he messed things up. It's why millions of people stay in bad marriages. It's easy to double down on a mistake than to admit you made a mistake.
No she was stupid, very stupid or just plain evil.......she doesnt ever win in this situation, well unless she had the kid and moved on with her life......
Works on the assumption than an abortion is any less moral than a tonsillectomy.
Wow, you are a piece of shit, I bet you'd be happy to abort a 9 month pregnancy just for fun, you're a sick fuck. IF you really were ever a Republican, I am so fucking glad you don't represent us anymore.
I can't imagine anything more stupid than marrying someone you wouldn't have otherwise not married because of an unplanned pregnancy. That's what people did in oldy-times, and it was terrible.
Yeah, having a kid is such a minor thing, here is the issue, fuck people you would marry, then socitey would be A LOT better off, but you're one of those male feminists, that thinks if that happens you wouldn't get laid or guys like you wouldn't get laid and you can't have that!!!!!!!!!!!
Christians like you make me want to bring back Roman Lions.
Bring them on, we'll feed your leftwing grooming friends to them first....
Nope, you're the one with a friend that bangs a dude she knows is bad and gets pregnant and aborts the kid, that is fucked up beyond stupid, that's just fucking evil.

Or it's just human, making a mistake, but I don't think you understand humanity.

Taking me out of context, yes most people graduating can't do that, meaning the schools can't teach basic shit, I could post other examples, but unless you're an idiot, you understand what I mean.

You know, I've never been at a job where a pop question was "name all 50 states", but you apparently think this is the be all and end all of intellectual progress.

While there's a lot of discussion about what schools do and don't teach, the reality is, it's more on the parents than the schools.

No she was stupid, very stupid or just plain evil.......she doesnt ever win in this situation, well unless she had the kid and moved on with her life......

Actually, she put the fetus in a medical waste container, and moved on with her life.. She graduated college and got a pretty good job.

Wow, you are a piece of shit, I bet you'd be happy to abort a 9 month pregnancy just for fun, you're a sick fuck. IF you really were ever a Republican, I am so fucking glad you don't represent us anymore.

Nobody is aborting at nine months. Sick is making a woman have a baby at that point that has such a severe deformity it lives for only hours in excruiating pain because you want to please your imaginary sky friend.

Yeah, having a kid is such a minor thing, here is the issue, fuck people you would marry, then socitey would be A LOT better off, but you're one of those male feminists, that thinks if that happens you wouldn't get laid or guys like you wouldn't get laid and you can't have that!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, quite the contrary- birth control and abortion are necessary because if we didn't have them, we'd overrun the planet with babies we couldn't feed. You see, most of history, people have six babies hoping two would make it to adulthood. And this was pretty much the case all the way up until the 19th century. Women still had abortions, of course, they were performed by midwives.

Now, for better or worse, you have two kids and they will both make it to adulthood... so you need to make sure you don't have more than that. Unless you are one of these Christian idiots who needs to breed like a queen termite, and keep having babies even after your ovaries are so old you are just pumping out retards.
Or it's just human, making a mistake, but I don't think you understand humanity.
I do understand humanity, but please let me know what I am missing in this
You know, I've never been at a job where a pop question was "name all 50 states", but you apparently think this is the be all and end all of intellectual progress.

While there's a lot of discussion about what schools do and don't teach, the reality is, it's more on the parents than the schools.
Wait, is education only about getting a job? So we should toss out Women's Studies, Black Studies, Queer Studies, philosphy and history, just to name a few?
No, you're gaslighitng again, you know what the point is. The point is people are graduating not knowing basic facts, BASIC facts, let alone more advanced ones to compete in a global marketplace.....some may say this might be by design......hmmmm
Actually, she put the fetus in a medical waste container, and moved on with her life.. She graduated college and got a pretty good job.
WAit, but you said she went back to this guy and implied her life sucked, what am I missing?
Nobody is aborting at nine months. Sick is making a woman have a baby at that point that has such a severe deformity it lives for only hours in excruiating pain because you want to please your imaginary sky friend.
OK, so that wasn't the issue, SHOULD they? in CO And CA you can abort in 9 months, are you for that?
Actually, quite the contrary- birth control and abortion are necessary because if we didn't have them, we'd overrun the planet with babies we couldn't feed. You see, most of history, people have six babies hoping two would make it to adulthood. And this was pretty much the case all the way up until the 19th century. Women still had abortions, of course, they were performed by midwives.
Ah the population argument, so how many people can the Earth Support?
Now, for better or worse, you have two kids and they will both make it to adulthood... so you need to make sure you don't have more than that. Unless you are one of these Christian idiots who needs to breed like a queen termite, and keep having babies even after your ovaries are so old you are just pumping out retards.
Since when do you get to decide how many kids are needed? And maybe they aren't needed, but just wanted. Why are you guys so hateful to people that have kids? Funny how you talk about abortion and say what's it have to do with you, well dead babies are a problem with me, but what does the amount of kids someone has have to do with you?
I do understand humanity, but please let me know what I am missing in this

Compassion. Basic common decency. Not being a misogynist douchenoodle.

Wait, is education only about getting a job? So we should toss out Women's Studies, Black Studies, Queer Studies, philosphy and history, just to name a few?
No, you're gaslighitng again, you know what the point is. The point is people are graduating not knowing basic facts, BASIC facts, let alone more advanced ones to compete in a global marketplace.....some may say this might be by design......hmmmm

Or that most people don't give a shit about school....

I honestly do think our schools should be more focused on job skills.

Oh, by the way, almost nobody is getting a degree in "Queer Studies". Most college degrees awarded now are for practical things.

WAit, but you said she went back to this guy and implied her life sucked, what am I missing?

You are missing a lot. I never implied her life sucked. I actually don't know what happened to her after age 23. I suspect she found some other guy to get her hooks into. She might have went back to that guy, for all I know, because he left the service and I stopped talking to him as well.

The point was, getting rid of that fetus meant she finished college and had career opportunities. As opposed to being stuck with a baby and working menial jobs.

OK, so that wasn't the issue, SHOULD they? in CO And CA you can abort in 9 months, are you for that?

I think the decision should be made by the woman and her doctor, and everyone else should mind their own fucking business.

Ah the population argument, so how many people can the Earth Support?
I suspect we are at the breaking point now before the environment starts failing us.

Since when do you get to decide how many kids are needed? And maybe they aren't needed, but just wanted. Why are you guys so hateful to people that have kids? Funny how you talk about abortion and say what's it have to do with you, well dead babies are a problem with me, but what does the amount of kids someone has have to do with you?

Fetuses aren't babies.
Um, yeah, I have a huge problem when some Christian who doesn't believe in abortion or birth control is still pumping out babies at 40 and they are little retards. Because eventually, they end up on the public dole.
This thread is bullshit.

This activist radical Court would over turn any law as fast as they over turned a ruling made by the Court 50 years ago
What post were you responding to?

And you have the empathy of a serial killer.....mocking riots like they were nothing and you're pro abort......anything for the cause, right Joe? Killing babies, destroying buisnesses, owned by minorities? it's ok to get your folks into are a really fucking piece of shit.

You're the one "mocking" Constitutionally protected demonstrations, and calling them "nothing". Not one mention in your posts about the more than 1000 people who are murdered by police every year and the failure of the Donald Trump Administration to acknowledge this problem, much less address it.

Donald Trump not only refused to address the problem of police violence, he openly encouraged it, just like he encouraged violence against protestors, telling a crowd of police officers not to be "so gentle" protecting suspects heads when loading them into cruisers.

No one is "pro abortion". We're "pro choice" and we think that if a woman doesn't want a baby or doesn't have the resources to properly care for it, she is the best one to decide what to do, not the state. We're in favour of women making responsible decisions as to their fitness to parent a child.

Last but not least, we have not been brainwashed into believing that "life" begins at conception or that this potential life has more rights than its mother, or its siblings. We don't believe that the moment such a potential life exists, it's mother loses all of her God given rights of free will or individual responsibility, and must be stripped of the right of self-determination.

Virtually all of the arrests for "destroying businesses", aka as "arson" and "looting" were members of right wing "patriot militias", anarchists, and other "disruptors", hoping to discredit the mostly peaceful demonstrations.

Virtually your entire post is a series of fake news talking points designed to keep you in a state of outrage at the callous lawlessness of Demcrats. None of it is true, but you believe every word.
No one is "pro abortion". We're "pro choice" and we think that if a woman doesn't want a baby or doesn't have the resources to properly care for it, she is the best one to decide what to do, not the state. We're in favour of women making responsible decisions as to their fitness to parent a child.
Amen to that
Democrats know that any trying of that is in vain... It would be filibustered

This is a GOP mess not a Democrat one... A large majority don't agree with what has happened...

Dems are just saying to this majority, this is what happens if you keep voting Republican...

You can't blame Democrats for GOP making awful decisions...
As the OP stated the Democrats have had since the early 1970’s to make it legal with a Bill or Amendment and never did…

So they own their own failure!
As the OP stated the Democrats have had since the early 1970’s to make it legal with a Bill or Amendment and never did…

So they own their own failure!
This Court would have over turned any law and any ruling

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