Democrats Had 50 Years to Legalize Abortions Nationally After the Bad RvW Decision by 9 White Men

Oh so keep them in the shit hole schools so they can learn to be gangbangers......nice
It will help kids with discplinary problems, why? Because they will get discipline, the left has ruined schools, teachers have zero control, if kids get out of hand there is nothing the kids are scared of, no coporal punishment, no expulsion, nothing. Just like the tranny kid raping girls in VA, he was protected by the system........the left is fucking awful....

poverty does not cause crime, but lack of police and consequnces (seems to be a theme among lefties).....I find it funny, that they love harsh sentances and consequences for 1/6, but litteraly no where else in life do they want them. WHY? Becasue consequences work and they dont want another 1/6, but they are fine with school shootings, out of control classrooms and people being run over by thugs.

Why must they be "shithole schools", buckeye? You live in the richest nation on earth. Why are there ANY shithole schools for poor children in the richest nation on earth????? Can't you do better for these children than shithole schools, and no opportunities for them???

Then comes your line "there is nothing that the kids are scared of". The purpose of school is not to teach children to be live in fear. The purpose of schools is to teach the basic skills that they will need to find gainful employment, and to achieve their full potential for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

For poor and minority communities, there has been no "lack of police" or "lack of consequences" since the "zero tolerance" 1980's, when the federal prisons started filling up with black and brown men on drug charges, with harsh minimum sentences. As a result of those "police and consequences" policies, these neighbourhoods and cities are now the most violent, crime ridden areas in the nation. You now have more people in prisons and jails than China and Russia combined, and you STILL have the highest violent crime rates in the first world.

It's not the Democrats who are "destroying schools". Republicans don't want to pay for public education - at all. The best way to gain public support for vouchers and eliminating public education is to endeavour to destroy it, and Republicans have made a valiant effort to do so since Reagan was elected.

Charter school vouchers aren't anything to do with "choice". They're to starve an already underfunded public school system of the funds it needs to maintain their schools. To make public schools so bad, the public will DEMAND an end to public education.

They managed to brainwash YOU.
As the OP stated the Democrats have had since the early 1970’s to make it legal with a Bill or Amendment and never did…

So they own their own failure!

The OP stated that Democrats never tried, which is an absolute fallacy. Both Republicans AND Democrats were in favour of Roe. The Court which made the ruling was a conservative majority court and the Ruling was written by a conservative justice.

Republicans have long favoured reproductive choice, and many still do. It was only when Reagan aligned with Catholics and the religious right that SOME Republicans began to oppose reproductive rights. Abortion was NEVER a partisan issue until Reagan started this bullshit.
Compassion. Basic common decency. Not being a misogynist douchenoodle.
Nothing misogynist about holding people accountable for their actions. Adults know actions have consquences, kids don't.....stop thinking adults should be kids and shouldn't have to think about their decisions, including sex.
Or that most people don't give a shit about school....

I honestly do think our schools should be more focused on job skills.

Oh, by the way, almost nobody is getting a degree in "Queer Studies". Most college degrees awarded now are for practical things.
A lot of people don't care about school, but this is basic stuff, this should be required to graduate. You should know certain things.
I disagree, business can teach job skills, or trade schools, colleges, primary, and secondary education should be focuses on basic skills, math, reading, wrighting, science, history, civics(where the fuck is civics in modern education??), NOT political issues......that if for people to decide when they get to 18.....
You are missing a lot. I never implied her life sucked. I actually don't know what happened to her after age 23. I suspect she found some other guy to get her hooks into. She might have went back to that guy, for all I know, because he left the service and I stopped talking to him as well.

The point was, getting rid of that fetus meant she finished college and had career opportunities. As opposed to being stuck with a baby and working menial jobs.
Oh ok, so she can be a reckless idiot and then kill her baby, because of her career....thank you for pointing out the reasons people get abortions and not some bullshit rape story. But no kids are people, not just because you want them.
I think the decision should be made by the woman and her doctor, and everyone else should mind their own fucking business.

I suspect we are at the breaking point now before the environment starts failing us.
Sorry, but it doesn't work this way, issues of life and death are more than just a doctor/patient relationship
Fetuses aren't babies.
Um, yeah, I have a huge problem when some Christian who doesn't believe in abortion or birth control is still pumping out babies at 40 and they are little retards. Because eventually, they end up on the public dole.
Fetuses are human beings, just in a different developmental stage, but they are people, conception is when you have your full DNA and are ready to grow into a person.
And you want to kill kids because they end up on the public dole? So the people on the public dole aren't valuable or worth it? Wow, you have the empathy of a serial killer.
Nothing misogynist about holding people accountable for their actions. Adults know actions have consquences, kids don't.....stop thinking adults should be kids and shouldn't have to think about their decisions, including sex.

She thought about the consequences and chose a legal and acceptable procedure. Next.

A lot of people don't care about school, but this is basic stuff, this should be required to graduate. You should know certain things.
I disagree, business can teach job skills, or trade schools, colleges, primary, and secondary education should be focuses on basic skills, math, reading, wrighting, science, history, civics(where the fuck is civics in modern education??), NOT political issues......that if for people to decide when they get to 18.....

Wrighting? Is that where they learn to make an airplane?

I know people in college who don't know basic things... not because they aren't taught them, but because they don't RETAIN them.

Oh ok, so she can be a reckless idiot and then kill her baby, because of her career....thank you for pointing out the reasons people get abortions and not some bullshit rape story. But no kids are people, not just because you want them.

I never claimed that it was because of some bullshit rape story. I will admit that 99% of abortions are for contraception. And 99% of abortions are before the fetus is viable. Yet both sides cite these kind of extreme cases to make their points.

Fetuses aren't people. If they were, we'd have to treat every miscarriage as a homicide investigation.

Sorry, but it doesn't work this way, issues of life and death are more than just a doctor/patient relationship

No, they really aren't. The craziness is treating a kidney bean sized fetus like a person in the eyes of the law, you must immediately give it greater consideration than the woman it is inside. And that... nuts.

Fetuses are human beings, just in a different developmental stage, but they are people, conception is when you have your full DNA and are ready to grow into a person.
And you want to kill kids because they end up on the public dole? So the people on the public dole aren't valuable or worth it? Wow, you have the empathy of a serial killer.

I think you have it mixed up, your side is always trying to cut people off the public dole.

I'm trying to avoid their creation before they end up on the dole. I'd prefer it to be by using contraception, but abortion works fine, too.

But at the end of the day, if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

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